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Curtains Ch.04 - Shell Games


Danko sized up the Boar. "Dressing as Big Pig silly, no?" he said before launcing himself at the Boar in an unorthadox handspring kick.

ooc; array in Enhanced Attack +8, Enhanced Defense +8

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Kombat, seeing how easily Granite passed through the black wall, aims himself in the direction of the Boar masked man and rushes through. Again, the curtain has no substance and seems there only to block sight. Boar turns toward Kombat just in time to twist aside and evade the brunt of the incoming handspring kick. (Attack roll 5+8=13, miss)

Boar follows Kombat as the Russian rolls deftly to his feet. He lashes out with a side-kick aimed at Kombat's head but misses wide and strikes the metal frame that moments ago housed the windows. The frame bends nastily, the squeal of bending metal speaking for the annoyance of the man behind the mask.

Owl turns his attention to where Schott is struggling in Crocodile's neck lock. He appears to do something, but just what it is isn't apparent to either Tarentula or Kombat. Schott stops struggling and goes limp in Crocodile's arms.

Fox looks down at Tarentula's swarm. Though his mask is unmovable, it appears that he's grinning. He holds out a gloved hand and a small ball of fire forms in the palm. This he drops into the spider swarm. As it hits the floor, the flames spread out in a small area, though they don't seem to bother Fox. Tarentula can feel the searing heat, but is nimble enough to spread out and evade the attack by moving up the wall. (Reflex save 9+10=19, success, no damage from Area attack)

[sblock=OOC for everyone]
Couple notes. First, my apologies for slow posting. Just have a lot going on and this seems to slide more often than I care to admit. I will keep plugging away, even if it's slow from time to time. And on that note, I have a very busy November planned as I take the masochistic plunge into the NaNoWriMo contest.

Second, I've emailed Keia and he will be unable to continue playing with us at this time. He's busy and his work has recently blocked access to the boards. I'll "take care of his character" for a while, leaving things open-ended enough that he can return in the future if circumstances are more favorable.

Kombat, this is round 5 of your Boost.

Owl 27 (done)
Fox 25 (done)
Tarentula 22
Fate 18
Raven 17
Crocodile 16+
Soundtrack 16-
Granite 11
Schott/men 9
Kombat 6
Boar 5


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You are next, flamethrower, but first... The swarm of spiders jump on the crocodile, and try to snare hi into web, so he can try to save Schott.


OOC: I think Kombat's attack goes to +10 IIRC. Too bad about Keia. His work doesn't seem to block his Groovygamers access though. So I guess he still is out there into M&M PbP. I will hold my post for action since I am so late in the round.


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hero4hire said:
OOC: I think Kombat's attack goes to +10 IIRC. Too bad about Keia. His work doesn't seem to block his Groovygamers access though. So I guess he still is out there into M&M PbP. I will hold my post for action since I am so late in the round.

ooc - Yes, you are correct. I misread the character sheet. Just for clarification, Kombat has a trade-off for Attack/Dmg of +2/-2 then? In this attack, the extra +2 would have still missed, but barely.


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Tarentula skitters around the fire and comes up on the side of Crocodile. The spiders easily swarm up and over his body, spinning a fine webbing over his robed outfit. Crocodile grunts in annoyance but does not relinquish his hold on Schott. (Attack roll 16+5=21, hit; Crocodile Ref save 14, entangled but not bound or blinded)

Fate follows Kombat and Granite and passes through the black visual barrier. He sees that Tarentula is trying to assist Schott, so he turns his attention toward Owl and Raven. Believing Owl to be the one who nullified sound, Fate conjures forth a blast of fire in his direction. Owl is struck and moderately scorched, though his robes don't seem to catch fire. (Attack roll 14+6=20, hit; Owl Dmg save 15, 1 wound)

Raven faces off against Fate. A ray of blackness fires from the eyes of his mask, striking Fate square in the face. A blackness spreads over his body until he is nothing more than a ghostly-transparent, dark shadow of his usual self. (Fate Fort save 6+2=8, failure; GM decision to forego using a HP to reroll)

Crocodile squirms a bit under Tarentula's webbing, but he remains focused on applying his chokehold to Schott...who appears on the verge of losing consciousness.

* * * * *

Soundtrack and Granite are up next. Soundtrack, you're still behind the black wall and will have to move up to target anyone specifically.
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Rybaer said:
ooc - Yes, you are correct. I misread the character sheet. Just for clarification, Kombat has a trade-off for Attack/Dmg of +2/-2 then? In this attack, the extra +2 would have still missed, but barely.

OOC: Good question. I think I may have goofed when I made the character.

Tradeoffs do not have to be a "blanket" trade that effects all of the characters attacks. That is to say a PL 10 character could have a +15 to hit +5 dmg punch and a +5 to hit +15 dmg energy blast and still be legal.

But it seems the Boost would make him +7dmg and the enhanced attack would be +10 to hit.

Since the Boost came first I believe Danko has to limit himself to a +9 to hit with a unarmed attack.

Character should probably be rewritten anyway... :eek:
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First Post
Rybaer said:
Tarentula skitters around the fire and comes up on the side of Crocodile. The spiders easily swarm up and over his body, spinning a fine webbing over his robed outfit. Crocodile grunts in annoyance but does not relinquish his hold on Schott. (Attack roll 16+5=21, hit; Crocodile Ref save 14, entangled but not bound or blinded)

Fate follows Kombat and Granite and passes through the black visual barrier. He sees that Tarentula is trying to assist Schott, so he turns his attention toward Owl and Raven. Believing Owl to be the one who nullified sound, Fate conjures forth a blast of fire in his direction. Owl is struck and moderately scorched, though his robes don't seem to catch fire. (Attack roll 14+6=20, hit; Owl Dmg save 15, 1 wound)

Raven faces off against Fate. A ray of blackness fires from the eyes of his mask, striking Fate square in the face. A blackness spreads over his body until he is nothing more than a ghostly-transparent, dark shadow of his usual self. (Fate Fort save 6+2=8, failure; GM decision to forego using a HP to reroll)

Crocodile squirms a bit under Tarentula's webbing, but he remains focused on applying his chokehold to Schott...who appears on the verge of losing consciousness.

* * * * *

Soundtrack and Granite are up next. Soundtrack, you're still behind the black wall and will have to move up to target anyone specifically.

Soundtrack, left alone on the otherside of the black curtain, decides to join the action. He tries to circle around to where he thinks a good flanking position on his attackers may be and stick just a portion of his face through, hoping to avoid notice, then unleash a blast of directed sound at Owl.

OOC: Technically, he'd like to hit Raven, but he didn't see any of those attacks, right?

Voidrunner's Codex

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