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Curtains Ch.04 - Shell Games


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Soundtrack pokes his head through the insubstantial wall of inky blackness over near the wall closest to the safe. He immediately spots Owl and Raven, both standing in front of a now strange-looking Fate. Having not seen the attack on Fate, Soundtrack can only trust that the spell-slinger is doing a version of his own intangible spell. He focuses a coherent bean of sonic energy directly into the chest of Owl, sending him staggering backward. (Attack roll 17+8=25, hit; Dmg save vs DC23 - 14, hit and stunned)

Granite pull the first of Schott's men tighter to his body to decrease his cross-section. That's easy enough as the man instinctively clings to him for any hope of survival. Granite steers with his arms just enough to grab hold of the second falling man about a hundred fifty feet before impact. Unable to steer any further, Granite merely braces both men against the fast stop.

The threesome slams into a parked television truck, tearing a hole through the roof, an array of communications gear, and through the floor before cracking the pavement underneath. Granite, used to jumping and landing from these heights, is unharmed. The two men, however, are both stunned and suffering from minor lacerations caused by the passage through the truck. Fortuitously, Granite had spotted a nearby ambulance just before impact.

Back in the diamond exchange, the remainder of Schott's men have fled through an exit behind the safe. Schott, meanwhile, is still struggling to breath in the iron grip of Crocodile. His face is red and it looks like the fight is going out of him quickly.


Kombat's up next, followed by lots of guys in animal masks.

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Kombat follows up his failed attack with a solid two-fisted smash that you usually only see in old Star Trek shows. Simple, brutish, but hopefully effective.

OOC: spend an HP to reroll attack if single digit


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Kombat brings his two-fisted smash down on the shoulder of Boar and feels it connect with a satisfying crunch. There is a grunt of pain from the man behind the mast. (Attack roll 16+9=25, hit; Dmg save 19 vs DC22, 1 hit)

Boar is able to shake off most of the blow quickly enough to retaliate in kind, using his heavy mask to head-butt Kombat in the face. (Attack roll 21, hit; Dmg save roll 11+7=18, 1 hit)

Owl is still stunned from Soundtrack's attack.

Fox rounds the corner of the safe, following Tarentula. "Tsk, tsk," he/she/it says in a childlike playful tone of voice. "Don't be running away like that." Fox extends and arm toward the Crocodile/Schott/Tarentula pile and a greasy orange gas billows up from the floor engulfing all three. (Tarentula appears to be unaffected by whatever Fox is trying to do. Schott, however, stops struggling altogether.)


Tarentula is up next.

Kombat, this is round 4 of your Boost.

Owl 27 (done)
Fox 25 (done)
Tarentula 22
Fate 18
Raven 17
Crocodile 16+
Soundtrack 16-
Granite 11
Schott/men 9
Kombat 6
Boar 5


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Damned, that starts to be too much for me... Who is taking care of that Fox? thinks Tarentula. Trying to protect Shott as much as possible, the many spiders try to bite the crocodile, trying to poison him with his venom in hope to render him helpless.


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ooc - Apologies for my absence. I've been busy with work and trying to finish my NaNoWriMo entry, among other distractions. Should be able to start posting again by this weekend.


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Tarentula swarms over Crocodile as Fox's orange gas attack begins to disperse. This time, he is able to sink fangs through the black robe and find the softer flesh underneath. Crocodile grunts in annoyance and Tarentula can tell that he's no visibly struggling to maintain his hold on the limp Schott. (Attack 19+5=24, hit; Fort Save DC 23, fail, drained)

Fate struggles in his shadowy form but seems to be unable to move. "Uh, I think I have a problem here," he thinks to the group by telepathy.

Raven fires another black beam at Fate. As it strikes him, a black sphere surrounds and obscures the hero. The sphere quickly shrinks to the size of a marble and floats toward Raven's outstretched hand. The telepathic link among the group drops.

Crocodile maintains his hold around the neck of Schott while trying to swipe at the swarm biting his legs. "I'm gonna squish you, pesky bugs." His sluggish swings, however, are easy for Tarentula to avoid. (Attack roll 9, miss)

Granite aims at the blown out windows far above and leaps with the force of an artillery cannon. He hits the opening as planned, but crashes into the ceiling (harmlessly) to come back to a full stop.

Soundtrack is up. (Technically, before Granite arrives, but that's just details at this point.) Kombat can also go as it doesn't look like Schott or his men will be doing much any time soon.


Kombat follows through and grabs his foe's head attempting to smash a knee into his face.

OOC: Attack agressive stance +2 hit -4 defense again if the roll is a single digit I will spend an HP for a reroll.


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Rybaer said:
Tarentula swarms over Crocodile as Fox's orange gas attack begins to disperse. This time, he is able to sink fangs through the black robe and find the softer flesh underneath. Crocodile grunts in annoyance and Tarentula can tell that he's no visibly struggling to maintain his hold on the limp Schott. (Attack 19+5=24, hit; Fort Save DC 23, fail, drained)

Fate struggles in his shadowy form but seems to be unable to move. "Uh, I think I have a problem here," he thinks to the group by telepathy.

Raven fires another black beam at Fate. As it strikes him, a black sphere surrounds and obscures the hero. The sphere quickly shrinks to the size of a marble and floats toward Raven's outstretched hand. The telepathic link among the group drops.

Crocodile maintains his hold around the neck of Schott while trying to swipe at the swarm biting his legs. "I'm gonna squish you, pesky bugs." His sluggish swings, however, are easy for Tarentula to avoid. (Attack roll 9, miss)

Granite aims at the blown out windows far above and leaps with the force of an artillery cannon. He hits the opening as planned, but crashes into the ceiling (harmlessly) to come back to a full stop.

Soundtrack is up. (Technically, before Granite arrives, but that's just details at this point.) Kombat can also go as it doesn't look like Schott or his men will be doing much any time soon.

As Granite bounces off the ceiling, Soundtrack maneuvers to put Owl between himself and the hole in the wall. Hoping to knock Owl out of the building, even if temporarily, he levels a blast at Owl, in the form of a scream of instructions to Granite.

"Granite, that raven guy has done something with Fate! Keep him in the building and take him out of commission!"


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cuervo96 said:
"Granite, that raven guy has done something with Fate! Keep him in the building and take him out of commission!"

Granite scans the area quickly, noting that Fate was indeed gone, before turning his attention towards the Raven man.

"Buddy, this just became the worst day of your life." He says growling as he charges towards the man swinging his fist as he goes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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