D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape- In Through the Out Door (Full)


Queen of Everything
I'd like to really understand what's being said but unfortunately it'll still have to wait until after August 23rd. Generally, I hate to make anything more complicated and changing the way spells work is a bit... Hmm, don't know the word but I choose Lili's spells all for a reason and if the parameters have changed I might like to change a spell or two. Also, I do usually agree with both Shay's and QL's reasonings, if that helps while I am away.

Miss you guys! Mickey says hi ;)

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First Post
I'll be sure to edit any house rules into the first post, most definitely. At this point, however, I haven't reached any decision, other than to probably make some changes to monsters as we go along. Which is the kind of thing I'd do anyway, and will come up/be discovered by the party in play.

Again, while I agree that flat magic resistance is kind of boring mechanically and should be used sparingly in general, I think it does do what it's supposed to do. It's *supposed* to hose magic-users, especially low-level ones. However, that wasn't the challenge I intended for these encounters, and I'm fine with removing and replacing monster traits and abilities as I deem appropriate. Not just because I'm new to 5e too, but in general. Not on the fly, though-- if I change something during an encounter or some part of an enemy you've fought before, I will try and be transparent about it. Hence this discussion. :)

Guys, I'm bowing out. My workload is about to amp up and with several things on my plate at home, I'm finetuning my gaming obligations. I love my character here, but this game isn't updating very frequently, and I think with 7 PCs, there is certainly room for one less. Good luck! [MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION], if a character dies or a player drops out, ping me, will you? Maybe we can revisit having Picayune join the fun.


First Post
I'm very sorry to hear it, and sorry for whatever effect my own slowdown has has on your decision. I'll be sure and let you know if we have any openings, and please, jump back in any time if your own schedule opens up, no questions asked.

No worries, Unsung. This game is slow, that's true, but the main thrust of my needing away is that I feel Pic is one PC too many and with my workload about to double, it was easiest for me to bow out. You're a great DM, and everyone here is a solid player. I'm sure I'll enjoy reading along in the IC.


Queen of Everything
Question! How do we feel about who knows what OOC info? Aka, you've posted info about the Yugos to Graydon but he hasn't passed that on IN game. So, I am assuming Lili doesn't yet know about these fiends and their spell resistance. Each GM seems to do this differently and I can't recall if we've discussed it.



First Post
I personally like the ic-ooc line kept separate, though there are cases where the line gets pretty finicky. What about some sort of Int or Wis check to pick up the slack, though- at least in cases where useful information might be inferred?

Voidrunner's Codex

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