D&D Celebrity Satine Phoenix & Husband Jamison Stone Accused Of Abuse Towards Freelancers

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D&D influencer Satine Phoenix, and her husband Jamison Stone, who run tabletop gaming company Apotheosis Studios, have been accused of abusive behavior towards freelancers and contracted workers.

Satine Phoenix is a well-known D&D personality and creator, and was the D&D Community Manager for about a year back in 2018. Both she and Stone have appeared in many events and streaming shows, and have worked with WotC, Geek & Sundry, and other companies. Recently their Kickstarter campaign Sirens: Battle of the Bards raised over $300,000. At GaryCon, a US gaming convention, the couple held a public wedding.


Accusations were initially leveled last week against Stone by tattooist Chad Rowe, who tweeted about the abusive way in which Stone, as his client at the time, treated him. The artist was "insulted, berated, and talked down to as if I was a lesser person". Other reports started to roll in as people shared similar experiences, with people revealing how they had been bullied by them, and how the pair frequently portrayed themselves as 'better' than those they worked with. At the time of writing there have been many such reports including one from voice actress and designer Liisa Lee who was subjected to underhanded business practices by Phoenix and her then partner Ruty Rutenberg. Others indicated difficulties in getting paid for work done for Stone and Phoenix or their company.

Lysa Penrose reported on problematic interactions while Phoenix worked at WotC, who was the primary point of contact regarding a report of abuse. Penrose reports that Phoenix failed to pass on the reports of abuse, and continued to publicly associate with the abuser.

Jamison Stone has since resigned as CEO of Apotheosis Studios (though the pair do own the company) and issued a long apology which has been widely criticized. Phoenix released a statement about a week later. Screenshots leaked from a private channel indicate that they have adopted a strategy of shifting the blame onto Stone, so that Phoenix's public image remain intact, with Stone writing “I also am ensuring behind the scenes ... we shield Satine as much as physically possible from damage.”

D&D In A Castle, which is an event which hosts D&D games run by professional DMs in a weekend break in a castle, has dropped the pair from its lineup, as has Jasper's Game Day, an organization which works to prevent suicides. Origins Game Fair, at which the couple are celebrity guests, removed Stone from its guest list, but not Phoenix, stating that "staff assessed that there was no immediate risk of physical harm".

According to ComicBook.com. former collaborator of Phoenix, Ruty Rutenberg, is suing Phoenix, alleging misappropriation of $40,000 of stream network Maze Arcana's money.

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I just can't stand by such an unkind view. If you think the world doesn't owe them reform, that's on you, but I thought the whole point of having a moral community is being better than whatever unjust world we are plunged into.

Everyone deserves a chance for reformation, and while this reformation might not be easy or might require extensive efforts to make amends, denying it outright is immoral IMO. It denies the infinite freedom and dignity all of us inherently have.
Sure, they can be reformed...but not as thought leaders or onscreen personalities. They are done there, they need to move on to other work.

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Does this ring true when we have had people in this very thread that have been intermingling comments attacking sex work, not liking their GM style, accusing them of being bad players, etc.. that has NOTHING to do with the actual "bad" things they may be responsible for.

The dogpile is not people coming forward with legitimate complaints and others discussing them, its the massive wave of generic negative and sometimes over-the-line comments from those who can hide behind their anonymitity AND the actual glee some people have at attacking someone else.
And those people got kicked from the threads by the Mods because we don't tolerate intolerance, here.

I wish Twitter, Facebook, and other social media would do the same. Activate their "Anti-Nazi" code and autoban tons of complete garbage fires permanently. But they won't. 'Cause the garbage fires are associated with a particular end of the political spectrum, shock of shocks, and too many "Intolerant but not quite Nazi" people would also get kicked.

I don’t feel a need to debate certain points. History has been written. We all know what happens in social media when you are on the poop list. I just cannot like it no matter how hard I try and geek culture is at he cutting edge of this it seems.

In pointing that out we got “you are talking about something irrelevant” to screw that sort of introspection! Silence the Nazis!

Holy Moses what a microcosm. Rage on internet!
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So you're not interested in the controversy, you're not interested in actually weighing the results of social media, and you think Satine might do a desperate outrage to herself, and you want to join in with other people pointlessly navel-gazing over whether social media is "Just" without actually, y'know, trying to determine whether the given situation is just.

Like... do you understand what I'm saying here or am I being particularly obtuse?

If you want to weigh whether social media is Just you have to determine the crimes and the punishment and compare the two.

Doesn't matter if it's -this- controversy or some -other- controversy. That's just the baseline minimum level of information required to accomplish the goal. You cannot determine proportionality without knowing both the action and the reaction. Right?

Navel-gazing philosophical hypothetical discussion of imagined actions and reactions probably has it's place somewhere... But in this thread, which is specifically about these people and the things they've done... just ain't it.

Though if you're sincerely worried Satine will hurt herself, feel free to just say that. It would probably be an appropriately weighed concern.
I think they have stated 10+ times their thoughts were about social media woes in general and not about this specific case (even bolded sometimes). If that line of discussion isnt appropriate to the thread (and I feel it is) then the mods can let them know.

And those people got kicked from the threads by the Mods because we don't tolerate intolerance, here.

I wish Twitter, Facebook, and other social media would do the same. Activate their "Anti-Nazi" code and autoban tons of complete garbage fires permanently. But they won't. 'Cause the garbage fires are associated with a particular end of the political spectrum, shock of shocks, and too many "Intolerant but not quite Nazi" people would also get kicked.
So...then we agree that dogpiling happens in social media controversies?

I don't understand the resistance to say it does. It 100% happens and all that useless negative energy both fuels a fire that creates more useless negative energy and more importantly drowns out the legitimate discussion that happens inside of it.

Nobody here is saying that bringing issues to light and holding people accountable is a bad thing, or that you shouldn't listen to those who are trying to voice their grievances, but they are saying that unmoderated social media is an atmosphere that can easily turn into an unproductive mass of anonymous negative comments with no sustenance.

I don’t feel a need to debate certain points. History has been written. We all know what happens in social media when you are on the poop list. I just cannot like it no matter how hard I try and geek culture is not he cutting edge of this it seems.

In pointing that out we got “you are talking about something irrelevant” to screw that sort of introspection! Silence the Nazis!

Holy Moses what a microcosm. Rage on internet!
Apparently we don't know. 'Cause y'all seem to think it is some kind of obnoxious death knell that results in poverty and destruction of life, while the rest of us look over at Dave Chapelle still getting stand up specials and popping in to drop new Transphobic Comedy during a John Mulaney show.

Gina Carano retreated from social media after the backlash against her, and is still an actress with one film just wrapping and two more in post and pre production.

Nathan Silvester, a cop who actually got fired for responding to Lebron James mourning the death of Makhia Bryant with "You're Next" just before the George Floyd verdict came back, got half a million dollars donated to him, a podcast, and his pension kept in place.

So even when there are consequences offline, they're generally ameliorated by... y'know... your life not -actually- being destroyed or otherwise harmed in any meaningful way.

Heck, knowing how police hiring works Nathan probably could've just started working for the next town over, like various cops often do when they're fired for things like Abuse of Authority or Police Brutality.

You wanna question the way backlash in social media works? GREAT. Make a thread about it. Slap a + on it to denote it is meant to be a positive thread. Then wax philosophical about it.

But people generally don't appreciate derailments that by their very nature demean the current events that a given thread is ACTIVELY ABOUT.
I think they have stated 10+ times their thoughts were about social media woes in general and not about this specific case (even bolded sometimes). If that line of discussion isnt appropriate to the thread (and I feel it is) then the mods can let them know.
If you have to keep repeating that you're not interested in the topic of the read you're posting in as people drag the topic back, again and again, maybe it's just time to read the room and make a thread about what you want to talk about instead of posting 10+ times?

But sure. Instead I can just report these posts going forward and let the mods handle it, if that's your preferred method.

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