Geographically, sure. And we're also more within the European landmass than, say, Cyprus. That doesn't change the fact that your country is far closer economically, culturally and ideologically with the Global North than Turkey is.
So by that logic, I cant criticize or comment on Saudi Arabia who have the death penalty for Homosexualty?
One minute you're criticizing a foreign company for
not speaking up and showing solidarity with LGBTI people in Turkey. Now you're criticizing me
for speaking up in solidarity with LGBTI people in Turkey.
More importantly, it's clear that you're basically citing the big and shocking cases that have also caused outrage within Turkey.
Yeah. Using quotes from Turkish LGBTI people, facing increasing discrimination, from an increasingly hostile government, to support my position.
I never denied that the political situation is rife with issues, and these are issues that need to be fixed.
So it seems you're arguing with me for nothing, because even you agree the issues exist.
But the way you're painting the issue makes it look as if Turkey has absolutely no legal protections for LGBT people.
No, I never said that, or inferred that. Not once.
Im aware Turkey has protections for LGBTI people built into its Constitution. As we're seeing the USA with the leaked Supreme Courts decision re Roe v Wade, baked in Legal protections against discrimination, are not absolute, and can be torn down.
Your President Ergodan, has form on this doesnt he? He's been increasingly pandering to conservative Islamic base for support, banning LGBTI pride marches, disparaging LGBTI people and their 'morally repugnant agenda', and has come out publicly against LGBTI issues.
I'm sure we can find similar or worse injustices against LGBT people in EU member states or even some states in the US. But for you, these do not put countries like Latvia or Poland or US states with strong anti-LGBT movements in the same bin as "backwards" countries, because you also hear about the legal protection offered to LGBT people there. In Turkey, the situation is not that different (barring a difference in degrees). Homosexuality was legalised a century before most Western countries in 1858 (while the Sultan also held the religious title of Caliph, mind you).
Here are some examples where Turkish courts upheld LGBT people's rights against discrimination in two cases in 2019:
What are you on about? I literally called out Russia and Hungary in earlier posts, and literally posted two separate Maps, showing EVERY jurisdiction in the world with repugnant legal prohibitions on LGBTI issues.
This isnt some ethnocentric or Islamophobic attack on Turkey from a 'Westerner' here mate. Im pointing out to you that your country is backsliding into bigotry, with LGBTI people under attack from your President, LGBTI parades being cancelled on 'morality and security' grounds, and LGBTI people facing increasing persecution, which is a position you agree with.
Im an ally of LGBTI people, and would like nothing more than for Turkeys laws to provide greater protection for the LGBTI people, banning the sorts of hate speech you see frequently on Turkish social media, and coming from the mouth of your own President.
The fact of the matter is though, that the President of your country has openly stated hostility towards LGBTI people, and has threatened (and used) 'moral offense' laws to prohibit or resstrict pro LGBTI messaging, and companies (Decathlon being one) have literally faced backlash for posting pro LGBTI messaging.
Instead, of directing your angst there
where it belongs, you direct it at the subdivision of a private company, going out of its way to spread (as much as possible) a
pro-LGBTI message, at a financial loss to the Company (which only exists to make money), and that is headed by Crawford, a Gay man.
Riddle me this. Why can I see the website in Australia, and you cant in Turkey?
Before you answer, here is a Tweet from our Prime Minister, when he was marching at our LGBTI parade in Sydney, in support of Same sex marriage in 2014:
Here is what your politicians have to say:
But yeah OK, blame Hasbro and not Turkey. Whatever floats your boat.