D&D Celebrity Satine Phoenix & Husband Jamison Stone Accused Of Abuse Towards Freelancers

D&D influencer Satine Phoenix, and her husband Jamison Stone, who run tabletop gaming company Apotheosis Studios, have been accused of abusive behavior towards freelancers and contracted workers. Satine Phoenix is a well-known D&D personality and creator, and was the D&D Community Manager for about a year back in 2018. Both she and Stone have appeared in many events and streaming shows, and...

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D&D influencer Satine Phoenix, and her husband Jamison Stone, who run tabletop gaming company Apotheosis Studios, have been accused of abusive behavior towards freelancers and contracted workers.

Satine Phoenix is a well-known D&D personality and creator, and was the D&D Community Manager for about a year back in 2018. Both she and Stone have appeared in many events and streaming shows, and have worked with WotC, Geek & Sundry, and other companies. Recently their Kickstarter campaign Sirens: Battle of the Bards raised over $300,000. At GaryCon, a US gaming convention, the couple held a public wedding.


Accusations were initially leveled last week against Stone by tattooist Chad Rowe, who tweeted about the abusive way in which Stone, as his client at the time, treated him. The artist was "insulted, berated, and talked down to as if I was a lesser person". Other reports started to roll in as people shared similar experiences, with people revealing how they had been bullied by them, and how the pair frequently portrayed themselves as 'better' than those they worked with. At the time of writing there have been many such reports including one from voice actress and designer Liisa Lee who was subjected to underhanded business practices by Phoenix and her then partner Ruty Rutenberg. Others indicated difficulties in getting paid for work done for Stone and Phoenix or their company.

Lysa Penrose reported on problematic interactions while Phoenix worked at WotC, who was the primary point of contact regarding a report of abuse. Penrose reports that Phoenix failed to pass on the reports of abuse, and continued to publicly associate with the abuser.

Jamison Stone has since resigned as CEO of Apotheosis Studios (though the pair do own the company) and issued a long apology which has been widely criticized. Phoenix released a statement about a week later. Screenshots leaked from a private channel indicate that they have adopted a strategy of shifting the blame onto Stone, so that Phoenix's public image remain intact, with Stone writing “I also am ensuring behind the scenes ... we shield Satine as much as physically possible from damage.”

D&D In A Castle, which is an event which hosts D&D games run by professional DMs in a weekend break in a castle, has dropped the pair from its lineup, as has Jasper's Game Day, an organization which works to prevent suicides. Origins Game Fair, at which the couple are celebrity guests, removed Stone from its guest list, but not Phoenix, stating that "staff assessed that there was no immediate risk of physical harm".

According to ComicBook.com. former collaborator of Phoenix, Ruty Rutenberg, is suing Phoenix, alleging misappropriation of $40,000 of stream network Maze Arcana's money.

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It’s ironic because there are currently threads on this very site where people are advocating including sexual slavery in dnd settings. But no one jumps in on those threads to talk about how dnd is a child friendly game, unless to mock it on that account

Satins Phoenix seems to be a manipulative, abusive person who has enabled other manipulative, abusive people in the hobby. The fact that she used to be a sex worker is irrelevant.

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Book-Friend, he/him
It’s ironic because there are currently threads on this very site where people are advocating including sexual slavery in dnd settings. But no one jumps in on those threads to talk about how dnd is a child friendly game, unless to mock it on that account

Satins Phoenix seems to be a manipulative, abusive person who has enabled other manipulative, abusive people in the hobby. The fact that she used to be a sex worker is irrelevant.
I don't see those posts, personally.


It’s ironic because there are currently threads on this very site where people are advocating including sexual slavery in dnd settings. But no one jumps in on those threads to talk about how dnd is a child friendly game, unless to mock it on that account
I don't see those posts, personally.
The most recent one got shut down before anyone could reply. That said, I think I would make a distinction between how the game is officially promoted (and by whom) vs how individuals choose to play/talk about it.


Staff member
Anyone who thinks businesses are universally paid on invoices within 30 days are not living in the real world. If you want more security and payments on a fixed schedule you should take a low-paying job as an employee with an actual wage, instead of being greedy and holding out for more money as an independent contractor.
Mod Note:

Calling independent contractors “greedy” seems unnecessarily provocative and judgmental. How about dialing it back a notch?


Children aren't allowed to drive cars. Cars kill a lot of people, children included. Cars destroy the environment. Therefore, everyone who worked in the automobile industry needs to hide that from children.

And you better not have served in the military and be open about that! Child soldiers are bad, so therefore kids should be held ignorant of soldiers existence as a whole.
To hide the mere existence of sex work from children is, in fact, sex shaming.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
I think I lucked right the heck out by -starting- my writing career with ENPublishing.

The company is openly, aggressively, and appropriately inclusive and directly opposes the worst elements of the writing community, like Dave Johnson, and is very heavily focused on functioning as a business by paying all writers once a month for all the work that they have done.

Even if that work later requires significant revisions by an Editor who -also- gets paid the same day the following month for all the work they've done.

I have never felt so embraced by a group of coworkers, or so supported by management, as I do freelancing for ENPublishing.

And reading horror stories like this makes me feel even more grateful.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
It is not sex shaming to question the porn industry.
You aren’t “questioning the porn industry”, though. You’re questioning the validity of someone’s place in TTRPGs because they used to be a sex worker.
Again, right to that canned response.
A response you don’t like isn’t a canned response, my dude.
Porn is restricted to 18+ in the USA. Child porn is a serious criminal offense. There are documented and peer reviewed studies that show it can be harmful (and others that show it is not and all sorts of ones in between).
None of this is in any way relevant. Child porn does not relate to the idea of children knowing porn exists.
Outside the USA, there are quite a few countries with even stronger rules against it. It also crosses over into religious beliefs.

No one is questioning the sex that happened.
This is a blatant misrepresentation of the argument.

You aren’t “questioning the porn industry”, though. You’re questioning the validity of someone’s place in TTRPGs because they used to be a sex worker.

A response you don’t like isn’t a canned response, my dude.

None of this is in any way relevant. Child porn does not relate to the idea of children knowing porn exists.

This is a blatant misrepresentation of the argument.
First of all, I am not questioning someone that worked/works in the sex industry being in the TTRPG space. That would hit pretty close to home for me and I have said several times in this thread that in my opinion it ok and I think it is a valid topic for discussion.

You are thinking too much in absolutes - is there no age limit that children should have access to porn and knowledge of the industry? No parental consent? Should be publicly broadcast in any school?

Want a simple test, post a screen cap in this thread of a TTRPG person in their prior sex work job with any real explicit details. Post deleted and probably a ban.

Isn’t that sex shaming because any sex is fine?

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