D&D General D&D In The Mainstream - Again!

With the latest mainstream article* (this time the New York Times for the third time!) from a major news outlet covering the resurgence of D&D, I thought I'd take a quick look at similar articles which have appeared on the radar of major newspapers and broadcasters recently, including The Guardian, the BBC, the Washington Post, and more!

With the latest mainstream article* (this time the New York Times for the third time!) from a major news outlet covering the resurgence of D&D, I thought I'd take a quick look at similar articles which have appeared on the radar of major newspapers and broadcasters recently, including The Guardian, the BBC, the Washington Post, and more!

*Note, this article was written in Nov 2019, but I intend to update the list below as more such articles appear. Last updated Sep 2022.


Image from NYT, depicting live-streamed D&D show "Rivals of Waterdeep"

Just yesterday, the Washington Examiner joined in. Forbes also covers the game fairly regularly. It's pretty amazing that this hobby is now appearing in mainstream media on a regular basis. There's a major mainstream article every couple of months now, it seems. The articles are usually very similar -- the surprising revelation of the "rise" or "resurgence" of D&D, and reports that D&D is now 'out of the basement', a few words from somebody at WotC about how the current year is the best year yet, and perhaps an interview with a gamer or two explaining why they think D&D is resurgent now, as well as quotes from a celebrity gamer.

The New York Times was surprised about the popularity of D&D twice this year - this week on D&D's resurgence, and back in April on "why the cool kids are playing Dungeons & Dragons". The Times looks at the strangeness of D&D becoming cool, while the Washington Post wonders how D&D became more popular than ever. IGN explains the recent surge in popularity, and the Guardian tells us we're no longer nerds because D&D is cool now (update: and then again in November 2019, July 2019, May 202, and then in September 2022). The BBC covers the phenomenon, as does Australia's ABC.

It'll be fun to see what comes next, if D&D's resurgence becomes no longer 'news' but accepted fact, and the outlets get to report on more focused aspects of the hobby -- hopefully the coverage won't die down. It's come some way since 2004 when the BBC asked "What happened to Dungeons & Dragons?" They've certainly got to stop being surprised at the resurgence soon! (*edit -- as of July 2022, nope, they're still surprised!)

UPDATE -- January 2023, during the height of "OGL-gate", D&D has featured heavily. I have made a separate OGL-gate list here.

With a bit of Googling, you can also uncover a ton of local news outlets which have covered the game, such as the Liverpool Echo, the Oxford Observer, the Washington Examiner, or the Chicago Daily Herald, as well as many comic book and general geek sites. D&D is everywhere! Even the Cyprus Mail!

I'm sure there are more! Those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head.


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The evidence for this statement has become pretty sketchy.

Wotc own figures Art and Arcana. 1983 27 million dollars.

Plug that into inflation calculator. 69 million in 2019 dollars.

That's bigger than 65 million, D&D vs the entire market.

It was split over 2 editions though.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I didn't know what that one was, to be fair - I just assumed it was an American newspaper!
It's a very minor paper that has its profile artificially boosted by folks who want to see a paper in DC that's not the Washington Post for partisan reasons. It's ... fine, but not on par with the rest of the mainstream sources linked to.

It was not a D&D figure however.
When you take into account effects of demographics and the constraints therein, the population size of the TYPE of person who wants to play ttrpgs being a limited one for instance (and there are many other restraints such as ttrpgs being less widely known at the time and less culturally accepted) its pretty clear current business is not actually as strong proportional to environmental factors as it used to be. I think i can safely assess d&d to be in a decline masked as growth.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
When you take into account effects of demographics and the constraints therein, the population size of the TYPE of person who wants to play ttrpgs being a limited one for instance (and there are many other restraints such as ttrpgs being less widely known at the time and less culturally accepted) its pretty clear current business is not actually as strong proportional to environmental factors as it used to be. I think i can safely assess d&d to be in a decline masked as growth.

Your paragraph appears to be written in genuine nonsense :)


When you take into account effects of demographics and the constraints therein, the population size of the TYPE of person who wants to play ttrpgs being a limited one for instance (and there are many other restraints such as ttrpgs being less widely known at the time and less culturally accepted) its pretty clear current business is not actually as strong proportional to environmental factors as it used to be. I think i can safely assess d&d to be in a decline masked as growth.

D&D's on the up for the first time since 83.

It's very close to the Golden age, probably biggest selling ever.

It not as big relative to the Golden Age with population growth. It's doing great overall.

D&D's on the up for the first time since 83.

It's very close to the Golden age, probably biggest selling ever.

It not as big relative to the Golden Age with population growth. It's doing great overall.
There is an upswing. But i think its size is vastly over estimated.

And it cant be understated that much of the recent growth is probably culturally fair weather consumption in nature.

In other words. Honeymoon phase of first time true and full acceptance into the mainstream.

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