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D&D 5E D&D Multiverse as setting - do you do it?


If I'm playing in any of the campaign settings that have traditionally been part of the Great Wheel cosmology, than yes, I play with them all within the same multiverse. So Greyhawk, FR, Dark Sun, Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Planescape, etc. I don't use Eberron within the Great Wheel since from the start it was created with its own distinct cosmology. I wouldn't include 4e's Nentir Vale quasi-setting within the Great Wheel as it likewise had its own very different cosmology. I also include various other worlds like Ortho that were mentioned as being on the Material Plane in Planescape.

If I'm playing in Golarion, as my current Pathfinder campaign is, I tend to stick with only those worlds that have been part of that cosmology (but with the vaguely detailed assertion that access to other realities is possible, and the main campaign villain is strongly implied to be a what could best be described as a marooned yugoloth/baernaloth more or less shipwrecked in Golarion's multiverse and imprisoned against its will, acting as essentially a misery tourist).

I try to remain true to the original intent of a given cosmology.

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My take is ... different.

Not only is it possible for the characters to be in other campaign worlds - they already are. All the worlds coexist in the same space at the same time. The reason it seems different is because you are only attuned to one planar frequency at a time. So when you cast a planar spell to go from the world of Ravnica to Soviet Russia, for example, you are changing which planar frequency you are attuned to. Once you come in tune with Soviet Russia, you are out of frequency with Ravnica; you are still in the same place, but Ravnica can't affect you in any way.

This is also how the gods, spirits, patrons, etc. can grant spells and powers even if you are on a different plane; they are outside of the space entirely looking inward; you are still in the same places regardless of your attunement.

(In case you're curious, I based this idea on a minister I heard once who believed that we are currently on Earth and in Heaven at the same time, but that because of our spiritual attunement, we cannot perceive the Heaven we are currently walking in and through.


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I've always been inspired by Michael Moorcock's multiverse, and I've always done my campaigns somewhat like that. So the PMP is central and the outer planes in that multiverse attach to that particular PMP. Very much like the 1E version of the planes, there are an infinite number of alternate PMPs all with their own outer planes (and inner for that matter).

That being said, I don't do tons of planar travel in my campaigns - I like it to have a degree of being special. In my Greyhawk campaign we did the Demonweb Pits, I designed an adventure in the Nine Hells based on an old Dragon article, ran Aesirhammer, also out of an old Dragon. We took a trip to London (modified Dragon adventure), etc. What I do like to do, sparingly, is brief forays into sci-fi settings, old west, I remember designing a quick trip into the Marvel Universe back in the day. I've let my characters meet Conan, Elric and Moonglum, Corum, and maybe a few others. The old Giants in the Earth column in Dragon was nice for ideas along these lines. Mostly, I like these cross-overs to be pretty brief, sometimes the characters jump planes, sometimes the jumping comes to them (Such as a setting like the Barrier Peaks), and one must be careful not to let things get out of hand (such as, Jim really wants Stormbringer...maybe if Elric has a little too much to drink and passes out, then the assassin can...).


I have my own campaign world, with its own cosmology. I have a fey wild and shadow fell sort of planes, and probably elemental planes, but I've never quite decided if there are any others. Never needed them... because I've generally run E6 or something similar.


I have been thinking of making the ships less Spelljammery. My world would be more Firefly in its layout. The three plot lines would involve the corrupt technological plutocracy (Eberron), a silent invasion by flesh covered warforged, and ancient, forgotten, vengeful fiends that look to retake the galaxy and enforce a new rule.


My home brew world, the characters start on the plane of Creation. It was the first prime material plane. It is the oldest physical plane from which all other prime material planes came from. It has 15 orbs, each controlled by one of the 15 oldest gods, that function as sun/moons. From there they can get to any plane, though none of my groups have ever went to a prime material plane.


I will say this about Spelljammer/Planescape. One of the earliest things we did was flood Krynn with off-world steel and make a crazy fortune. We were ruining the local exchange rates whenever we showed up, and eventually had bounties put on our heads by Krynn steel merchants.


I will say this about Spelljammer/Planescape. One of the earliest things we did was flood Krynn with off-world steel and make a crazy fortune. We were ruining the local exchange rates whenever we showed up, and eventually had bounties put on our heads by Krynn steel merchants.

Next stop: Athas ;)
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