D&D has "jumped the shark"

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I think that we should wait until 4e actually comes out before we decide whether or not it's any good.

Although I don't know that they're dumping Vancian casting. For every time I've seen someone saying they are, I've seen someone saying that Vancian casting will stay.

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Meems said:
I think that we should wait until 4e actually comes out before we decide whether or not it's any good.
That's a very sound and reasonable piece of advice. Unfortunately this is the internet so we're all going to completely ignore it and instead react hysterically....

OMG. WOTC killed D&D!!1111ONE!! :mad:


First Post
Mouseferatu said:

Actually, I really love the book. I'm not really worried about the edition change with regards to HoH either, since I'll probably be using it moreso in my Call of Cthulhu d20 game than D&D.

I was gonna PM you to this effect, but it seems I cannot send PMs. So you instead get my praise in a Jump the Shark thread. How fitting for a book that deals in Madness.


Doug McCrae

This thread is unworthy of serious consideration. Which is why it rightly hasn't received any.
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Shawn_Kehoe said:
Actually, I really love the book.

Oh, I figured you were kidding. Hence my :p .

But I'm still glad to hear it. :)

I'm not really worried about the edition change with regards to HoH either, since I'll probably be using it moreso in my Call of Cthulhu d20 game than D&D.

Interesting. I'd love to hear about how that works. While a lot of the advice (I hope) should translate to any horror game, a lot of it was written with D&D specifically in mind. I'd be really interested in hearing about how it translates over. :)

I was gonna PM you to this effect, but it seems I cannot send PMs. So you instead get my praise in a Jump the Shark thread. How fitting for a book that deals in Madness.


Indeed. I think I'm at the point where I actually lose SAN every time I hear or see the phrase "jump the shark." ;)

Bah...silly thumbnails...


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