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D&D 3E/3.5 Critique/tweak a custom monster [3.5]


First Post
Many months ago I posted some stuff here about a campaign focused on exploring a forest distorted by fey magic. The BBEG is an entity known as the Elvenking, an ancient fey lord of near-godlike power that is in the process of awakening after aeons of dormancy and wants to rewrite the world in his image. As part of this effort, he has sent out his four daughters, the Faerie Princesses of summer, winter, spring, and fall, into the primeval forest, the Urwald, to promote his ideals.

While these Faerie Princesses aren't necessarily enemies that the PCs will have to fight, conflict is definitely a possibility (it all depends on how the PCs approach things), so I'd like to have them all properly statted up. My approach right now is to stat them up based on the stats for a planetar, which has about the right CR and spread of abilities I'd like these ladies to have. I'm aiming for something that would be a serious challenge for a party of around level 14-15 (medium-high optimization, possibly only 3 PCs depending on how well I do at replacing the two who had to drop after the second session due to schedule conflicts). The tricky parts are mainly the SLAs and the implications of switching from outsider to fey creature type.

For SLAs, while I've tried to stick closely to the same rough power level the planetar has (trying to keep to the same spell levels and roughly the same general kinds of spells), a lot of the planetar's healing SLAs aren't a terribly good fit for a fey, and thus I've replaced them beguiling sorts of spells that are more fitting for fey. This means they'll have a good deal more save-or-suck SLAs than the planetar, which will bump the CR up a bit.

Then there's the issue that the fey type has 1/2 BAB whereas outsiders have full. For three of the four Princesses, this isn't particularly important, since they're mainly spellcasters anyway, but one of them is supposed to be a warrior-huntress, and thus needs to have decent BAB. To accomplish this, I need to give her lots of HD, which in turn means high saves and inflated DCs for any extraordinary or supernatural abilities I might want to give (and I would very much like to give all of them the Fey Spirit NPC ability from DMG2).

There will be some variation between the individual Princesses, especially regarding skill and feat selection, but this is more or less the base statblock

Medium Fey
HD: 22d6 (Additional HP from
Ability scores: Will vary somewhat by individual, but generally high (~25) Dex and Cha, good (~20) everything else.

Speed: 30 ft; fly 60 ft (good)

AC: +5 natural armor, unearthly grace
Saves: Strong Ref & Will, unearthly grace
DR 10/cold iron
Regeneration 10/cold iron
Immunity to enchantment, to disease, and to one elemental energy type (varies by individual)
Resistance 10 to acid, fire, cold, and electricity (unless superceded by immunity)
SR 22
Unearthly Grace (Su): A daughter of the Elvenking adds her Charisma modifier as a bonus on all her saving throws, and as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class.

BAB: +11
Special attacks:
Either spells as a 17th-level druid, spells as an 18th-level sorcerer, or maneuvers and stances as an 18th-level warblade (varies by individual).

Spell-like abilities (CL 17)
At will --
Charm Person
Disguise Self
Dispel Magic
Faerie Fire
Fog Cloud
Invisibility (self only)
3/day --
Hold Monster
Prismatic Spray
Waves of Fatigue
Wall of Thorns, Blade Barrier, Freezing Fog, or Spiritwall (varies by individual)
1/day --
Irresistable Dance
Mass Charm Monster
Maddening Whispers
Whirlwind, Fire Storm, Field of Icy Razors, or Blackfire (varies by individual)
1/week --

Special qualities:
Low-light vision
Darkvision 60 ft

Woodland Tongue (Su): The scion can comprehend and communicate with animals, plants, and magical beasts (although the content of such exchanges may be limited by the creature's Int). The scion can use Diplomacy to influence such creatures, regardless of the creature's intelligence.

The following abilities are always active on the scion, as the spells (CL 17). They can be dispelled, but the scion can reactivate them as a free action.
Detect Magic
Detect Pits and Snares
Detect Thoughts (DC 12 + Cha bonus)
See Invisibility
True Seeing

Change Shape (Su): A Daughter of the Elvenking can assume the form of any Small or Medium Animal

Improved Woodland Stride (Su): A Daughter of the Elvenking may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment, including undergrowth that has been magically manipulated to impede motion.
*I'll probably replace this with the ability to ignore impediments from snow and ice for the winter Princess.

Fey Spirit (Su): A Daughter of the Elvenking can infuse her speech with fey power, making her voice unnaturally soothing or unnerving. This ability grants her a +10 insight bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks. Additionally, she can use this ability to duplicate the effects of the Charm Monster and Fear spells each once per day (save DC 21 + Cha bonus).

Regarding the PCs' capabilities, as I alluded to previously I'm down to just two players at the moment -- one is playing a druid (PH2 shapeshifter variant) with a penchant for blasting (likes to use Sudden Maximize & Empower), and the other is running a warblade/swordsage with an ubercharger sort of build. There will definitely be at least one other PC, possibly 2 if I get lucky, and there's also a chance they might have an NPC archer along as well. They rescued said NPC in the last session and expressed an interest in bringing him along to help them out.

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