Critical Role Critical Role's Matt Mercer On Civility

Critical Role's Matt Mercer posted about behaviour within the Critical Role fanbase. It very much reflects conversations we've had here on EN World about the RPG fanbase as a whole, and the D&D fanbase specifically. Whether you're talking about Critical Role specifically, or your thoughts about any tabletop gaming rule or product, I'm sure you understand what Matt is talking about.

Critical Role's Matt Mercer posted about behaviour within the Critical Role fanbase. It very much reflects conversations we've had here on EN World about the RPG fanbase as a whole, and the D&D fanbase specifically. Whether you're talking about Critical Role specifically, or your thoughts about any tabletop gaming rule or product, I'm sure you understand what Matt is talking about.

"I want to, first off, express our appreciation for this community. [Both Reddit,] and overall. While talk does get thrown around regarding "toxicity", I can be confident in saying this is a serious minority, and the term doesn't aptly apply to most situations. For the most part, everyone has been thoughtful and as invested as we are (Well, maybe not Twitch-Chat, but such is the nature of the beast, hehe). Regardless, I wanted to let you know that the positive majority never goes unheard, and every smiling statement or message only brings us joy. Thank you guys.

I want to discuss and clarify that discussion is always promoted and appreciated! Differing opinions make for interesting discussion, and disagreements on our game, plays, and ideas are part of that discussion. Every D&D game is different, and every play style is different. We aren't going to tailor our game to fit the audience's wishes or expectation, nor would we ask you to alter your home game to match our play style. There will be differing ideas, and that's both healthy and encouraged!

I would ask that people that feel the need to "defend" or shoot down counter-opinions to our game's play or story to restrain from furthering any conflict or downvoting based on disagreement. You can offer your counter to theirs, but do so with civility and as a way to continue the conversation, not demonize.

Example: Preferred Response - "I don't agree with you, necessarily. Here are my thoughts on the topic, and why I enjoyed this element, or agreed with how it was handled."
Unwanted Response - "It's their game, shut up. 'Your fun is wrong'." down-vote

When you DO present a disagreement with our game, please do so from a constructive stand point. There are many ways to convey your thoughts without seemingly unnecessary vitriol or intensity.
Example: Preferred Response - "I probably wouldn't have done it that way, were it my game. I get the reasoning, but my instinct would have been this maneuver instead."

Unwanted Response - "I really hate this character because they do this, when they SHOULD do this. Its so stupid."

I myself firmly believe in transparency and honesty as much as possible, and we genuinely keep ourselves open to the community as a whole as best we can. I feel a genuine kinship and patronly responsibility to this corner of the internet we've created together. I want to facilitate a good place not only for you folks to talk and enjoy, but for us to be able to engage when we are able without feeling threatened or ridiculed. I am aware the internet comes with its share of negativity, and I fully accept those elements as given. However, that won't stop me from trying to improve this space in any way I can. Civility and mutual appreciation of the tabletop gaming culture (and our little place in it) is the hallmark of this community, and I wish to keep it that way.

My players and myself are people with very hectic lives. CR has become a second (or third) career for all of us, and while the joy and excitement we derive from our game far outweighs any downside, it does have its downsides. We have our stresses, our off-nights, and our bouts of confusion/forgotten rules and abilities. Our own personal lives, like anyone's, can be fraught with challenges and low points, and that can affect us within our game as well (even should we wish it otherwise). We are prone to mistakes, inconsistency, and failure time to time... and that's kind of the beauty of Roleplaying games is it allows a safe space to do all of that and learn from it. I only ask that you fight the knee-jerk judgement on anything in our game to consider the unknown elements, and write your thoughts from a place of genuine intent to banter, share varying ideas and thoughts, and present your own perspective in a way that is respectful of the cast, and your fellow community members.
Much love to you all, and let's all be the best geeks we can. <3


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It's disappointing that he has to explain basic civility to people... But, if it even changes the way that one person posts, then it is worth it.

Great read.

Critical Role is suffering through some growing pains at the moment. The audience is so large the grumpy minority can seem larger because it attracts so much attention.

Also the show is changing slightly. Someone changed characters, which is a huge shift for the game. And the replacement character was not popular. As the show is entertainment, it feels like one of those sitcoms where a popular actor steps away and the replacement character just isn't as cool or funny or likable. That's made a lot of fans vocally upset. Pair that with apparently questionable decisions on the part of a player or two. And things get heated.

It is a good reminder for most geeky online discussions. Anyone posting on a forum dedicated to a hobby is going to be passionate about said hobby. It's something they love. And nothing makes people stupid like love. Passion and saying stupid things are almost synonyms.
And I'm super passionate about D&D.


Where is the downvote button for this thread?

Furious random clicking.

Hmph, I'm going to go complain on Facebook instead. Maybe start a petition...


Where is the downvote button for this thread?

Furious random clicking.

Hmph, I'm going to go complain on Facebook instead. Maybe start a petition...

Oh heck no! I'm getting into my squirrel costume right and I'll be u-locked to our mayor's car shortly! Piss and wind, my friends!

Seriously, it's a shame that civility is a topic in that manner...would be so much better of a community (and world) if these things were both understood and acted upon. Sadly, the 'vocal minority' makes a bigger stink that its numbers warrant, but that's life.

Here's to civil, interesting discussions and gaming!


Possibly a Idiot.
I've never actually watched Critical Role. I hear it's good. Is the tone of play like Harmonquest (silly and a bit crude) or is it more serious?


First Post
@ Matt: Run your game for you and your friends the way you want. In the end, we are only voyeurs. If people do not like your game, they should stop watching and run their own game. The world is too big and too hectic for us to stop and worry what someone who's disconnected from our endeavors thinks. Its a game with friends. That is the #1 draw of CR. Never loose that. I like your game, and its players. That's more than enough for me.

I've never actually watched Critical Role. I hear it's good. Is the tone of play like Harmonquest (silly and a bit crude) or is it more serious?

They can get ridiculously silly and I've almost died laughed at times. They have hilarious meta moments and lines like any gaming table, but also amazingly hilarious in-character moments.

But it can also be serious and dramatic. You care about the characters and the players - being voice actors - can bring an enormous range of emotion. In a recent two episode bit there's a scene where they resurrect a fallen ally which is incredibly touching and emotional. And it's followed by an episode where a character gets upset at the rest of the party which is almost painful to watch due to emotions.


Part of me wants to watch critical role, but the episodes are just so long. Some of my friends watch and love it, maybe one day I'll start watching each episode in small chunks of 30 minutes or something.

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