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Curtains Ch.04 - Shell Games


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The spider sawrm quickly move and jump on Fox. The spiders try to find his way through the guy's clothing and try to bite him.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Attack: 19. If it hit, it is a Fortitude roll of DC 18 or lose 8 point of Strength, another roll in one minute.[/SBLOCK]

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The swarm quickly surrounds the Fox, piling on top of one another to reach where he floats a foot above the ground. Frustratingly, his bites seem unable to connect. When the Fox looks down at him, Lawrence senses something out of place...like the mask isn't looking directly at the swarm.

ooc - 19, miss. (This goes for everyone...you don't have to make your own rolls. And I'll make any saves or appropriate skill checks as circumstances warrant to move things along quicker.)

[sblock=OOC for Lawrence only]
Will save 18+2=20. Lawrence is pretty sure that he just attacked an illusion or hologram of some sort. Because the subjects are flying, his tremorsense isn't helping much at the moment.


hero4hire said:
The next two weeks are going to be very hectic for me due to moving and job issues.

I am putting a temporary break on my game The Great Iridium Con until the 23rd and if in any game I am in needs to be move along please do so.

I still may be able to post, but I would rather be safe and have the Games I am in not slowed down by accident.


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ooc - Apologies for things moving slowly. Keia's been MIA from the boards for 10 days and I've had a really busy week, plus H4H's gonna be out another week. Hopefully things will pick back up a little after that. Still...moving along where we can...


Fate has a tough decision to make - he has to drop the telepathic link in order to cast spells. But with the silence going on, he needs telepathy to coordinate actions. That he can't even cast spells in silence, he chooses to keep telepathy up for the moment while maintaining a defensive posture.

"Soundtrack! Can you do something about this silence?" Fate says over the telepathic link.

The person behind the Raven mask raises a hand and a curtain of utter darkness descends across the room. On one side - Fate, Granite, Soundtrack and Combat; on the other - the vault, all the newcomers, Tarentula, Schott and his men.

For those who can see what's going on (Tarentula)...

Crocodile charges across the room and slams Schott into the door of the safe. A moment later he has Schott wrapped in a sleeper hold, lifting him off the floor by the neck in the process.

ooc -
Soundtrack and Granite are up next. Soundtrack - you can attempt to counteract the second layer of silence that was just dropped over you. It'll be an opposed power check with a slight edge going to whichever of the two of has a higher level of Sonic Control/Obscure. Alternatively, you can just take out the chap who's made it. Until the silence is lifted, both you and Fate are going to have difficulty doing much with your powers.


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Rybaer said:
ooc - Apologies for things moving slowly. Keia's been MIA from the boards for 10 days and I've had a really busy week, plus H4H's gonna be out another week. Hopefully things will pick back up a little after that. Still...moving along where we can...


Fate has a tough decision to make - he has to drop the telepathic link in order to cast spells. But with the silence going on, he needs telepathy to coordinate actions. That he can't even cast spells in silence, he chooses to keep telepathy up for the moment while maintaining a defensive posture.

"Soundtrack! Can you do something about this silence?" Fate says over the telepathic link.

The person behind the Raven mask raises a hand and a curtain of utter darkness descends across the room. On one side - Fate, Granite, Soundtrack and Combat; on the other - the vault, all the newcomers, Tarentula, Schott and his men.

For those who can see what's going on (Tarentula)...

Crocodile charges across the room and slams Schott into the door of the safe. A moment later he has Schott wrapped in a sleeper hold, lifting him off the floor by the neck in the process.

ooc -
Soundtrack and Granite are up next. Soundtrack - you can attempt to counteract the second layer of silence that was just dropped over you. It'll be an opposed power check with a slight edge going to whichever of the two of has a higher level of Sonic Control/Obscure. Alternatively, you can just take out the chap who's made it. Until the silence is lifted, both you and Fate are going to have difficulty doing much with your powers.

Soundtrack can hear the urgency in Fate's voice, and tries to overpower his sound-dampening opponent. He will try to do it in such a way that he amplifies the sounds around his opponent and deafens him in return if he is able to overpower his opponent's control.


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Granite tenses as the wall implodes sending shrapnel everywhere, the silence and the darkness adding to the confusion but there was one thing he did know, no one deserved to die falling out of a 40 story building.

Granite rushes through the darkness jumping out the window that the two solders were just thrown out of in a desperate attempt to catch the men.


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OOC: I am waiting to see what will happen, as things seems to go fast in that combat, and there can happen a lot of thing...


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ooc - Sorry about the slow posting. Been a bit busy lately.


Soundtrack can feel the overlapping standing waves of destructive interference permeating the air around him. He struggles to disperse the effect, which seems to resist his efforts of its own accord. Ultimately, however, he's able to squash the effect. As if the mute button had just been turned off, the sound of the city outside and the crunching of feet on glass on the other side of the black barrier all return. (Opposed power check roll: 15+8=23 vs 17, success)

Granite charges forward and passes through the black wall bisecting the room, finding that in has no more substance than air. While the ebon masks reveal no emotion, the body language of the attackers suggests a bit of surprise as he goes running past them and leaps into the air. Granite goes into a head-first dive, reducing his profile and maximizing the benefit of his high density form to gain on the flailing bodies of the falling men. He manages to snatch one of them about halfway to the ground. Catching the other might be a bit tricky. (Dex check 7+3=10, success; let's hear it for comic-book physics :) )

Out of view of everyone but Tarentula, Schott struggles against the iron grip of the Crocodile. He's gasping for breath and completely unable to gain any leverage. His men, those who haven't already been sent flying, try to retreat back behind the safe and away from the windows. One holds a lit blow-torch out threateningly and another pulls out a claw hammer. Neither acts very confident about their odds.


Next up - Kombat. Hero4hire said he'd be back around now, so I'll give him a chance to post. Then I'll post Boar, Owl, and Fox.

cuervo96 - Countering the silence effect is a standard action. If you want to set up a conditional deafen attack on the Owl should he try to Silence again, you can, but it'll have to wait until your next turn. It's also not a standard ability of yours, so it'll require extra effort - either causing fatigue or requiring you to use a hero point. You can wait until your next turn comes around to decide if circumstances still warrant it.
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