Creature Catalogue Overhaul Project Revisited

The soul beckoner is an undead creature, similar to a wraith, which drains the life force of its victims. They look more like shadows though, and are mistaken for them more often than not. As this creature drains the life energy of its victims, it takes on aspects of their appearance and changes, becoming larger and more solid. The soul beckoner is more in tune with its previous form than a typical wraith, and therefore has a stronger tie to the Material plane.

A soul beckoner lies in wait for prey to come in range of its whisper attack to lure them into melee range. It then attacks with its bony claws, draining the energy of the living and adding to its own strength. Each claw attack can drain energy with a successful attack; therefore a soul beckoner can drain up to two levels per round.

It's a little bland, but nothing stands out as really bad. Any ideas?

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It's a little bland, but nothing stands out as really bad. Any ideas?

I don't think we need that bit about the stronger ties to the Material Plane.

Soul beckoners are incorporeal, life-draining undead that resemble shadows or wraiths. A soul beckoner grows stronger when it drains its victims' life force. At first shadowy and indistinct, it slowly turns into a pitch-black silhouette as it gains in power. A soul beckoner takes on the outline of its victims as it feeds upon them.

Soul beckoners can speak Common, Abyssal and Infernal.


A soul beckoner lurks in darkness until it senses living creatures, then uses its eerie whispers to try luring these potential victims to it. The beckoner then attacks with two sets of shadowy claws. Each of these incorporeal touch attacks can drain an energy level on a successful hit. Any energy levels drained by a soul beckoner increase its power (see consume life force, below).

Added to Homebrews. (Wow...I thought I'd done that long ago...)

Shall we retain the wraith (and spectre's) create spawn, daylight powerlessness, and unnatural aura abilities?

Added to Homebrews. (Wow...I thought I'd done that long ago...)

Shall we retain the wraith (and spectre's) create spawn, daylight powerlessness, and unnatural aura abilities?

Might as well.

It is supposed to be a variant Wraith, after all.

Not quite. They have two incorporeal touch attacks.

Attack: Incorporeal touch +4 melee (1d6 plus energy drain)
Full Attack: 2 incorporeal touches +4 melee (1d6 plus energy drain)

Also, the description is fugly. "A shadowy, indistinct, pitch-black silhouette"? Not only is is over-adjectived, but the strong "pitch-black" soul beckoners have clear outlines, they're not indistinct.

I'd change it to:

A shadowy humanoid form floats in the air.

Simple but effective, eh?

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