Creature Catalogue Overhaul Project Revisited

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I'll just go with 3 ft in diameter and 50-100 lb for the size. Do you have any thoughts on descriptive text?

Let's see…

A colorful ball of spines about a yard across.

Greater urchins are creatures with limited intelligence that are somehow related to mundane sea urchins. They live in shallow coastal waters and on shoals. There are five known greater urchin species; black, green, red, yellow, and silver. A greater urchin is almost identical in appearance to normal sea urchins in that it has a round body protected by long spines. Greater urchins possess a limited form of clairvoyance, which assists them in the search for food. Greater urchins are usually encountered in the water, but do sometimes venture onto land when the tide is low.

A greater urchin has a small gland inside its body that crystallizes when exposed to air. These urchin stones are quite rare and valuable, and can be sold as gems in larger seaside towns. The value of the gem varies depending on the color and rarity of the greater urchin.

Greater urchins generally grow to be about 3 feet across and weigh from 50 to 100 pounds.

Greater urchins are primarily scavengers. While they occasionally hunt tiny marine animals for food, they only attack other creatures in self-defense. Unlike normal sea urchins, greater urchins can fire their spines at opponents. Despite being technically blind, greater urchins display an uncanny degree of accuracy with their spines. In close quarters, a greater urchin can simply roll into opponents.

There was no mention in the original AD&D version about them being filter feeders and the MC version says they hunt fish, so I rewrote the first line of the combat description.

Oh dang it, I forgot a subentry I wanted to add!

The original White Dwarf Fiend Factory version of the greater urchin lived in dungeons and could fly with - it had Movement: 12″ (18″ flying).

That's too tempting not to include:

Flying Greater Urchin
These rare relatives of the greater urchin fly in a similar manner to a beholder and are equally at home in air and water. They live in dark, damp and spacious areas such as "wet" cave systems, dungeons and subterranean oceans. Flying urchins are much more dangerous than their marine cousins. Not only will they actively hunt larger prey, they are intelligent enough to fly out of melee reach while shooting spines at their opponents.

A flying urchins has identical statistics to a greater urchin except for the following changes:

Speed: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (good), swim 50 ft.
Special Qualities: Amphibious, all-around vision, blind, clairvoyance, blindsight 60 ft., flight
Challenge Rating: As greater urchin +1
Environment: Underground

Flight (Ex): A flying greater urchin’s body is naturally buoyant. This buoyancy allows it to fly at a speed of 50 feet. This buoyancy also grants it a permanent feather fall effect (as the spell) with personal range.

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