Creature Catalogue Overhaul Project Revisited

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Extradimensional Explorer
Can we borrow tactics from the swarm? Oh, and shall we go ahead and remove the bite?

These beetles attack anything they detect with their combustion sense, which includes any creature carrying a torch or other heat source.


Can we borrow tactics from the swarm? *SNIP*

These beetles attack anything they detect with their combustion sense, which includes any creature carrying a torch or other heat source.

That looks OK to me.

Oh, and shall we go ahead and remove the bite?

Oh very well.

Updating the Whizz-Bang Beetle Working Draft.

How about this for the rest:

A beetle-like insect with two pairs of membranous wings propelling a bullet-shaped body that smoothly curves to a pointed head and abdomen. Its head's “nose looks much sharper and more thickly armored than its “tail end”. The head has two small sunken eyes and a pair of antennae that fold back from its nose to its neck. A carapace marked with elongated blotches protects the creature's body.

Some whiz-bang beetle hives are so small they attack intruders as individual creatures as described above. See the whiz-bang beetle swarm for additional information.

Voidrunner's Codex

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