Book-Friend, he/him
I was a bit taken aback at the idea of changing "plurality" to "largest", as one typicaly does with synonyms, being controversial...but TIL that is an Americanism, coined due to the way our electoral system works. The more you know...Like I said, the the majority of people don't use rolling. Changing the word "plurality" to "largest" is not going to change the facts. The majority don't roll.
I don't know, though I wouldn't be surprised if they found people liked some guide posts in character creation, amd things to build around.Then why in god's name did they ignore their own polling, which had 70%+ approval for letting players customize it, and put it in the DMG, if it's easy and everyone is going to do it? (To be fair I do agree most people probably will, but I pity those who aren't allowed to).
Any DM who wouldn't let somebody build a custom Background using simple straightforward guidelines is probsvly just the tip of the red flag iceberg.