While creating a
By-CR list of Fey for the Caprine conversion I remembered a few issues with the CC Index's Challenge Ratings.
The CR in the index includes both numbers-with-slashes and fraction characters (i.e. a half appears as both "1/2" and "½") which makes sorting and searching for a low-challenge creature problematic.
It seems more practical to replace the character-fractions with slash-fractions (i.e. ½ => 1/2) since there are some fractions in the CC which don't have characters in the standard basic character sets such as 1/5 and 1/6.
While I'm doing that, there are some CR listings with an extraneous leading zero holding over from the old Index, including some fractions (such as the "01/10" Rot Grub) that just look a bit ugly so I might as well prettify them by stripping the unnecessary "0".
Shouldn't be difficult, just a few Find-Replace operations in Excel.
There is another issue which would be a little more time-consuming to address (assuming we decide it's appropriate).
A few monsters have variants or dependent creatures of a different CR - i.e. Gibberspawn or the Lubin variant of the Urisk - which I'm wondering about giving separate italicized index entries like the Camarilla+Xytar has.
Also, the flying versions of the 3.5 Greater Urchins don't have their CRs listed in the Index. Should put those in too.