Climate/Terrain: Temperate lakes
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Animal (1)
Treasure: (O, W)
Alignment: Nil
No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: 7
Movement: 2, Fl 20, Sw 6
Hit Dice: 4 + 4
THAC0: 17
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 2d4 or 1d6
Special Attacks: Wing buffet
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M (20’ wingspan)
Morale: Unsteady (5-7)
XP Value: 420
The boobrie is a giant bird, looking much like a loon or northern diver which has grown to the size of a man. It is completely black in color. It haunts the lakesides of western Scotland and supplements its diet of fish by devouring lambs and calves that stray too close to the waterside. It has been known to wait in ambush in the reeds by the side of a lake and attack anything the size of a sheep or smaller—including young children—which wanders within reach. Its call is harsh and loud and can carry for several miles.
Combat: The boobrie attacks with its 2-foot beak, and can also rear up to deliver a wing-buffet once every three rounds. The wing-buffet automatically hits any creature directly in front of the boobrie and not more than 5 feet away. It causes 1d6 damage, and the opponent must make a Dexterity ability check or be knocked down, dropping any hand-held items.
Habitat/Society: Boobries inhabit upland lakes in the more remote parts of northern and western Europe. In the spring they form pairs and build nests of floating vegetation which can be up to 20 feet across. They lay 1d4 eggs, and throughout the late spring and early summer they are busy gathering food for their young. Any treasure they have will be in the nest at this time of year, having been brought there on the bodies of human prey.
Ecology: Boobries eat fish and any mammals they can catch. They have no natural enemies other than dragons, wyverns, and other such monsters, and humans who often try to kill boobries to protect their livestock.
Originally appeared in HR3 - Celts Campaign Sourcebook (1992).
Avian - Boobrie
Climate/Terrain: Subtropical/Swamps
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Animal (1)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: 5
Movement: 15, Fl 15 (D)
Hit Dice: 9
THAC0: 11
No. of Attacks: 3
Damage/Attack: 1-6 (x2)/2-16
Special Attacks: Surprise
Special Defenses: Immune to poison
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (12’ tall)
Morale: Steady (11-12)
XP Value: 2,000
Avians, whether magical or mundane in nature, are among the most interesting creatures ever to evolve. Their unique physiology sets them apart from all other life, and their grace and beauty have earned them a place of respect and adoration in the tales of many races.
The boobrie is a giant relative of the stork. Its origins are lost in mists of ancient time and arcane lore. Although some scholars suggest that there is a link between the boobrie and the roc, there seems to be little that the two species have in common (apart from their great size.)
An adult boobrie stands roughly 12 feet tall and may weigh as much as 300 pounds. Although its weight may seem low for such a huge creature, it is important to remember that this animal, like most fliers, is built very light. When a boobrie is threatened or comes across a creature too powerful for it to fight, it fluffs up its feathers to look even more imposing than it already is. When it does this, a number of long feathers on the back of the boobrie’s neck become erect, making it look as though the creature were two or three feet taller.
The boobrie stands on two long, slender legs. Its feet are split into four slender toes that stretch very wide to enable the creature to move quickly through marshes and swamps. Although these legs enable the creature to run at a very high speed, they are fairly weak when used in combat. A boobrie will hunt primarily with its beak, which is shaped much like that of a heron, with a hook like that of an eagle. In addition, its powerful jaw muscles and the sharp, serrated edge of its beak give it a vicious bite.
A boobrie’s diet is largely made up of giant catfish and other large denizens of the wetlands. On occasion, though, it hunts for other prey. When times are rough, the boobrie feeds on all manner of snakes, lizards, and, if it finds them, giant spiders. Its occasional dependence on a diet of creatures that can deliver a toxic bite has, over the centuries, caused the boobrie to develop an immunity to all manner of toxins.
When a boobrie hunts, it finds a grove of tall marsh grass or similar vegetation and slips into it. Once within its hunting blind, it remains perfectly still, often for hours at a time, until prey comes within sight. Then, with a speed which seems uncanny in such a large creature, it springs forth and attacks. When employing this means of ambush, a boobrie forces its opponents to suffer a -3 penalty to their surprise rolls.
If two boobrie are encountered, they are usually (75%) a mated pair. These adult boobries always have at least 5 hit points per Hit Die. If the boobries are not adults (25% chance), they are young with 4 or fewer hit points per Hit Die.
Originally appeared in MC11 - Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (1991).
Climate/Terrain: Temperate lakes
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Animal (1)
Treasure: (O, W)
Alignment: Nil
No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: 7
Movement: 2, Fl 20, Sw 6
Hit Dice: 4 + 4
THAC0: 17
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 2d4 or 1d6
Special Attacks: Wing buffet
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M (20’ wingspan)
Morale: Unsteady (5-7)
XP Value: 420
The boobrie is a giant bird, looking much like a loon or northern diver which has grown to the size of a man. It is completely black in color. It haunts the lakesides of western Scotland and supplements its diet of fish by devouring lambs and calves that stray too close to the waterside. It has been known to wait in ambush in the reeds by the side of a lake and attack anything the size of a sheep or smaller—including young children—which wanders within reach. Its call is harsh and loud and can carry for several miles.
Combat: The boobrie attacks with its 2-foot beak, and can also rear up to deliver a wing-buffet once every three rounds. The wing-buffet automatically hits any creature directly in front of the boobrie and not more than 5 feet away. It causes 1d6 damage, and the opponent must make a Dexterity ability check or be knocked down, dropping any hand-held items.
Habitat/Society: Boobries inhabit upland lakes in the more remote parts of northern and western Europe. In the spring they form pairs and build nests of floating vegetation which can be up to 20 feet across. They lay 1d4 eggs, and throughout the late spring and early summer they are busy gathering food for their young. Any treasure they have will be in the nest at this time of year, having been brought there on the bodies of human prey.
Ecology: Boobries eat fish and any mammals they can catch. They have no natural enemies other than dragons, wyverns, and other such monsters, and humans who often try to kill boobries to protect their livestock.
Originally appeared in HR3 - Celts Campaign Sourcebook (1992).
Avian - Boobrie
Climate/Terrain: Subtropical/Swamps
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Animal (1)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: 5
Movement: 15, Fl 15 (D)
Hit Dice: 9
THAC0: 11
No. of Attacks: 3
Damage/Attack: 1-6 (x2)/2-16
Special Attacks: Surprise
Special Defenses: Immune to poison
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (12’ tall)
Morale: Steady (11-12)
XP Value: 2,000
Avians, whether magical or mundane in nature, are among the most interesting creatures ever to evolve. Their unique physiology sets them apart from all other life, and their grace and beauty have earned them a place of respect and adoration in the tales of many races.
The boobrie is a giant relative of the stork. Its origins are lost in mists of ancient time and arcane lore. Although some scholars suggest that there is a link between the boobrie and the roc, there seems to be little that the two species have in common (apart from their great size.)
An adult boobrie stands roughly 12 feet tall and may weigh as much as 300 pounds. Although its weight may seem low for such a huge creature, it is important to remember that this animal, like most fliers, is built very light. When a boobrie is threatened or comes across a creature too powerful for it to fight, it fluffs up its feathers to look even more imposing than it already is. When it does this, a number of long feathers on the back of the boobrie’s neck become erect, making it look as though the creature were two or three feet taller.
The boobrie stands on two long, slender legs. Its feet are split into four slender toes that stretch very wide to enable the creature to move quickly through marshes and swamps. Although these legs enable the creature to run at a very high speed, they are fairly weak when used in combat. A boobrie will hunt primarily with its beak, which is shaped much like that of a heron, with a hook like that of an eagle. In addition, its powerful jaw muscles and the sharp, serrated edge of its beak give it a vicious bite.
A boobrie’s diet is largely made up of giant catfish and other large denizens of the wetlands. On occasion, though, it hunts for other prey. When times are rough, the boobrie feeds on all manner of snakes, lizards, and, if it finds them, giant spiders. Its occasional dependence on a diet of creatures that can deliver a toxic bite has, over the centuries, caused the boobrie to develop an immunity to all manner of toxins.
When a boobrie hunts, it finds a grove of tall marsh grass or similar vegetation and slips into it. Once within its hunting blind, it remains perfectly still, often for hours at a time, until prey comes within sight. Then, with a speed which seems uncanny in such a large creature, it springs forth and attacks. When employing this means of ambush, a boobrie forces its opponents to suffer a -3 penalty to their surprise rolls.
If two boobrie are encountered, they are usually (75%) a mated pair. These adult boobries always have at least 5 hit points per Hit Die. If the boobries are not adults (25% chance), they are young with 4 or fewer hit points per Hit Die.
Originally appeared in MC11 - Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (1991).