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Crossed Paths (Full)


Hey all

It looks like we are going to have a nice crew. I was considering at one point we wind up the game with a slaughter-fest. Manzanita throws whatever he could at us while we see how long we can last, and how many of Manzanita's Mooks we can take with us.

Glad I didn't.


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Yes this one is full and I'll change the title to indicate this. I want to discuss the PCs a bit more before committing the players to the characters.

Octar has been played consistantly as a loyal soldier, following Brioc's orders and rarely acting independently. He would be LG or LN, probably. Maybe NG or even LE.

Brioc has been played consistantly as NG, maybe LN or N

Tullius is a bit of a wild card, having had two players in a fairly short time. Dhormium is in the same boat, but his alignment is limited to LG, LN or NG b/c of his diety.

Tenatively we have:
DrZombie as Brioc
Darkmaster as Octar
Wilphe as a new one
Barak and Velmont in for Tullius and Dhormium.

Clangeddin Silverbeard is the dwarven ware diety with domains strength, law, war, and good. His favored weapon is the dwarven waraxe.

Once we confirm these, I'll get those backgrounds out. Doghead and Inez, it would be great if you could post some background stuff here. Doens't have to be complete, just whatever you want to contribute.
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First Post
I am not really interested by Dhormium, but Tullius is pretty attractive. I don't know his background, but if I can devellop it a bit myself, I can easily see why he has devellop his own style of figthing, as the battle axe is not really a roman weapon. It would have come from his former life. The shortsword is just the same as a gladius, pretty comon in the arena. I would see him something between the figther and the ranger. Figther for his military training, Ranger from his former life, a woodcutter. He join the army when the Roman came in his region. Many civilization wilingly join the roman empire, seeing it advantegous to be on the winner side, and having some advantage too.

Anyway, tell me how do you like this idea.


Off the top of my head, from the point of view of Marcus.

In the eyes of another.

Octar is a soldier. Solid, dependable, reliable. Marcus has come to depend on Octar, and in fights they often seemed to end up working together. Octar doesn't say a great deal (as Mazanita said) he was content to let others lead. Definately not LE, he strongly resisted killing the witch-maiden, seeing the killing of a woman as a despicable act. His conscience troubled him greatly afterwards, even though it resulted in the 'cave-men' withdrawing back to their homelands.

Brioc is a relucant leader. He leads because the responsibility has been given to him. He listens to others, especially where they know more than him, and will accept their suggestions if they seemed reasonable. Marcus respects Brioc, and follows him willingly. The others seem to as well.

Tullius is a lunatic, always twirling his battleaxes and leaping into any combat with gusto. Marcus thinks he's reckless. But Marcus never saw the man out of his depth, and has developed a kind of grudging respect for the man. They have exchanged words on occasions, but there has never been any held over resentment or bad feeling.

Dhormium is the dark horse. A quiet one generally except in the face of battle, when he seems to draw great strength from his god. He shares that strength generously with those he fights alongside. The dwarf is, in Marcus' eyes, a bit naive. And prone to bad jokes. But Marcus has no doubts about the generosity, or the strength, of his spirit.


First Post
Velmont, I think we're getting set here, then. Barak, are you OK w/Dhormium? And giving Velmont Tullius? I don't think the party knows much of Tullius' background. They freed him from the gnolls which had ransacked the archeological/treasure seeking party which he was guarding. He's now searching the caverns for his friend, the expedition leader, who he saw taken below by the gnolls. So he says, anyway. I'll email you his previous background, and we can work it out from there.

Dhormium is a local, a member of the The Hold, a dwarven enclave in the Crimean. He joined the party at the request of the leaders of his clan, who see him as a potential leader and want him to gain more power and knowledge of the world. This clan aided the party (or the party aided them, depending on your POV) against their first major opponent, the Wendol.


First Post
backgrounds now sent to Darkmaster (Octar), Brioc (Dr Zombie) and Tullius (Velmont). Let me know if you don't recieve them. I'll send you Dhormium's, Barak, as soon as I hear back from you.

Inez Hull

First Post
Welcome to all the new players! May I suggest you track down the original OOC thread (it should be in the first or second page of Talking the Talk) and read through the first couple of pages where Manzanita details a little of the setting. It’s a really interesting setting and throughout the game the players have maintained a level of secrecy from each other and what their motives are for travelling with the party.

I think Doghead’s description of the PC’s being replaced is pretty spot on. Octar has come across as a gruff, coarse and closelipped man yet who is loyal and shows a real sense of honour to Rome’s ideals rather than its actual values.

Tullius on the other hand represents Rome in all its glory and warts – he is bold and self righteous and has a simplistic belief in the rightness of the empire. He is quite reckless and a real dynamo of energy, joking constantly in the face of death.

Brioc comes across the honourable man troubled by the moral quagmire of leadership – he is a leader who takes the suggestions of the company and in turn has his recommendations followed due to the respect he gives.

Dhormium is quite friendly and jovial yet has shared little of his motivations for being with the party and is a bit of a dark horse as doghead says. To this point he has been dependable and generous.

This of course is all from the perspective of a somewhat naïve seeming Elf who has had little contact with humans (or dwarves) before.

Something to note - Only Brioc and Octar have been in the party from the start and seem fully aware of the original reason for undertaking the adventure and as such Ehldannis does talk privately with them and is often in Brioc’s ear urging adherance to this quest.


First Post
Yeah, Dhormium's alright. Actually, it is sort of amusing. The reason I was sort of hesitant is that, well, I have quite a bit of experience playing dwarven clerics, and figured maybe I should try something else.. But the reason I have so much experience playing them is that I like them, so..

As soon as I get the background info on him, I'll write him up. :)

Edit: Oh, almost forgot.. I don't have the FCS, so if you could include the domain choices in the e-mail, that'd be super.


First Post
Awesome! It looks like every character now has a player. Barak, I edited post #13 to list Clangeddin's domains and favored weapon. Dhormium does use a dwarven waraxe. I'll find his private background and email it to you.

Inez & Doghead, thanks for the PC posts. Either of you feel like posting some background, like what has happened to the party since inception? Can be quite brief for the early bits, but everyone needs to be up to speed on Sergius, the sphinx, some politics of the caverns (villagers, lizardmen, minotaurs, gnolls whatnot), G'ruk, death of Nathaniel, location of party relative to Sevastopol and Rome...

I'll try to put something together too.

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