D&D 5E Custom class the Agriculturalist testing results and things to change


Hello everyone. I just got done testing my custom class against the official classes in DnD 5e and here are the results from easiest to hardest:
  1. Sorcerer
  2. Wizard
  3. Warlock
  4. Druid
  5. Ranger
  6. Artificer
  7. Rogue
  8. Fighter
  9. Monk
  10. Paladin
  11. Bard
  12. Barbarian
  13. Cleric
Mages such as the Sorcerer and Wizard have the easiest time due to their Area of Effect spells; whereas, the Warlocks invocations and Eldritch blast range smokes my custom class.

Classes that fight directly had the hardest time like the Barbarian due to not having any battlefield control.
The Cleric did worst since it mainly focuses on support spells and does not have the same amount of AoE spells that the traditional mages have.

My custom class is designed to be a master of controlling the battlefield.

Things to change: Give the animal companion the pounce ability.
Get rid of spells that don’t make sense thematically for a magic farmer.
Give the magic farmer cantrips.
Give access to all martial weapons.

Take a look at my class if you are interested.
Feedback and criticism welcome:

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