Spelljammer Converting Spelljammer creatures


That's a good idea. I'd drop Spot and Listen and just pile on Knowledge skills. Open Minded would be good, too, even more than once maybe. Hmmm. What about 4 ranks in each of those Knowledge skills, and Open Minded, Snatch, and something like Blind-Fight for the feats?

4 ranks apiece in 4 Knowledges is fine and I like Open Minded and Snatch, but Blind-Fight doesn't do much for me.

Why would the Queen be practised in fighting opponents she can't see?

Great Fortitude would probably be a more appropriate albeit more boring pick.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Yeah, I had a hard time picking the 3rd feat. Great Fort is ok, but why pick that over Iron Will? (I agree, Lightning Reflexes is hardly the right flavor.) We could go for another Open Minded and add some more Knowledge, maybe. What do you prefer?


Yeah, I had a hard time picking the 3rd feat. Great Fort is ok, but why pick that over Iron Will? (I agree, Lightning Reflexes is hardly the right flavor.) We could go for another Open Minded and add some more Knowledge, maybe. What do you prefer?

I just picked Great Fort because Fortitude is a Monstrous Humanoid's weak save.


Extradimensional Explorer
Ehh, the Will and Fort saves are the same. But I guess either Great Fort or Iron Will would be ok with me for the 3rd feat.


Ehh, the Will and Fort saves are the same.

They're the same because the 4-point difference between its poor Fort save and good Will save is balanced by the 4-point difference between the ability modifiers it has to those saves.

Base Saves (8 HD Monstrous Humanoid): Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +6
Ability Modifiers: Fort +4 (Con), Ref -1 (Dex), Will +0 (Wis)
Saves Total: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6

But I guess either Great Fort or Iron Will would be ok with me for the 3rd feat.

I prefer Great Fortitude.


Extradimensional Explorer
Right, but my point is that our choice of save-boosting feat should be made based on the save total, rather than base saves. But it doesn't matter. Great Fort it is.


Extradimensional Explorer
Is there anything else to add statistically to these? As is, they're probably CR 5 just due to the hp and a reasonably effective attack, but I wouldn't think it amiss to drop them to CR 4. Tactics-wise, I guess they'd fight only in self-defense.


Is there anything else to add statistically to these? As is, they're probably CR 5 just due to the hp and a reasonably effective attack, but I wouldn't think it amiss to drop them to CR 4.

I'd got for the lower Challenge Rating of 4. It's laboriously slow moving, it's single attack isn't that good and just look at that pathetic Armor Class!

Compare it to the CR 3 Ogre. The ogre does about the same damage with a lower attack (+8 vs +12), but it also has a ranged attack, and is much faster. The Isopterite Queen has a lot more hit points and superior saves.

Challenge Rating 4 would have my vote.

Tactics-wise, I guess they'd fight only in self-defense.

Yes, that's the direction I'd go for too.


Extradimensional Explorer
CR 4 is fine.

Tactics: Isopterite queens fight only in self-defense.

What do you want to tweak in the red text?

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