I havent been working on writeups. I completely skipped writing up Module 7 and 8, and now my party is most of the way through act 1 of Module 9.
In Schism, they really enjoyed the kobolds and El Extrano. They spent a very long time searching for Leone Quital and then really set up a lot of contingencies for fighting the Lich and the whole table laughed when he just collapsed.
The convocation was awesome and by far one of my favorite parts of this module. I added an NPC who will take over for future Ghost Lya Jierre encounters in the form of Amethyst Ironforges twin brother Amorite. He came as a guest of Catherine Romana but sworn alliegence to Nicodemus. He defended the Ghost Council and when he was on the verge of death, Vicemi slain him and raised him as a ghost to continue the fight.
Edit: Also, Amethyst recieved the Humble Hook here as well.
They managed to break Vitus out of the prison and because i never had a place for her, Saxby was there! They "rescued" her and tossed her into the Absurdist Web and they want to gave her to delft as an early christmas present. She will be placed in a royal prison for treason for her acts in Digging for Lies and her going on the run.
Reed Macbanning was redeemed by sacraficing himself to destroy Vicemi and the Constables made sure that it was known that he died a hero and in service of Risur.
Schism ran for 9 sessions.
In Diaspora, I really began to work hard on my descriptions and fleshing out the areas they visited, this had two effects on my table. One, my players wanted to explore and see things that I described, They explored all the nooks and crannies of the Bloody Stump Trading Posts, and talked to many NPC's. They didnt even meet Kasvarina until Session 6. The first sessions were all exploration of Elfaivar, fighting some Danorans, and random encounters in the jungle. Like i said, I think I went overboard on the big descriptions and fleshing out and it took way too long.
Edit: It is here that I'Sheng recieved the Arsenal of Debhisu.
After meeting Kas they went and retrieved the Arc of Reida by allying with the Clergy. It was here I added some player backstory into it. The Weretigers wiped out the home of my Eladrin player when he was a child and killed his parents. It was there he escaped Elfaivar and emigrated to Risur. He came back and got some good revenge on Betronga, who betrayed his village and sided with the weretigers. He was a childhood friend/rival/frienemy? of I'Sheng so he was glad to get that fight in.
I like to print images for reference and when they we to the far future image, they all yelled with joy at seeing their ship they've been using for a long while now with winged sails. It was Kieran, our Technologist that noticed the PI on the side and correctly guessed Pemberton Industries.

It then took from session 8 to 13 to gather all the memories before our table had to sit down and just talk about how this is dragging so badly. It was diffiuclt to run the memories any way but like an interactive cutscene. And they found almost all of them. My favorite parts were them going to Crissilyir and meeting with the Clergy and they had to get someone past customs and into Flint to meet with Morgan Cippiano. Amethyst hates the guy but always turns a blind eye because he is useful so Kieran took the lead there.
I had to skip a bunch of the memories towards the end and just tell them they found the last few because even I was getting disheartened. We tried to run Bonds of Forced Faith as a palet cleanser but even that didnt work. We run every other week so 6 sessions is almost 3 months of play time. I was close to calling it quits. I filled them in on the rest, and set them right outside of Methia. This is where I called it Season 8, Part 2. Back in the action and infiltration everyone was back up to their usuall happy and excited selves and looking forward to what was happening next.
The whole scenario in Methia took two sessions. That final encounter was amazing. I really should take pictures of our encounters because I used my Borne stand in again. They succeeded in subduing Nicodemus and rescuing Andrei, everyone made it safely through the portal and found themselves... Months into the future!
Diaspora ran for 15 sessions.
You see, I know the Campaign had a proposed timeline. But because I let them dally and just explore and I dont think i used exploration rules correctly, They spent weeks searching the jungle. The book assumes that they arrive in the dreaming on Winter the 37th, They didnt get back to Sentosa after retrieving the Arc of Reida until the 45th. I used some math and assumed that their ship can sail approx 7 miles an hour and being a steamship can go 24 hours a day so 168 miles in a day. They just spent weeks sailing around ebcause they were scared of teleporting.
It wasnt until at least Winter the 65th that they encoutnered Nicodemus at Methia. Then for fun I altered the timeline that they were in limbo and didnt arrive in the dreaming until winter the 88th. Meaning they had all of the 89th to investigate, the 90th to present their findings, the 91st to stop an assassination attempt, and because I love the Zeitgeist calendar, New Years Day which isnt on the calendar proper is the day the Obscurati does their ritual. Nicodemus is kind of a diva like that.
And now, We're about 4 sessions into The Last Starry Sky and having a ton of fun. I will do better on giving recaps in the future.
As usual, Here is an up to date link to a copy of my campaign document, you can see all the notes for each module in individual tabs.
Linky to the sheet!
In Schism, they really enjoyed the kobolds and El Extrano. They spent a very long time searching for Leone Quital and then really set up a lot of contingencies for fighting the Lich and the whole table laughed when he just collapsed.
The convocation was awesome and by far one of my favorite parts of this module. I added an NPC who will take over for future Ghost Lya Jierre encounters in the form of Amethyst Ironforges twin brother Amorite. He came as a guest of Catherine Romana but sworn alliegence to Nicodemus. He defended the Ghost Council and when he was on the verge of death, Vicemi slain him and raised him as a ghost to continue the fight.
Edit: Also, Amethyst recieved the Humble Hook here as well.
They managed to break Vitus out of the prison and because i never had a place for her, Saxby was there! They "rescued" her and tossed her into the Absurdist Web and they want to gave her to delft as an early christmas present. She will be placed in a royal prison for treason for her acts in Digging for Lies and her going on the run.
Reed Macbanning was redeemed by sacraficing himself to destroy Vicemi and the Constables made sure that it was known that he died a hero and in service of Risur.
Schism ran for 9 sessions.
In Diaspora, I really began to work hard on my descriptions and fleshing out the areas they visited, this had two effects on my table. One, my players wanted to explore and see things that I described, They explored all the nooks and crannies of the Bloody Stump Trading Posts, and talked to many NPC's. They didnt even meet Kasvarina until Session 6. The first sessions were all exploration of Elfaivar, fighting some Danorans, and random encounters in the jungle. Like i said, I think I went overboard on the big descriptions and fleshing out and it took way too long.
Edit: It is here that I'Sheng recieved the Arsenal of Debhisu.
After meeting Kas they went and retrieved the Arc of Reida by allying with the Clergy. It was here I added some player backstory into it. The Weretigers wiped out the home of my Eladrin player when he was a child and killed his parents. It was there he escaped Elfaivar and emigrated to Risur. He came back and got some good revenge on Betronga, who betrayed his village and sided with the weretigers. He was a childhood friend/rival/frienemy? of I'Sheng so he was glad to get that fight in.
I like to print images for reference and when they we to the far future image, they all yelled with joy at seeing their ship they've been using for a long while now with winged sails. It was Kieran, our Technologist that noticed the PI on the side and correctly guessed Pemberton Industries.

It then took from session 8 to 13 to gather all the memories before our table had to sit down and just talk about how this is dragging so badly. It was diffiuclt to run the memories any way but like an interactive cutscene. And they found almost all of them. My favorite parts were them going to Crissilyir and meeting with the Clergy and they had to get someone past customs and into Flint to meet with Morgan Cippiano. Amethyst hates the guy but always turns a blind eye because he is useful so Kieran took the lead there.
I had to skip a bunch of the memories towards the end and just tell them they found the last few because even I was getting disheartened. We tried to run Bonds of Forced Faith as a palet cleanser but even that didnt work. We run every other week so 6 sessions is almost 3 months of play time. I was close to calling it quits. I filled them in on the rest, and set them right outside of Methia. This is where I called it Season 8, Part 2. Back in the action and infiltration everyone was back up to their usuall happy and excited selves and looking forward to what was happening next.
The whole scenario in Methia took two sessions. That final encounter was amazing. I really should take pictures of our encounters because I used my Borne stand in again. They succeeded in subduing Nicodemus and rescuing Andrei, everyone made it safely through the portal and found themselves... Months into the future!
Diaspora ran for 15 sessions.
You see, I know the Campaign had a proposed timeline. But because I let them dally and just explore and I dont think i used exploration rules correctly, They spent weeks searching the jungle. The book assumes that they arrive in the dreaming on Winter the 37th, They didnt get back to Sentosa after retrieving the Arc of Reida until the 45th. I used some math and assumed that their ship can sail approx 7 miles an hour and being a steamship can go 24 hours a day so 168 miles in a day. They just spent weeks sailing around ebcause they were scared of teleporting.
It wasnt until at least Winter the 65th that they encoutnered Nicodemus at Methia. Then for fun I altered the timeline that they were in limbo and didnt arrive in the dreaming until winter the 88th. Meaning they had all of the 89th to investigate, the 90th to present their findings, the 91st to stop an assassination attempt, and because I love the Zeitgeist calendar, New Years Day which isnt on the calendar proper is the day the Obscurati does their ritual. Nicodemus is kind of a diva like that.
And now, We're about 4 sessions into The Last Starry Sky and having a ton of fun. I will do better on giving recaps in the future.
As usual, Here is an up to date link to a copy of my campaign document, you can see all the notes for each module in individual tabs.
Linky to the sheet!
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