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D&D has "jumped the shark"

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Mouseferatu said:
Oh, I figured you were kidding. Hence my :p .

But I'm still glad to hear it. :)

Interesting. I'd love to hear about how that works. While a lot of the advice (I hope) should translate to any horror game, a lot of it was written with D&D specifically in mind. I'd be really interested in hearing about how it translates over. :)

Indeed. I think I'm at the point where I actually lose SAN every time I hear or see the phrase "jump the shark." ;)

One creepy aspect is that this is the last D&D rulebook I bought, alongside Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. If the 3rd Edition Iconic Characters don't return, I'm always gonna think of the introduction to Chapter 1 as their last adventure. :eek:

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While I agree with the sentiments of the OP, does anyone other than me think it's interesting to note that the characters from a show that brought us the phrase "Jump the Shark" were all from Milwaukee, just a stone's throw from Lake Geneva, which brought us D&D.

Coincidence? I think not!



Razz said:
I've heard enough, and so has many other gamers out there. D&D 4E will make the game unrecognizable to people from any edition. Let's start with the obvious ones:

---Beholders have 9 eyestalks, not 10

Well, I'm convinced.

Olgar Shiverstone said:
And here I dropped in thinking "Jump the Shark" was a new feat or combat move or something.

Sheesh ...

Hmm... Do you want literal or metaphorical? ;)

Jump the Shark (literal)

You are able to make incredible leaps from the water.
Prerequisites: Jump +9, Swim +9
Benefit: When swimming in a straight line, you may leave the surface of the water in a fantastic leap, akin to a dolphin or a flying fish. For purposes of this Jump, you are considered to have taken a running start. In addition, you gain a +10 bonus to your swim speed, so long as you are swimming at or near the surface.

Jump the Shark (metaphorical)

You may continue onward even after your efforts appear to be a failure.
Prerequisites: Will +8
Benefit: When subject to an effect that would normally stop you from taking actions--paralysis, petrification, hold, and even death--you may act for a single round afterward. The action you take within this "extra" round cannot be used to prevent, cure, or circumvent the effect that activated the feat in the first place.

Hey Razz im on your side. everything so far that has been said about 4e is stuff they could have fixed with a revision or made into another OGL optional rule book. They didnt need another edition. I'll keep and eye on it, but if what has been said so far was it and the game came out today I wouldnt be buying it. Fluff books only Im afraid for my 4e purchases.


First Post
Crothian said:
Um, you're like 30 years to late to this. Everyone knows that D&D jumped the shark after the White Box set. There is only one true game!!!! :cool:
Hi, diaglo!


First Post
I like D&D. I'll take it any way I can get it. I still play with my Basic D&D rules and I'll play with 4e, too. I don't think that the game is being wrecked, it's just being re-imagined. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't. But the geek in me is plain excited about shiny new books.

Normally I find Razz's posts detestable and generally worthless, but I have to admit he has a point.

The farther we get from the starting point, the more unrecognizeable D&D will become, for whatever reasons that prompted change in the first place.

Tieflings as a core race and 25 spell levels sounds like Everquest, not D&D.

I for one do not want to keep riding the merry-go-round of editon change, especially when it occurs at the rate of three editions in eight years. Plainly spoken, I'm here to have fun, not devote months on end to learning a new game system only to be presented with a new one two or three years later.

Perhaps this is why I picked up a copy of Castles and Crusades today. It's time to get back to basics.

Sure, I'll keep playing 3.5 with my weekday group, but I have no intention of playing 4e.

Unless of course they bring back Greyhawk.

Okay--it's kinda bothersome watching this thread.

--) Obviously the original post (a) provides no plausible support for its thesis; and (b) is really pretty melodramatic--so you should ignore it or criticize it, but:

--) Why all the hatin'? I've rarely, if ever, seen so many sarcastic, patronizing, and downright mean responses on these boards--and from normally levelheaded people. What happened to the famous, strictly-enforced commitment to politeness and mutual respect? If one of the more popular people on the boards made a comparably boneheaded post, would you be quite as harsh? I really doubt it.

Doug McCrae

the black knight said:
Tieflings as a core race and 25 spell levels sounds like Everquest, not D&D.
Yeah but detailed racial abilities (almost race as class), weapon mastery-type special abilities and no iterative attacks sounds like the OD&D, B/X, RC line.

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