D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Rules Oddities (Kibbles’ Collected Complaints)

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I am not saying there is no way to find someone hidden, just that See Invisible is not one of them
Then what does see invisibility do, if not highlight people in a glowing aura?


Then what does see invisibility do, if not highlight people in a glowing aura?
“For the duration, you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible”

that is the description, nothing about glowing auras around all people (invisible or not)… basically it counterspells the Invisibility spell, but just for that one viewer

“For the duration, you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible”

that is the description, nothing about glowing auras around all people (invisible or not)… basically it counterspells the Invisibility spell, but just for that one viewer
IDK. While I agree that it doesn't have to make glowing auras, I can see how it might enhance your senses enough to spot hidden creatures who would otherwise be unseen. I don't, however, think that it would cause you to see through solid objects. So I'm okay with it revealing the rare creature who is hidden, and therefore invisible, but effectively in line-of-sight. I don't think that situation oughtta occur often.

IDK. While I agree that it doesn't have to make glowing auras, I can see how it might enhance your senses enough to spot hidden creatures who would otherwise be unseen. I don't, however, think that it would cause you to see through solid objects. So I'm okay with it revealing the rare creature who is hidden, and therefore invisible, but effectively in line-of-sight. I don't think that situation oughtta occur often.
no, it won’t be often, but that does not mean I like it. I want to reverse the trend of ever more powerful magic and ever more meaningless everything-else

no, it won’t be often, but that does not mean I like it. I want to reverse the trend of ever more powerful magic and ever more meaningless everything-else
Magic is getting less powerful. The most powerful spells (force cage, spiritual weapon, simulacrum) where nerfed.

And Wizard get a fair bit less slots compared to 3.5.

But it is more common. Nearly every class uses it, and even half the fighter and rogue subclasses.
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yeah, I do not like that
How I would do it.

Anyone can cast any spell, but the casting time is exponentially longer as you go up in level, and can be interrupted. So level 1 fighter can cast guidance in 1 minute, water breathing in 1 hour, and Meteor Swarm in 1 year (or some such).

Then casters get various ways to cast faster. Like wizards can prepare up to X minutes, and hold the spell in a ready-to-fire state.

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