True, but the considerable resources needed to really take advantage of the Erudite's ability mean that in the long run, they are likely to fall several levels behind their companions. Since the cost to learn a power is based on your class level, and not the power level, it is only cost effective to load up on powers that are hardest to aquire. In comparison, a 3rd level wizard might pay 150 gp for a 2nd level scroll, and then 200 gp to scribe it into his spellbook. A 3rd level erudite would pay 150 gp for a 2nd level power stone, and then 60 xp to commit it to his or her repetoire. If you compare that to the cost of creating an item, 60 xp is enough to make an item with a 1500 gp base price, and a 750 gp cost/profit. So, the wizard's total expense is 350 gp, and the erudite's is equivalent to 900 gp. At 4th level, it becomes 1050 gp to learn that 2nd level power, whereas its still only 350 gp for the wizard.