Converting "Real World" Animals and Vermin

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That's a fair compromise. I assume we'd also decrease Str for the Medium one.

When a boobrie is threatened or comes across a creature too powerful for it to fight, it fluffs up its feathers to look even more imposing than it already is. When it does this, a number of long feathers on the back of the boobrie’s neck become erect, making it look as though the creature were two or three feet taller.

Some sort of puff-up ability to boost Intimidate checks?

In that case, Str 20, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11 for the great boobrie?

Just a racial Intimidate bonus would be fine as long as we put the appropriate flavor in.

In that case, Str 20, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11 for the great boobrie?

I thought we were talking Con 15 for the Great Boobrie, not Con 13.

Charisma 11 is higher than a Giant Eagle, which doesn't seem quite right. I suppose it'd help their Intimidation, but I'd rather give them the same or slightly lower than an Eagle or Owl. We can always increase the racial bonus to Intimidate a tad to match whatever.

Like so:

Great Boobrie: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 9, 2d8 bite
Black Boobrie: Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 9, 2d4 bite?

Just a racial Intimidate bonus would be fine as long as we put the appropriate flavor in.


Argh, that was a typo. Those abilities are fine. The bites look right, too, and we can add 1d6 wing buffets to each.

Argh, that was a typo. Those abilities are fine.

I'll update the Boobrie Working Draft.

Argh, that was a typo. Those abilities are fine. The bites look right, too, and we can add 1d6 wing buffets to each.

The Monster Manual II Boobrie didn't have wing buffets, it has two weak claw attacks with its feet.

The Celtic version has a wing buffet with a special effect but no kicking claws.

If we follow that we'd give the "Great Boobrie" a bite/claw/claw and the "Black Boobrie" a bite OR wing-buffet.

I'd be tempted to add a wing-buffet option to the Great Boobrie though.


Great Boobrie
Attack: Bite or Wing-Buffet
Full Attack: Bite and 2 claws; or 2 wing-buffets

Black Boobrie
Attack: Bite or Wing-Buffet
Full Attack: Bite or Wing-Buffet

Hmm, I must have transposed the wing buffet onto the great boobrie as well.

I think we need to maintain some distinction between the two versions, though. So if we add a wing buffet to the great boobrie, I don't think it should have the knock-down ability. And they should be relatively weak.

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