Creature Catalogue Overhaul Project Revisited


King lizard has a retinue (1 plus 50-150 lizards, 3-18 monitor lizards and 2-12 megalanias)

I included 50-150 lizards because they were the closest SRD creature match I could find to a 1/2 CR.

Upon reflection, I prefer a 10-200 number range for them, though:

King lizard has a retinue (1 plus 10-200 lizards, 3-18 monitor lizards and 2-12 megalanias).

Come to think of it, does 3E have stats for an ordinary Gila Monster lizard? That should be about the right CR...

Hmm, checking the SRD, there's AD&D stats for a "Lizard, Poisonous, Gila Monster" in Dragon #237, but no 3E version.

Maybe we should convert that and include it in the Lord's retinue, e.g.:

King lizard has a retinue (1 plus 10-60 gila monster lizards, 3-18 monitor lizards and 2-12 megalanias).

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Extradimensional Explorer
I would be happy to convert a gila monster and put a link to it in the org there. ;) I support that org. Is the Lizard Lord done now?


I would be happy to convert a gila monster and put a link to it in the org there. ;) I support that org. Is the Lizard Lord done now?

Since writing my last post I remembered there was a Giant Gila Monster in Sandstorm, although it turned out it was actually called a Giant Banded Monster.

That makes sense, since "Gila" is an actual place in the real world. It'd be like having a generic D&D monster called a "Montreal Mangler".

I'll update the Scaled Lord with retinue (1 plus 10-60 banded lizards, 3-18 monitor lizards and 2-12 megalanias).

I would be happy to convert a gila monster and put a link to it in the org there. ;)

With the finalized Org we appear to have finished the Lizard Lord Working Draft.


With the finalized Org we appear to have finished the Lizard Lord Working Draft.

Hold on a second!

The Hawk Lord has a summon raptors SLA. Shouldn't the Lizard Lord thereby have a summon lizards one?


Summon Lizards (Sp): The Lizard Lord can summon 10d6 banded lizards, 3d6 monitor lizards, or 2d6 megalanias* as a full round action, once per day. The summoned animals arrive at the beginning of the Lizard Lord's following round and are completely loyal to the Lizard Lord, as if under the effects of an animal friendship spell cast at 20th level.

*If you use Sandstorm in your campaign, the Lizard Lord can opt to summon 2d6 giant banded lizards instead of the megalanias.


Extradimensional Explorer
I'd be happy with that. So do we need to work out a regular-sized version of the giant banded lizard, then?


I used the Creature Catalog extensively last time I GMed 3.5, thank you for working on it.

I tortured my players with an Apollyon Demon called the Depilator.
and yes, to get boons from him you had to sacrifice your hair!

I look forward to it again when I reboot my greyhawk game.


Wolf Lord Original Statr

Wolf Lord
Climate/Terrain: Beastlands
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Exceptional (15-16)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: Unique
Armor Class: 5
Movement: 15
Hit Dice: 15 (122 hp)
THAC0: 5
No. of Attacks: See below
Damage/Attack: See below
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Defenses: Danger sense, weapon immunity
Magic Resistance: 50%
Size: See below
Morale: Champion (15-16)
XP Value: 18,000

Wolf Lord
The lord of wolves appears more human than most other animal lords, as a teenaged boy with sharp, lupine features, an intelligent face, and eyes bright with life. In animal form, the wolf lord is a gray wolf that leads huge wolf packs.

Combat: In human form, the wolf lord is a weak fighter. He always transforms into a wolf when entering combat. In human form the lord will wield a dagger coated with poison (class E, injected, immediate, death/20). The dagger is so enchanted that when the wolf lord wields it, it never run dry of poison.

In animal form, the wolf lord bites twice per round (2d6 points of damage). In animal form the wolf lord is immune to nonmagical weapons.

Habitat/Society: Even in human form, this strange and alarming lord shows lupine characteristics: he is cunning, wily, and at times brutal.

Originally appeared in MC8 - Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991). The above is the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994) version.

Voidrunner's Codex

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