As a Southern American I apologize for the stupidity we export. ☹ I've seen Confederate flags showing up in the strangest places. I'm ashamed and embarrassed.![]()
What's strange is, the flag was actually the battle flag for the army of the state of Virginia. The actual Confederate flag is
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My state Georgia has adopted it as their flag.
The one most people know was adopted later in the civil war as the national flag. Our country puts way too much importance into flags.
You're right, it's a nice looking flag. It became a symbol of hate. It's now, not only that, but a symbol of ignorance. Ignorance spreads like cancer. Sadly, so does its flag.![]()
To some; The American Constitution is holy writ. Unerring and unchangeable. I'm seeing Don't tread on me flags and stickers everywhere these days. Its popularity has grown.
Resistance to vaccine and nationalism are melding into the same. It's their patriotic duty to resist.
Resistance to vaccine and nationalism are melding into the same. It's their patriotic duty to resist.
I typically go out for groceries at 7:00am on Saturdays, to minimize exposure. Maybe 30 cars in the lot at a big local Wally World at that time so the biggest issue, as I've stated previously, is people being oblivious to the directional arrows for the aisles.Out of curiosity, what are people's risk tolerances like these days?
Since Omicron we're back to no indoor dining, N95 masks, 1 weekly shopping trip to groceries. I go to my office 1-2 days/week, my wife to gym 3 days/week (both require full vaccination). We're both boosted, in our 50s, with no other major risk factors.
I'd probably be a bit less cautious if it weren't for my oldest friend winding up in the hospital for 6 days with Omicron (though he a more risk factors than me).