So I've recently been rereading Beyond Countless Doorways (still the best book Malhavoc ever produced, IMO). It's got a lot of cool stuff, but I think one of the niftiest aspects of the book is this: At the start of every chapter/planar description, it gives a sidebar of a handful of planes that are often connected with that plane. These planes are described in just a few sentences, but some of them are at least as evocative as the full-length chapters.
I thought it might be interesting to form a collection of, essentially, these "plane seeds." So here's the way it works:
1) You can contribute descriptions of as many planes as you'd like.
2) Each description can be no more than four or five sentences long.
3) Planes should be distinctive and interesting, but just as importantly, they must describe an environment that could serve as a setting for adventures. It doesn't need to be easy, but it must be possible. A plane where it's utterly impossible to survive, even with magic, might be "realistic" in an infinite multiverse, but it doesn't make for a good basis for adventuring.
4) It probably goes without saying, but each should be original.
I'll start with a couple, to get the ball rolling, and will likely add more later:
Chal-Dravathk: A land of craggy mountains and mist-shrouded bogs, where the native dragons are venerated as gods, and each draws power not from its age, but from the number of worshippers it has among the humanoid communities over which it rules.
Lavaragne: In this insect-infested land of jungles and swamps, humanoid children are born without souls. As infants, they are little more than pets or possessions, and as children, they labor as mindlessly as any undead. Only when they reach adulthood, and are possessed by the soul of a deceased ancestor, do they attain true sentience.
Tohn Vatar: In a world abnormally close to the Elemental Plane of Earth, nearly all living beings, including humanoids, possess skin almost impenetrable by any known material. The people are ruled, and order maintained, by a brotherhood of monks, whose unarmed strikes are the only reliable way of injuring a fellow humanoid.
I thought it might be interesting to form a collection of, essentially, these "plane seeds." So here's the way it works:
1) You can contribute descriptions of as many planes as you'd like.
2) Each description can be no more than four or five sentences long.
3) Planes should be distinctive and interesting, but just as importantly, they must describe an environment that could serve as a setting for adventures. It doesn't need to be easy, but it must be possible. A plane where it's utterly impossible to survive, even with magic, might be "realistic" in an infinite multiverse, but it doesn't make for a good basis for adventuring.
4) It probably goes without saying, but each should be original.
I'll start with a couple, to get the ball rolling, and will likely add more later:
Chal-Dravathk: A land of craggy mountains and mist-shrouded bogs, where the native dragons are venerated as gods, and each draws power not from its age, but from the number of worshippers it has among the humanoid communities over which it rules.
Lavaragne: In this insect-infested land of jungles and swamps, humanoid children are born without souls. As infants, they are little more than pets or possessions, and as children, they labor as mindlessly as any undead. Only when they reach adulthood, and are possessed by the soul of a deceased ancestor, do they attain true sentience.
Tohn Vatar: In a world abnormally close to the Elemental Plane of Earth, nearly all living beings, including humanoids, possess skin almost impenetrable by any known material. The people are ruled, and order maintained, by a brotherhood of monks, whose unarmed strikes are the only reliable way of injuring a fellow humanoid.
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