Converting True Dragons


In a nutshell, each time the evolved template is gained, the creature improves as follows:

  • +1 to natural armor or deflection (if incorporeal)
  • +2 Strength (if corporeal) and +2 Charisma
  • One random spell-like ability from a list (or increased usage of the same ability)
  • Fast healing +3

Looks a good start.

How about adding an increase to Spell Resistance to that list?

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Monster Junkie
+1 SR each time?

The Coliar Dragons are often looked to when a problem arises. Their incredible Intelligence and Wisdom makes them the perfect ambassador to another family if a feud is dangerously approaching a war.

+2 Int and Wis as well?

At this point the dragon can choose to allow the body to die, or it can keep it alive by sheer mental strength. There are advantages to both. If the Air Dragon chooses to keep the body alive, his Air Dragon form cannot be completely destroyed. No matter how much damage it may take, it can still reform elsewhere within 1d4 turns. However, the Air Dragon body can never get farther that 15,000 miles from its living real-body husk. As long as the body is not slain, the dragon lives forever.

If the Air Dragon chooses to allow the physical body to die, the dragon has no limitations in where they can choose to go. These Coliar Air Dragons have been seen on other planets and even in other crystal spheres. They do, however run the risk of dying should their air dragon body be destroyed.

So a choice of phylactery/rejuvenation/bound to body or free-willed?


Monster Junkie
The original writeup didn't grant any additional spell-like abilities, so we can probably skip that part of the evolved undead. So, to summarize, each time the template is gained...

  • +1 to natural armor or deflection (if incorporeal)
  • +2 Strength (if corporeal) and +2 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
  • Fast healing +3
  • Spell resistance +1

Any objections? Any additions?


The original writeup didn't grant any additional spell-like abilities, so we can probably skip that part of the evolved undead. So, to summarize, each time the template is gained...

  • +1 to natural armor or deflection (if incorporeal)
  • +2 Strength (if corporeal) and +2 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
  • Fast healing +3
  • Spell resistance +1

Any objections? Any additions?

+1 Sorcerer level?

Something to increase their attacks or Fort/Ref save?

Maybe +1 bonus to attack per rank à la Epic Prowess?

For the saves, give them a save bonus = Cha or Wis bonus? Then it'll go up as their mental ability score goes up.

Could just give them Unearthly Grace, it would seem appropriate.


Monster Junkie
Those are all good suggestions. Basically, we could just improve everything that normally improves with age categories:
  • Ability scores (+2 to all mental stats)
  • Attack bonus (handled by Epic Prowess as a bonus feat)
  • Saves (handled by unearthly grace)
  • Caster level for SLAs (+1 each time?)
  • Spellcasting level (+1 each time?)
  • Spell resistance (+1 each time?)
  • Damage reduction (improves by 5 each time, becomes epic after DR 20?)
  • Frightful presence range (+10 feet each time?)

On top of that, we can give 'em fast healing as described above.

WHOA...wait a sec...since these are incorporeal, and lose all attacks, the Epic Prowess is probably unnecessary.


Extradimensional Explorer
Ok, we've got:
  • Ability scores (+2 to all mental stats)
  • Saves (handled by unearthly grace)
  • Caster level for SLAs (+1 each time)
  • Spellcasting level (+1 each time)
  • Spell resistance (+1 each time)
  • Damage reduction (improves by 5 each time, becomes epic after DR 20)
  • Frightful presence range (+10 feet each time)
  • Fast healing increases by +3

Good enough?

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