[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players


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jdeleski said:
I've been watching your Masks and Delta Green campaigns with interest.
Seems that you're not the only one who knows my credentials, Bob. Hey, thanks. I've been wanting to play in BMoM for a long time. It looks like this'll be a blast!

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Bobitron said:
T-dot is slang for Toronto. Are you sure you are from there, eabha? ;)
I've spent much of my life here (and all of the last seven years) and never heard that. What is the world coming to? :)


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Presumptuous as ever, I went ahead and posted my character on the RG thread. Seeing the previous post here, I'm sure ALL of my mistakes will soon come to light. Still working on equipment.



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That IS a really nice pic, TZ! And thanks for that weblink; it'll help me with the NPC's. :cool:

taitzu52 said:
Seeing the previous post here, I'm sure ALL of my mistakes will soon come to light. Still working on equipment.

Oh, hey, am I that bad? :p

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