Creature Catalogue Overhaul Project Revisited


Hmm, I have to agree with you on all those counts. Definitely should be Su, and bards should certainly be able to counter them. Ok, here's the 3.0 versions:

Perhaps we should combine these into a single ability, too.

Su is good for me, but I'd rather keep them separate Special Attacks.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Anyone else feel like combining these two?

EDIT: nevermind, missed the last two posts. Let's just keep them separate and make minor changes.


Monster Junkie
Whisper (Su): As a standard/free/swift action, a soul beckoner can whisper eerily. Creatures within 240 feet whoo can hear the whispers must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be drawn toward the soul beckoner. Creatures drawn to a soul beckoner are attacked by the monster and are considered flat-footed (even if they are normally immune to being caught flat-footed), but a successful hit breaks the effect. Otherwise, victims are allowed a Will save every round to escape the whisper's effect with a cumulative +2 bonus per round. A silence spell or a character incapable of hearing prevents the effects of the whisper. This is a sonic mind-affecting enchantment (compulsion) effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Eerie Wail (Su): If a soul beckoner’s whisper attack fails, the victim hears an eerie wailing sound. The character must then make another DC 14 Will save or become panicked for 1d4+1 rounds. A silence spell or a character incapable of hearing prevents the effects of the wail. This is a sonic, mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

I"m wondering if the silence/deaf sentences are redundant, since we already noted these are sonic effects...


Extradimensional Explorer
Those look fine, but I still feel like it makes more sense to combine them, since one is contingent on the other. Well, doesn't really matter.

I do think the silence and deaf business is redundant, since it's already implied under mind-affecting sonic attacks.


Those look fine, but I still feel like it makes more sense to combine them, since one is contingent on the other. Well, doesn't really matter.

On second thoughts, it could work better as a combined ability. That certainly seems closer to the original stats. It depends on how much we want to follow the 3E version.

I do think the silence and deaf business is redundant, since it's already implied under mind-affecting sonic attacks.

Yes, the silence/deaf bits out to be cut out, e.g.:

Whisper (Su):
As a standard/free/swift action, a soul beckoner can whisper eerily. Creatures within 240 feet who can hear the whispers must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be drawn toward the soul beckoner. Creatures drawn to a soul beckoner are attacked by the monster and are considered flat-footed (even if they are normally immune to being caught flat-footed), but a successful hit breaks the effect. Otherwise, victims are allowed a Will save every round to escape the whisper's effect with a cumulative +2 bonus per round. This is a sonic mind-affecting enchantment (compulsion) effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Eerie Wail (Su): If a soul beckoner’s whisper attack fails, the victim hears an eerie wailing sound. The character must then make another DC 14 Will save or become panicked for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

If we go for a "combined effect", it might look something like:

Eerie Whispers (Su):
As a standard/free/swift action, a soul beckoner can whisper eerily. Creatures within 240 feet who hear the whispers must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be drawn toward the soul beckoner. Creatures drawn to a soul beckoner are attacked by the monster and are considered flat-footed (even if they are normally immune to being caught flat-footed), but a successful hit breaks the effect. Otherwise, victims are allowed a Will save every round to escape the whispers' call, with a cumulative +2 bonus per round. When a victim successfully saves versus the draw of the whispers, they must make an additional DC 14 Will save or flee in panic for 1d4+1 rounds.

This is a sonic mind-affecting enchantment (compulsion) effect. The save DCs is Charisma-based.


Monster Junkie
If we go for a "combined effect", it might look something like:

Eerie Whispers (Su):
As a standard/free/swift action, a soul beckoner can whisper eerily. Creatures within 240 feet who hear the whispers must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be drawn toward the soul beckoner. Creatures drawn to a soul beckoner are attacked by the monster and are considered flat-footed (even if they are normally immune to being caught flat-footed), but a successful hit breaks the effect. Otherwise, victims are allowed a Will save every round to escape the whispers' call, with a cumulative +2 bonus per round. When a victim successfully saves versus the draw of the whispers, they must make an additional DC 14 Will save or flee in panic for 1d4+1 rounds.

This is a sonic mind-affecting enchantment (compulsion) effect. The save DCs is Charisma-based.

This looks good, once the grammar is fixed in the last sentence. ;)


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, I like the final Eerie Whispers. The only question is whether to work in that it is also a fear effect (or the last part of it). What do you think? Or can "fleeing" be considered a compulsion rather than fear?

Voidrunner's Codex

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