D&D General D&D Loyalty?

I started playing D&D almost 50 years ago. I have run every edition. I still like running it. However, I enjoy running other things. Currently running some homebrew rules my son and I wrote.

I will keep tabs of the most popular game on the market if for no other reason than recruiting and sharing a common ground with most other TTRPG players.

Odd editions seem to resonate most with me. I was a whale for 1st, 3rd, and 5th. I'll probably come back in heavy for 7th! :)

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Personally I'm more loyal to the setting (Forgotten Realms) than the game, but since the setting is one of the official poster settings for the game, inevitably I mostly play D&D.

I do play some other systems; Fallout RPG, Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk - but these are few and far between the Realms D&D campaigns I play/DM in.

I have a great deal of fondness, nostalgia, and appreciation for OD&D, AD&D, early TSR, and the early pioneers of the hobby. Especially Gary Gygax as the promoter, champion, and defender of the hobby during the Satanic Panic.

I also have a deep appreciation for Hasbro/WotC and 5e for bringing me back into the hobby after over two decades of not playing TTRPGs, and creating evocative, inclusive, high-quality books and a darn good system that was accessible and fun. I don't have a "face" of modern D&D in mind like I do with the OD&D and AD&D. Chris Perkins probably comes closest because his videos were what I used to jumpstart my getting back into running games.

What I most appreciate about D&D is that it was and still is the most effective gateway to the TTRPG hobby. Whatever criticisms I may have about the systems, the corporations, or the individuals that make up "D&D", I'm grateful it exists.

In the late 80s, I stopped playing D&D and moved to Warhammer Fantasy as my main game, as well as playing many other games.
Over the past 10 years, after getting back into TTRPGs, I've played quite a few other games (mostly one shots) and have just switched to Warhammer Fantasy 4e as my main game. But it is nice to know that D&D will always still be there in some form and I expect I'll be playing it again, in some form.

To all the games I've loved before
Who traveled in and out my door
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song (I dedicate this song)
To all the games I've loved before

To all the games I once possessed
And may I say, I've held the best
For helping me to grow, I owe a lot, I know
To all the games I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing (blowing)
And ev'ry time I tried to stay (trying to stay)
The winds of change continued blowing (blowing)
And they just carried me a way (carried me away)

5e for bringing me back into the hobby after over two decades of not playing TTRPGs
For me, it was a long-time friend (and DM) who brought me back into the hobby and 5e after over 28 years of not playing TTRPG's. That's why I mentioned earlier in this thread about loyalty going to your fellow players/friends. As they sometimes make you do things that you never imagined yourself doing before. ;)

I started playing D&D almost 50 years ago. I have run every edition. I still like running it. However, I enjoy running other things. Currently running some homebrew rules my son and I wrote.

I will keep tabs of the most popular game on the market if for no other reason than recruiting and sharing a common ground with most other TTRPG players.

Odd editions seem to resonate most with me. I was a whale for 1st, 3rd, and 5th. I'll probably come back in heavy for 7th! :)
Sounds like you'd enjoy Into the Odd. ;)

I haven't played any RPG other than D&D 5e for some years now. Despite that, I have no loyalty at all to D&D (5e or otherwise), and even less to WotC/Hasbro. Right now, if it all just disappeared overnight I'm not sure it would raise so much as a shrug.

My loyalty to D&D starts with: what game system can I find players and/or GMs for?

5e is a good system, but not unique in being so. It gives a familiar style of play, but that's sometimes a bonus and sometimes a detriment.

The OGL debacle was the first time I was really "hey, maybe I don't like the company (or it's parent) more than I like the game and I'm going to stop purchasing, but they have walked back enough that my enjoyment of the game is back to more than distaste for the publisher.

At this point if I purchase the 2024 rules is pretty dependent of if the group I'm a player in switches. This would have surprised my younger self, as every edition change that has happened I have purchased (usually pre-purchased) the core rules as soon as I was able. So I guess my loyalty to D&D is down.

I'm loyal to people, not corporate product lines. D&D has my interest as long as it serves my needs and sparks joy. It even inspired me to get a degree in English and move to Seattle, but that inspiration was from passionate writers and artists back in the 90s, not from a brand name.

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