Corrections to Monsters in the CC


I'll try to find the original conversion thread to see whether it was deliberate or an mere miscalculation.

After a bit of searching, I found where the Spider-Horse Conversion started.

The original Spider-Horse Rough Draft has the correct +0 melee for the Full Attack hooves, while the "completed Homebrew" in the Creature Catalog new 3.5 conversions thread has it two points too low.

So it looks like a simple transcription error snuck in while it was being copied over.

I might as well amend the version in my CC files for the next update - whenever that happens!

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Yup, fix it up!

I'll email you and Darjr the newest version of the CC. It includes the "finished batches" like the 3.5 Greater Urchin updates.

Hopefully Darjr will get around to updating the version we have hosted on Enworld eventually…


Just noticed an omission and a credit error in the Camarilla subsection of the Xytar entry.

Firstly, the City of the Gods is DA3 not DA2 as indicated in the credits.

Secondly, it should have a Carrying Capacity like the Xytar since it can also serve as a mount and packbeast. I've added "Carrying Capacity: Camarillas have a carrying capacity 4 times that of a Medium biped just like xytars. A typical camarilla can carry a light load of up to 612 pounds, a medium load of 613-1224 pound, a heavy load of 1225-1840 pounds, and can drag 9,200 pounds."

Incidentally, for some reason the Enworld hosted version of the monster stats has replaced the en and em dashes ("–" and "—") with "�" symbols when I view it in a web browser. Which is odd, since the original file looks fine in a browser.


While updating the Conversion list I'm noticing a few minor typographical & layout problems that I've corrected/amended.

The Merrow Weremako has a stray "Medium Humanoid (Aquatic, Shapechanger)" in the hybrid form and has no explanation or description, so I've added "Aquatic Ogre Mako Weresharks Giants can become weremakos, the most common examples are merrow aquatic ogres who turn into Large mako sharks" before their stats. There was also a "wereamako" in the In Mystara section.

The Giant Riding Fly had lost the space after the colon on all its stat entries (i.e. "Space/Reach:10 ft./5 ft." instead of "Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft."). Enworld has done this to me before a few times, I think it's an artefact of how it handles pasted-in text.

I've got a suspicion there may be a few more typos coming.

EDIT: The only other noteworthy error was two of the Astral Figments were missing "delusion" from the line "Organization: Solitary or delusion". :ENDEDIT
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Just removed an extraneous sentence fragment from the Noble Gossamer:

"Noble gossamers are predators who actively hunt creatures much smaller than themselves. They will attack ships, plucking crew and passengers off the decks with their tentacles. but they prefer to hunt alone. They prefer to hunt alone, but will form a flotilla with other gossamers to fight an enemy to strong to face individually. There is only one creature that naturally predates noble gossamers, the gammaroid. A single noble gossamer is no match for a gammaroid, but a flotilla of them can often defeat one of these space chelonians."

Voidrunner's Codex

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