Creature Catalogue Overhaul Project Revisited

I think we've discussed revising the consume life force (making it negative levels, capping it); anyone want to rewrite it?

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Consume Life Force (Su): For each negative level a soul beckoner bestows with its energy drain attack, the soul beckoner gains one negative level along with all attendant bonuses, up to a maximum of 6 negative levels. All such negative levels remain for 24 hours from the time they are gained.

How's that? A pretty simple change.

Consume Life Force (Su): For each negative level a soul beckoner bestows with its energy drain attack, the soul beckoner gains one negative level along with all attendant bonuses, up to a maximum of 6 negative levels. All such negative levels remain for 24 hours from the time they are gained.

How's that? A pretty simple change.

Works for me.

Are we ready to revise skills and feats in that case? I didn't think there was too much else to do for these.

Are we ready to revise skills and feats in that case? I didn't think there was too much else to do for these.


Well, they're a form of Wraith, so they ought to have similar skills & feats:

5 HD, Str Ø, Dex 16, Con Ø, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15
Feats: Alertness (B), Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative (B)
Skills: Diplomacy +6, Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Listen +12, Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12, Survival +2 (+4 following tracks)

The Wraith's feats look OK to me.

A Soul Beckoner has Int 13 and 4 HD to a Wraith's Int 14 and 5 HD, so it'll have a lot fewer Skill Points - 35 instead of 48.

Wraith's have maxed-out (8 ranks) their Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Search and Spot skills, plus 2 SPs in Diplomacy and 6 SPs in Sense Motive.

Doing the equivalent for the Soul Beckoner, I'd max-out its Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Search, Sense Motive and Spot with 5 SPs each, that leaves it with only its Charisma and synergy bonuses for Diplomacy, but I have no problem with that.

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