D&D General D&D Loyalty?

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Dusty Dragon
I love ttRPGs. I've been playing them, almost continuously, for almost 35 years now.

I'm also a fan of D&D. I guestimate that about 50% of my ttRPGing has been a form of D&D. Fan of Hasbro?... not so much.


CR 1/8
I'm loyal to "D&D" in the generic sense of "fantasy ttrpg more or less rooted in one of the editions of D&D."
I'm not at all attached to official D&D settings or products, and am slightly turned off by D&D as a lifestyle brand.

So not enough to say he was fired with any level of certainty.
I mean, what do you want to call it? Fired is a colloquialism, not a precise term. Certainly there's no evidence that he wanted to go, and if he had, he'd probably have said so. Executives in general rarely get fired-fired, but that's a whole other discussion.

I mean, what do you want to call it? Fired is a colloquialism, not a precise term. Certainly there's no evidence that he wanted to go, and if he had, he'd probably have said so. Executives in general rarely get fired-fired, but that's a whole other discussion.
For all we know, he wasn't happy about some of their decisions and he resigned out of protest. He’s been around long enough to know roasting them publicly is a good way to not get another job in a similar role, so I wouldn’t expect him to say much publicly. I would definitely stop short of saying he was fired unless we absolutely knew that to be the case.
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I'm loyal to "D&D" in the generic sense of "fantasy ttrpg more or less rooted in one of the editions of D&D."
I'm not at all attached to official D&D settings or products, and am slightly turned off by D&D as a lifestyle brand.
More or less the same for me. With the difference that I do have some nostalgic attachment to some of the iconic monsters and spells of D&D and playing in the Forgotten Realms of the 2e/3e era.

How loyal to D&D are you? By that I mean are you all in on D&D, loyal to an edition or loyal to a company?
I try really hard not to be loyal to inanimate objects.

I'm loyal to my family and friends. But to a game? Yeah, no. Now I generally play the latest edition, because in general it is just easier and I'm adaptable. I'm happy to play most anything that is good and gives us a good time. Right now that is 5E. But we are talking about Cyberpunk Red and Frontier Space. And of course, I have other hobbies too that I put my time and money into.


Where is that Singe?
Loyal to AD&D. Not WotC, not anything of WotC's creation... just TSR from the golden, olden days (sometimes BECMI is okay).

I play 5E just because that is what the group plays. I'd love to try som OSR stuff, but from what I've read it just doesn't have the same feel as A&D for some reason.

Otherwise, I'm not really loyal to RPGs. I've played a bunch, but none of them ever really appealed to me as much as AD&D.

I don’t know that I’m “loyal”, but I’m definitely “in love” with DnD.

Like, every time I play a different game, after a while I start missing DnD, and I want to go back to it.

And the greatest campaigns I ever played/DMed have been in DnD.

I also find myself thinking every new edition is better than the previous one (yes, I think 4e was an improvement to 3.5).

So I guess I’m just the target DnD client…or a darn fanboy!


I like dnd and have bought something from many editions including many of the classic pdfs, so in that respect I'm loyal. But I also like other RPGs and that I'm hoping to play (fabula ultima i might be able to get a game going), I also play dnd adjacent games such as OSR and other d20 games.

But I'm also not planning on buying any more 5e, I feel the cracks in the game that, while are game breakers, are annoying. I'm also thinking that with the various changes to the game that it's passed me by a bit. I might play 5e again in the future but I'm not likely to put any more money towards it.

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