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Creatures-By-Poll: Fey

Aspect of BOZ

First Post
OK, here is our big ol' query. let me know what you think of it. :) if we're good to go (or nearly there), i can send it this weekend. woo, exciting! :)

Here is our latest query, which features 5 different proposals. We had held a poll on ENWorld last year to determine which types of monsters people had seen too many of, and which ones people wanted to see more of. One of the creature types that stood out the most to us was fey; not only were people not tired of seeing fey creatures, but they wanted more of them! Most of these creatures are conversions of old fey creatures, but we do have several new ones. Some of these creatures could be shifted around from one article to another, for a better fit.

In any of these articles, we can feature a "fey index" much like the one we created for the Monsters of the Mind article (people seemed to like that).

1. Wicked Fey
Most fey are playful or mischievous, but these scoundrels are just plain nasty. They get their kicks by breaking bones and smashing skulls, and if someone gets killed in the process - well, that's even better!

Paraku ola'i
CR 8
This chaotic evil fey creature is a horrible earth-spirit that embodies the natural wrath of the ocean floor. Its physical appearance is an amalgam of a large humanoid and hideous deep-sea fish. The paraku ola'i have found they can cause earthquakes and tsunamis by goading an ancient sect of earth elementals which constantly pushes the continents of the surface world, deep in the ocean's trenches. Needing mortals to procreate, they use this borrowed power to force the coastal settlements into propitiating them with a humanoid sacrifice once a year. The paraku ola'i enjoy spreading destruction and causing pain and misery to denizens of the surface world. Possessing an array of physical and magical powers, the paraku ola'i are indeed formidable combatants.
New Creature

CR 9
The wicked creatures known as springheels are urban fey that prey off the lowest rungs of human society. Cunning predators, they gravitate towards large cities, stalking slums and shantytowns in search of a meal. They prefer to feed on the poor, as their plight is more easily ignored and disappearances are less frequently questioned. Springheels are so named because of their phenomenal jumping ability. With this power, they can easily evade pursuit, leaping along rooftops and across rivers. They also use this ability to ambush potential victims.
New Creature

CR 2
These are evil brownies with an unnaturally high ability to move and attack quickly. They are naturally invisible and permanently hasted, and attack with spell-like abilities and sleep daggers. They look like miniature elves with sharp, feral features, and blue-white hair and skin.
Originally found in Monster Manual II (1983)

CR 2
These tormented souls are the offspring of a nymph and greater devil, and wander the world seeking vengeance for their schizoid existence. When a forlarren manages to kill a victim, it becomes filled with remorse. It can heat metal by touch.
Originally found in Fiend Folio (1981)

CR 1/2
These evil fey are among some of the tiniest of all fey creatures, but their malice is matched by few of the bigger creatures. They are encased in poison-covered spiny armor which makes for both a good defense and offense.
Originally found in Dragon Magazine #206.

2. Aquatic Fey
These fey inhabit the waterways, oceans, rivers, and seas of the world. Some are good, some are evil, and some don't bother with such labels.

Paraku ola'i (see above)

CR 2
These female creatures from the Elemental Plane of Water are playful and flighty, and can beguile men with their song. They can shift back and forth between a watery form, and that of a humanoid. They can also control and shape water.
Originally found in Monster Manual II (1983)

CR 1/2
These are tiny, extraplanar female water sprites that live in the River Oceanus. They can hypnotize other creatures, but melt when exposed to direct sunlight. They are only a few inches tall, with long golden hair and blue green skin.
Originally found in Dragon #191

CR 7
These are like the Sirens of Greek Myth. They capture humanoids by their song. They can be recognized, if caught, by their eyes that pop out, and their tongues which flick down to the ground. They can use charm person, charm monster, and have powers of seduction.
Originally found in Dragon Magazine #20, The Mythos of Polynesia in Dungeons & Dragons

Porpoise Girl
CR 8
The porpoise girls come from the Sea, drawn by curiosity to watch men dance, or to dance, or to steal. If someone hides her removable tail, she will be forced to remain with that person until the tail is restored to her. She looks like a beautiful maiden without the tail.
Originally found in Dragon Magazine #29, The Mythos of Oceania In Dungeons & Dragons

CR 2
The pahari are shapeshifting, marine nymphs that dwell in seas and oceans. The appear similar to mermaids, and have two other forms they can assume: a human, and colorful tropical fish. These shy, peace-loving creatures can cast spells as a wizard of level equal to their HD.
Originally found in Al-Qadim Monstrous Compendium

3. Servants of Nature
These fey exist to help other fey, to protect nature, or to maintain natural balances. Most are good-hearted folk, but some only do what they do because that is what they exist for.

CR 5
This lawful neutral creature is a tiny humanoid with ashen grey skin, long spindly limbs, little dragonfly wings, and a protruding belly, wearing what appears to be wispy black robes. A council of brehonmor is quite literally a seelie court: serving as enforcers of faerie law and order (twisted as it may be), and spending their time arguing the precise meaning of laws with one another. Their domain consists of a ring of ancient standing stone megaliths upon the tallest hill in the land. Both fey behaving contrary to their nature and humans that break the inexplicable rules of fey society stand trial in the stone circle courtroom, their fate determined by letter of the law. Guilty parties can be trapped (as trap the soul) inside the megaliths, while allowing for "empty" stones to be animated. Brehonmor have an array of spell-like abilities (both for defense, and for conducting trials and administering punishment), which are augmented while the fey stands within his stone circle. Though completely serious about their duties, brehonmor can still be caught up in riotous spirit as much as the next fey.
New Creature

CR 12
This neutral fey creature is the guardian of hidden and ancient sites that serve as pathways to the afterlife for the spirits of other fey. The akhukuk is secretive and even deceptive about its true task, which is to guide the spirits to their destination and to protect these holy places sacred to fey.
The akhukuk's natural form is that of an oversized polar bear, with eyes and mouth that seem to open up into the black void of night. In this form, the fey can exude a breath weapon which functions similarly to a modified prismatic mist spell (see PHB2).
The akhukuk has the ability to assume the form of a wizened gnome-sized humanoid when it wishes to speak to sentient creatures. This form's skin appears to be ebony, dotted with pinpoints of white starlight like a cosmic field of stars. In this form, the akhukuk has spell-like abilities instead of a breath weapon.
New Creature

CR 9
The actaeon resembles a minotaur, except with elk parts instead of bull parts. It is a solitary protector and hero of the woodlands and the creatures that live there. It can breath a cloud of warm green mist that polymorphs other creatures into harmless forest animals.
Originally found in Dungeons & Dragons Master Set (1983)

CR 5
The hamadryad is a more powerful version of the regular dryad that links to an oak tree in a vast ancient forest. They have long green hair which renders them powerless of cut off. They have numerous spell-like abilities (including tree stride at will) and druidic powers.
Originally found in Dragon Magazine #101

CR 3
The pech are creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth, but can be found on the Material Plane as well. They have extensive mine in which they work stone and dig for precious materials. Pechs are immune to petrification, and have a few spell-like abilities.
Originally found in Monster Manual II (1983)

Asrai (see above)

CR 5
The chevall are magical equine spirits that can transform between horse and centaur forms. They travel the world, making sure that horses are not mistreated by their owners. A chevall can also summon horses.
Originally found in B10 Night's Dark Terror

CR 15
The Marsalai are spirits who inhabit rocks, pools and declivities. When visible they appear as variegated striped or two-headed snakes or lizards. They are the guardians of the hunting grounds, and they react malevolently to all trespassers. They are particularly dangerous to pregnant women and can cause miscarriages, stillbirths, illness, and death. They cause winds, landslides, earthquakes, and floods.
Originally found in Dragon Magazine #29, The Mythos of Oceania In Dungeons & Dragons

4. Tricksters
These fey are a little more than just playful, and love a good prank at the expense of others, but they are not intentionally sadistic. Some simply just love doing their own thing, and are not concerned with how it affects others.

CR 3
This chaotic neutral creature resembles a human-sized salamander, wallowing in the shallow water of a steaming fen. It is content to live alone, feeding off the tiny creatures on the bottom of its swamp, until an intelligent creature wanders by. The madrishge enjoys taunting, teasing, and confusing creatures, using illusions to test their feelings on what they hold most dear. If it redeems the wicked from vice or corrupts the good from virtue along the way, it is no matter; this fey just enjoys playing with emotions for its amusement. Besides defending itself, the only thing likely to provoke a madrishge into attacking is anything that seeks to alter the renewal of its swamp by the natural death of the creatures in it, or anything that tries to upset the ecological balance of the swamp. The madrishge has a natural affinity with oozes, and a resistance to acid as well.
New Creature

CR 4
This small faeries is well known for the mischief it can cause, and is famous for its great fondness of gold. They like to snatch valuable objects from passers-by, turn invisible, and dash away. If accosted, the leprechaun will defend itself, but usually shuns combat unless an enemy is attacking a helpless creature.
Originally found in Monster Manual (1977)

CR 1
The pooka is a shapechanging animal spirit that can become invisible at will. It can cause nightmares and affect the passage of time. They love drinking and romance, and are great storytellers.
Originally found in Creature Crucible I: Tall Tales of the Wee Folk

Nereid (see above)

CR 4
The korred is a fun-loving relative of the satyr that loves to dance and frolic in the woods with other creatures. The laugh of a korred can stun other creatures, and a korred can entangle creatures with their hair. A korred also has spell-like abilities and is usually armed with a cudgel.
Originally found in Monster Manual II (1983)

CR 2
The buckawn is a trickier relative of the brownie. They shun contact with most other races, including other fey. These little fellows have spell-like abilities and like to use poisoned daggers and darts.
Originally found in Monster Manual II (1983)

CR 1/2
These are chaotic little fellows that eat magical writings, lifting the words right off the pages. They look like tiny elves, with leathery skin and dull yellow eyes.
Originally found in Dragon #94

CR 1
These relatives of leprechauns inhabit wine cellars and love nothing more than fine wine. They can telekinetically control liquids, and can make fluids spurt out with force equal to a decanter of endless water. A clurichaun can become quite nasty when drunk.
Originally found in Dragon Magazine #239, The Dragon's Bestiary

5. Benevolent Fey
These fey are kindhearted folk, and are often friendly and helpful to other people. Some are too shy and timid to approach other beings directly, but will often provide help any way they can.

Mincloch (CR 1)
This chaotic good creature is a small humanoid with a stony hide and comically-large ears. These fey usually travel in groups, and like to appoint themselves the guardians of any stone structure used by humanoids (city walls, castles, temples, bridges, even cobblestone roads) whether their help is wanted or not. Minclochs prefer to remain unseen, residing inside the walls of which they've appointed themselves guardians, using a remarkable ability to squeeze through spaces in stones. Their meld into stone and stone shape spell-like abilities powers are used to protect the structure from attacks and intruders, and to make repairs and "improvements" as they see fit. Minclochs can be chased or cajoled away by the inhabitants only by threats, frequently repeated requests to leave, or by offering gifts, but killing one can bring a curse of bad luck.
New Creature

CR 1
These shy, quiet creatures live in pastoral areas and are generally more helpful than harmful. They are rumored to be a cross between halfling and pixie, and this seems plausible given their physical appearance. Like many other similar faeries, the brownie has an array of spell-like abilities that it can use in its defense.
Originally found in Monster Manual (1977)

CR 1
These are tiny sprites that play at night and living in secluded glens. They are very quick on attacks, with spell resistance and spell-like abilities. They are one-foot tall and very thin, with long limbs and light green skin, and long pointy heads.
Originally found in Monster Manual II (1983)

CR 1/2
These are tiny creatures that hide in the homes of humans. They are non-violent, but like to play pranks on evil creatures. They are a bit homely, with long pointy noses and broad ears, but have delicate butterfly wings. They can become invisible at will, and have spell resistance.
Originally found in Fiend Folio (1981)

Pech (see above)

CR 1/2
The dobie are relatives of brownies that live to help farmers. They are notoriously gullible and are easily fooled, and clumsy and absent-minded to boot. They do have a number of spell-like abilities designed to bring enemies down to their level, though.
Originally found in Dragon Magazine #206

CR 1
These satyr-like fey roam the wilderness, traveling with their animal companions. They can hide in the woods to the point of becoming nearly invisible. They look much like small satyrs, with goat heads and shaggy brown fur.
Originally found in Dragon #94

CR 1/4
These little relatives of the brownies can cause mischief or provide useful services. They are non-violent, but defend themselves with needles. They look like miniature, very thin humanoids with ridiculously oversized heads and a prodigious nose. They can communicate telepathically, but are so shy that they rarely do more than send "warm and fuzzy feelings".
Originally found in Fiend Folio (1981)

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Monster Junkie
One slight rewrite and I think it looks good:

CR 2
Evil brownies that can move incredbly fast. They are naturally invisible and permanently hasted, and attack with spell-like abilities and sleep daggers. They resemble miniature elves with sharp, feral features, and blue-white hair and skin.
Originally found in Monster Manual II (1983)


Inventor of Super-Toast
The queries look good! Really good! I might have to rewrite the springheel a bit to make it actually CR 9 - it's a bit weak as it stands... but that's neither here nor there.

Demiurge out.


Creature Cataloguer
actually, many of the CRs will have to be altered significantly. they're generally just guesses. :) when/if we get to the actual writing stage, we can work all of that out.


First Post
Will all of these be in the query, or are we looking to select a few and go from there? Will there be a poll on this? I've been away a week and a half, and I feel lost! At least it was a nice vacation from everything...


First Post
In re-reading BOZ's post, I think I understand better, now. Once the big query is submitted, are we then waiting on a reply of sorts before we do any further work?


Creature Cataloguer
exactly. :) i sent it on Sunday, so the waiting game has begun...

...and it may be a long one. remember the plant creature query? i *still* haven't heard back on that one.

although, i am told, a certain other article that shade and i wrote will be printed soon... :) see if you can guess which one! :D


Creature Cataloguer
unless we've been intentionally deceived, or if something changes between now and when it goes to the printer, it is going to be printed. :) it's been posted in a preview somewhere on enworld - see if you can quess which one it is. ;)


Creature Cataloguer
heh, somehow my last post appeared above yours...

Edit: and this one as well! things are not right in the land of enworld... ;)


First Post
Thanks for the clarification, BOZ.

Well, I do hope that other article does get printed soon, though for as which one it is, I really have no idea!

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