And yes, I guess we'd better add a line or two to the original text about them needing honey to live in captivity.
Oh, and I guess we'd better include an explanation of its treasure value there as well.
Anyhow let's give it a first shot:
Whiz-bang beetles live of a diet of whiz-bang honey. While these beetles have no interest in treasure, their honey is prized for its unusual properties (see Whiz-Bang Honey for details) and worth 100 gold pieces [
?] per ounce. A hive typically contains 4d6 [
?] ounces of whiz-bang honey per swarm of beetles. Nests too small to contain a swarm usually contain 1d3 [
?] ounces of honey. Captive beetles never produce honey so must be fed with whiz-bang honey gathered from the wild. A single ounce of honey is enough to feed 50 normal beetles or 6 queens [
?] for a day, a swarm of whiz-bang beetles consumes 8 [
?] ounces of honey per day.
How whiz-bang beetles produce their honey is unknown. Scholars theorize they make the foodstuff from tiny fungi and molds scraped off stones or grown inside the hive or they gather nectar and pollen of weird underground plants. Some sages think these creatures feed off heat somehow, a theory which might explain their attraction to fire sources.
Whiz-Bang Honey
If a living creature who is not a whiz-bang beetle eats this magical foodstuff it causes peculiar and unpredictable symptoms, determined randomly on the Whiz-Bang Honey Effects table. One ounce of whiz-bang honey is enough of a dose to affect a Small or Medium creature, larger or smaller creatures may require different doses before they are affected by the honey.
As soon as the creature eats a dose of whiz-bang honey they will be affected by the result in the Initial Effects column. When the initial effects have passed, the creature will be affected by the result in the After-Effects column. If the effect lists two entries divided by a slash, the creature must attempt a DC 15 Constitution check. If it fails this check it is affected by the first entry, if it succeeds it is affected by the second entry.
Creature that have recently eaten a dose of whiz-bang honey are unlikely to benefit from additional doses. Any creature that eats more than one dose of whiz-bang honey within an X hour period uses 1dX when rolling on the Whiz-Bang Honey Effects for the subsequent doses.
Then we just need to work out a table of effects. Maybe something along these lines?
Whiz-Bang Honey Effects
| Initial Effect
| After-Effect
1-X | No effect | ?? |
X-X | Nauseated X / Sickened X | Sickened/None |
X-X | Sickened X / None X | Hasted 1 round / Nauseated X |
X-X | Hasted 1d6 rounds ? | Nauseated X / Sickened X |
X-X | Hasted 2d4 rounds ? | Sickened X / None ?? |
X-20 | Hasted 2d4 rounds | None ?? |