Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Just counting kings of Númenor, Gondor, and Arnor, and the Chieftains of the Dúnedain from Elros down to Aragorn II. Aragorn is the 64th generation down from Elros, and Arwen is the first generation down from Elrond. So, first cousins 63 times removed.How did you come up with that number? I agree with you about how distant relationships can become irrelevant, what with elves in LoTR being immortal and High Men being long-lived. I am curious about the math.
EDIT: The source of that count is the Numenorean kings’ family tree from The Thain’s Book, which is defunct, but it’s the best source available if you are looking for a precise count. Otherwise it’s somewhere greater than 59 and fewer than 100 generations.
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