D&D 5E D&D Creator Summit -- Morning Sessions

I am in 'Digital Group 2'. There's a busy chatroom of digital attendees talking to each other while they wait for the session to begin. Note that WotC has requested no screenshots (these are streaming from their offices and there are privacy issues with in-person attendees and with WotC staff who aren't part of the presentations) so this will be all words! Amy Dallen from the marketing team...


I am in 'Digital Group 2'. There's a busy chatroom of digital attendees talking to each other while they wait for the session to begin. Note that WotC has requested no screenshots (these are streaming from their offices and there are privacy issues with in-person attendees and with WotC staff who aren't part of the presentations) so this will be all words!
  • Amy Dallen from the marketing team at D&D Beyond. This is an interactive chat, lots of faces of digital attendees. The in-person attendees are seeing the VTT, while we have chat and ask questions about the event. It's kinda of a pre-presentation informal chat.
  • One attendee asks about technical requirements of the VTT, which Amy doesn't have information for, but says that it is a priority to share than info once it is determined.
  • Will D&D Beyond get extra language support? There have been conversations about that, but Amy cannot share any concrete plans. Italian Player's Handbook is on DDB.
  • Will publishing on DMs Guild be continuing with One D&D? As far as Amy knows, no changes are planned.
  • There will be a D&D Beyond presentation later in the morning. The afternoon will be 3 presentions - VTT overview, then rules update and forward-looking with Jeremy Crawford and Chris Perkins, and finally a wrap-up.
  • A (YouTube) creator asked how to get on the review copy list, as it doesn't seem to track with followership and they didn't get responses to their emails. Amy will get the correct contact email for that.
  • He went on to ask if WotC viewed certain creators as 'hostile'? They cited who Kyle Brinks spoke to. Amy says she is not aware of any such feeling or policy, but decisions on who they talk to are based on a broad range of factors. Criticism is welcomed.
  • Another creator asked whether there were different views between content creators (YouTube etc.) and third party publishers, and how it was decided who would be invited physically and who digitally. (That's a couple of people in a row who have asked questions about how they were perceived by WotC). Amy says there is no formal division between the two groups, but that WotC wanted a mix of people from both the influencer and publishing side.
  • Another creator brought up the fact that the initial invitations to this event went to influencer folks rather than publishing folks. This seems to be what this meeting is becoming about!
  • And the meeting has come to and end--the D&D Beyond presentation is next!

SCHEDULE (PT time zone)
10:30 AM–11:30 AM: D&D Beyond

1:00 PM – 2:25 PM: D&D VTT Overview [IN-PERSON + DIGITAL]

2:30 PM – 3:55 PM: 2024 Rules Update – Player Options [IN-PERSON + DIGITAL]

4:00 PM – 5:25 PM: 2024 Rules Update – Dungeon Master Options [IN-PERSON + DIGITAL]

5:25 PM – 5:30 PM: Event Wrap-up [IN-PERSON + DIGITAL]

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I can’t speak for anybody, but there did seem to be an element of “why did he go on that guy’s YouTube channel and not mine?” to it. About half the meeting was that.
A strong argument for just doing these with the actual gaming press, such as it is.

No press conference or press event, which is what this is, can possibly invite everyone. Goobers who waste everyone's time being outraged about that probably shouldn't be there, by definition.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
A strong argument for just doing these with the actual gaming press, such as it is.

No press conference or press event, which is what this is, can possibly invite everyone. Goobers who waste everyone's time being outraged about that probably shouldn't be there, by definition.
I mean, they were polite. They weren’t coming across as angry, just querying how those decisions get made.


Well, that was fun
Staff member

Still a terrible use of limited time, IMO. Surely there were questions more people wanted to know the answers to.
That particular meeting was really just an introductory chat with a marketing person from DDB while the other group did the main presentation, then swap over. As you can see from the bullet point above, it was more supposed to be a housekeeping thing than an actual Q&A session, and the host wasn’t able to address much by way of policy questions. Most if it was just sorting out technical issues and the schedule and stuff.

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