Converting World of Greyhawk monsters

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Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
look again. ;)

Well I'll be... :eek:

Suggested Skill Ranks: Listen 5, Spot 6
Suggested Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot (or Great Fortitude as an alternate to any of these)

How about CR 5? It seems no more deadly than a plague ant swarm (also CR 5), but is slightly better than a centipede swarm (CR 4).

Distraction DC is 16.


Creature Cataloguer
While researching the rilmani, I noticed that the quth-maren (on the facing page) have an attack that works like a grenade-like missile.


First Post
No, but it doesn't matter, their original description said they where immune to illusions, so keep illusion immunity. (Makes them immune to most shadow spells) :D


Creature Cataloguer
BOZ said:
While researching the rilmani, I noticed that the quth-maren (on the facing page) have an attack that works like a grenade-like missile.


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