D&D 5E Could D&D Die Again?

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It will fade for several years. Then all those new young players who brought it to the heights it is now will be in their 40s and a new wave of popularity will come back as they become middle aged adults with disposable money. Just like the resurgence of transformers, Star Wars, and other icons of gen Xs youth came back 😊


I can't see it dying in the foreseeable future, even if Hasbro closed up shop and nothing for D&D was produced ever again. No other game does what D&D does, the way D&D does it.
I don't think so. If D&D stopped publishing suddenly (for whatever reason) it would be dead in the broad casual community in 2 years and dead in the gamer community in 5. Of course a handful of people would keep playing even if it was dead, but not many. Continued support keeps RPGs alive. I can't think of an example to the contrary.


Follower of the Way
But I don't think the sky is falling just yet, and won’t for a long time. It wouldn't even if they stopped publishing books tomorrow.
Indeed. If anything, D&D is currently wildly exceeding expectations, even for the most bullish among us (which definitely wasn't me, I make no secret of that.) Going from "doing so well, Hasbro execs are touting it as a major performer and discussing it favorably at meetings" to "still making money but not really a major force" would technically be a fall, but in practice would still be perfectly healthy.

As was recently said to me by another, we may not agree on much, but it's always nice when we do.


I thought of another death scenario I have not seen mentioned, though I might have missed it:

  • TSR3 bribes a judge (Is that the TSR version with the extremely overt racist in it? I don't want to besmirch mere scammers/fools by confusing them with nazis)
  • WOTC lose their legal case and the TSR3 gets all the rights they are seeking.
  • All D&D products are republished with explicitly racist eugenics theory baked into all of the racial choices. They use racist co-opted runic magic as the basis for all spell casting. All villains are caricatures of RL "undesirables".
  • We burn down their headquarters and blame it on Antifa.

I did say plausible not asteroid from outer space which is theoretically possible.

It won't even take the movie flopping or MTG burning itself to death.

At some point down the road, D&D will lose its charm, and be tossed into the corner, forgotten. I'm thinking it will be in decline around 2025, but we've got plenty of time to see.
I think that is a really bad prediction. D&D should have a ton of new stuff going for it come 2025.


At some point down the road, D&D will lose its charm, and be tossed into the corner, forgotten. I'm thinking it will be in decline around 2025, but we've got plenty of time to see.
Then someone will have the bright idea to "bring it back to its roots". It will become popular again until they think the game needs a "new vision", when it slowly begins to decline. Then someone will have the bright idea to "bring it back to its roots"... :)


D&D, like all other franchises before, will go through it's up and downs. Currently it's ridding a wave of all-time high, eventually it will fall back down into absolute niche.

Like Power Ranger, Ghostbusters, Masters of the Universe, TMNT, ........

It will never completely die, but very well go back down to the small level from where it once came. And then maybe rise again at some point in the future.

Voidrunner's Codex

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