The Afanc appears twice in 2E AD&D, initially in the Al-Qadim City of Delight (1993) boxed set and later in the Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One (1994).
Here's the MCA1 version:
Afanc [
MCA1 (1994)]
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: | Warm ocean waters |
FREQUENCY: | Very rare |
ORGANIZATION: | Solitary |
DIET: | Carnivore |
INTELLIGENCE: | Low (5–7) |
TREASURE TYPE: | See below |
ALIGNMENT: | Neutral (evil) |
MOVEMENT: | Sw 15 (see below) |
HIT DICE: | 15 |
THAC0: | 5 |
NO. OF ATTACKS: | 1 or 2 |
DAMAGE/ATTACK: | 5d4 or 3d4 (×2) |
SPECIAL ATTACKS: | Whirlpool, swallows whole |
SIZE: | G (50′ long) |
MORALE: | Elite (13–14) |
XP VALUE: | 11,000 |
This huge fish is greatly feared for its ability to create whirlpools. The afanc’s body is gray or blue-gray, and its scales blend very smoothly. This and its great size lead many to confuse the creature with a whale when it is first sighted. The afanc’s vertical tail and its head—wide-mouthed with obvious gills—make it clear that the creature is a fish.
Afanc are somewhat intelligent, and some sailors tell of specimens that have learned to speak (and even sing) human tongues in a loud, gravelly voice. These afanc are said to use their voices to lead sailors into danger.
Combat: A afanc seldom hunts for prey, preferring to feed on those who would hunt it. It is usually encountered in shallow salt water, where it leisurely swims along at the surface of the ocean, waiting to be mistaken for a whale. When approached by a vessel between 30 and 60 feet in length, the afanc attacks by swimming rapidly around it in ever-closing circles, creating a whirlpool that pulls the craft into the depths. It begins circling its target at its normal movement rate, at a distance of 100 feet. At this time it is near the surface of the water, but the partial cover of the water gives opponents firing missiles a –2 penalty to attack rolls (in addition to any range modifiers). Those who attempt to melee with the afanc cause the creature to break off its attack on the ship and attempt to eat them.
The afanc requires 1d4 + 4 rounds to create a whirlpool. Each round it moves faster, closing to within 40 feet of the vessel, while the ship spins faster and the afanc gains depth, increasing missile attack penalties by –2 per round (to a maximum penalty of –12). The great fish eventually reaches a movement rate of 30 and creates a whirlpool that draws the ship underwater after a period equal to one round per 10 feet of length. The attack is partially magical in nature, so a
dispel magic cast on the afanc, or some sort of magic resistance on the ship, decreases the rate of sinking by half (one round per 5 feet of ship length).
Seagoing vessels more than 60 feet long are generally unmolested, but they may be rammed by the creature. Boats and rafts less than 30 feet long are almost always rammed in an attempt to capsize them. A vessel is considered AC 5 (AC 3 if evading). If the afanc’s attack roll is at least 4 more than the number needed to hit, the ship capsizes. At the DM’s discretion, extraordinary materials or magical aid can add to a ship’s AC. When a ship is rammed, a successful saving throw vs. crushing blow must be rolled or the ship sinks in 1d10 rounds. Most hulls are treated as thin wood for the saving throw, meaning a 13 or greater must be rolled to avoid sinking.
The afanc attacks those who try to escape a sinking ship, inflicting 3d4 damage with each front flipper and 5d4 damage with its bite. If the creature’s attack roll on a bite is at least 4 more than the roll needed to hit, it swallows victims of size L and smaller. A swallowed creature dies in six rounds and is completely digested in two hours.
Anyone trapped inside an afanc can attempt to cut an escape route. Its interior is AC 8, but the creature’s digestive juices weaken the victim each round, imposing a cumulative –1 penalty to the damage a victim can inflict.
Habitat/Society: Though native to salt water, a afanc enters the mouth of a large river to lay its eggs. The eggs are a delicacy to many creatures, including humans.
Ecology: The afanc is a dangerous predator with few natural enemies. Humans have many uses for its scales and bones, however, using them for weapons and decorations.
Young afanc: Young afanc (up to 15 feet long) may inhabit rivers. They have 5 HD each and roam in packs of 3d6 members. Six or more can form a whirlpool equivalent to an adult’s. Their flipper damage is 1d4 and their bite damage is 3d4.
Here's the Al-Qadim version, which is basically identical except for the regional flavour:
Afanc (Gawwar Samakat) [
City of Delights (1993)]
FREQUENCY: | Very rare |
ORGANIZATION: | Solitary |
DIET: | Carnivore |
INTELLIGENCE: | Low (5-7) |
TREASURE: | See below |
ALIGNMENT: | Neutral (evil) |
MOVEMENT: | Sw 15 (see below) |
HIT DICE: | 15 |
THAC0: | 5 |
NO. OF ATTACKS: | 1 or 2 |
DAMAGE/ATTACK: | 5d4 or 3d4/3d4 |
SPECIAL ATTACKS: | Whirlpool, swallows whole |
SIZE: | G (50 ft. long) |
MORALE: | Elite (13) |
XP VALUE: | 11,000 |
This huge fish is greatly feared in Zakhara for its ability to create whirlpools. Originally given its name because people confused it with a creature of the Moonshae Isles that also created whirlpools, the afanc is called
gawwar samakat in Zakhara. The afanc’s body is gray or blue-gray, and its scales blend very smoothly. This and its great size lead many to confuse the creature with a whale when it is first sighted. The afanc’s vertical tail and its head, wide-mouthed with obvious gills, make it clear that the creature is a fish.
Gawwar samak are somewhat intelligent, and some sailors tell of afanc that have learned to speak (and even sing) human tongues in a loud, gravelly voice. These afanc are said to use their voices to lead sailors into danger.
Combat: A gawwar samakat seldom hunts for prey, preferring to feed on those who would hunt it. It is usually encountered in shallow salt water, where it swims along leisurely at the surface of the ocean, waiting to be mistaken for a whale.
When approached by a vessel between 30 and 60 feet in length, the afanc attacks by swimming rapidly around it in ever-closing circles, creating a whirlpool that pulls the craft into the depths. It begins circling its target at its normal movement rate, at a distance of 100 feet. At this time, it is near the surface of the water, but the partial cover of the water gives opponents firing missiles a -2 penalty to attack rolls, in addition to any range modifiers. Those foolish enough to enter melee with the afanc cause the creature to break off its attack on the ship and attempt to eat its attackers.
The afanc requires 1d4+4 rounds to create a whirlpool. Each round, it moves faster, closing to within 40 feet of the vessel. During each succeeding round, the ship spins faster and the afanc gains depth, increasing opponents’ missile attack penalties by -2 per round, to a maximum penalty of -12. The great fish eventually reaches a movement rate of 30, its increasing speed and innate magic creating a whirlpool that draws the ship down into the water after a period equal to one round per 10 feet of ship’s length. Since the attack is partially magical in nature, a
dispel magic cast on the afanc, or some sort of magic resistance on the ship, decreases the rate of sinking by half (one round per 5 feet of ship’s length).
Seagoing vessels more than 60 feet long are generally unmolested, but they may be rammed by the creature. Boats and rafts less than 30 feet long are almost always rammed in an attempt to capsize them. A vessel is considered AC 5, AC 3 if evading. If the afanc’s attack roll is 4 or more greater than that needed to hit, the ship capsizes (an attack roll of 4 or more capsizes a regular vessel, while an attack roll of 6 or more capsizes one trying to evade). At the DM’s discretion, extraordinary materials or magical aid can add to a ship’s AC.
When a ship is rammed, a successful saving throw vs. crushing blow must be rolled, or the ship sinks in 1d10 rounds. Most hulls are treated as thin wood for the saving throw, meaning a 13 or greater must be rolled to avoid sinking.
The gawwar samakat attacks those who try to escape a sinking ship, causing 3d4 damage with each front flipper and 5d4 damage with its bite. If the creature’s attack roll on a bite is 4 or more greater than the roll needed to hit, it swallows victims of size large and smaller. A swallowed creature dies in six rounds and is completely digested in two hours.
Anyone trapped inside a gawwar samakat can attempt to cut an escape route. Although the interior is AC 8, each round the creature’s digestive juices weaken the victim, causing a cumulative -1 penalty to the damage a victim can inflict.
Victims are affected very little by a dazzle, at most feeling exhausted and emotionally drained after several hours in the creature’s presence. If the dazzle is careful, it can prey on the same people for years without them ever realizing the truth.
Habitat/Society: Though native to salt water, a gawwar samakat enters the mouth of a large river to lay its eggs. The eggs are a delicacy to many creatures, including humans.
Ecology: The gawwar samakat is a dangerous predator with few natural enemies. Humans have many uses for its scales and bones, however, using them for weapons and decorations.
Young Afanc
Young afanc (up to 15 feet long) may be encountered in rivers. They have 5 HD each and roam in packs of 3d6 individuals. A pack of six or more can form a whirlpool as an adult. Their flipper damage is 1d4 and their bite damage is 3d4.
For the sake of completeness, here's the original 1E AD&D version:
Monster Manual II (1981)]
FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: //15″ (see below)
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 or 2
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 5-20 or 3/12/3-12
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Whirlpool (see below)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil)
SIZE: L (50′ diameter)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil/nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VIII/4000 + 20/hp
The afanc is dreaded because of its ability to swim rapidly and cause a whirlpool. An afanc is generally found in shallow salt water, where it will be swimming leisurely, and it is then usually mistaken for a whale of some sort. While able to attack by bite (5-20) or by striking with its 2 flippers (for 1d12 each), the creature usually attacks surface prey by swimming rapidly around it in closing circles, starting 100 feet out and closing at 20 feet per round to 40 feet. From its usual 15″ rate, the circling afanc propels itself at ever-faster speed, until a rate of as much as 30″ or more is attained. This swimming creates a whirlpool of size and power sufficient to draw down a ship of small to small-medium size (up to 60 feet in length). Ships will be dragged to the bottom at a rate of 10 feet per round. It will avoid larger ships. As it takes some 5-8 rounds for the circling afanc to create the whirlpool, and because the monster must be at the surface to do so, concerted attack by spells and/or heavy missile fire might drive the creature off. Creatures dragged down are subject to attack as the afanc is 10% likely to submerge and try either some other mode of attack or seek easier prey. Of course, rafts, boats, and similar small craft (30 feet or less in length) are typically rushed, knocked so as to capsize, and the passengers consumed by the greedy beast.
An afanc appears similar to a cross between a whale and a great fish. The body is whale-like, but the head is more fish-like, and the tail is vertical. Its color is gray to blue-gray. These creatures are fishes, although they breathe both air and water.