[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players


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Review of Vittorio Liuzzi Character sheet


I enjoyed reading through your character sheet and have a few areas that need tweaking.

- HP = 30 (9 at first level and 7 for each level thereafter)

- Flat footed AC = 10 (dex bonus and defensive bonus are negated at the start of a battle)

- Sanity = 70 (Wisdom X 5); thus 20% Sanity = 14

- This may not require a change unless you decide to adjust things. Your skillset did not include a few skills from the full list, including Open Lock, Pilot, and Repair. I only mention these 3 skills in particular because they are ones that somewhat fit Vittorio's profile, but there are others that are also not on your list. For the full list, compare against the sample character sheet for Dayton Williams.

- As a general note (but not anything you need to change), in the sample sheet for Dayton Williams I've only added "trained" or "untrained" next to certain skills where a character cannot use it unless they have trained in it (that is, where they've allocated skill point to add ranks in that skill). A character is able to use all of the other skills in that list (i.e. those that are not tagged as either "trained" or "untrained") without any training at all.

- Your character may add 3 more languages thanks to his +4 intelligence bonus (i.e. native language +4 others = 5 known).

- I did not see any stats for your starting savings and income (D20 CoC manual pg 15). Your highly educated character would gain +2 for his profession modifier as a technician, therefore his starting money = (1d6+2) X $2,000. His average starting salary would therefore be about $11,000 (i.e. (3.5 + 2) X $2K). His average starting income would be (1d6+2) X $1,000 = $5,500. If you'd like to use these numbers, I'm OK with that. If you believe that your character would have a higher savings or income based on his background, then let the negotiations begin! *laughs*

If you accept these numbers, you probably should adjust your savings left.

- And lastly...

Bobitron said:
...and his most recent {job}, engineer on an expedition with E. H. Harriman, Jr., son of the famous railroad baron who led an expedition to Alaska in the late 1800’s, in a visit to Alaska alongside Dr. Merriam, who was with Mr. Harriman Sr. on his trip in 1899.

Ooops!!! Go figure that there were TWO E.H. Harriman's who BOTH explored Alaska! James Starkweather would've known this, so I'll fix your invitation letter. ;)

Job (the tortured one).

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jdeleski said:
Ooops!!! Go figure that there were TWO E.H. Harriman's who BOTH explored Alaska! James Starkweather would've known this, so I'll fix your invitation letter. ;)

Job (the tortured one).

That was extrapolation on my part. Harriman wasn't noted as having a son, but I made him up so that I could tie into something well known. The original expedition took place in 1899 or so, long before our campaign. Although, to be honest, I would like to make an older character if you will allow it. I could add 30 years onto his age and make him a veteran of the first expedition if you say it's OK. Would there be adjustment for age like in d20?

The other stuff I will attend to as soon as I get the time.


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OMG! You had me fooled! :lol:

Aging characters are perfectly fine in this campaign, especially those who are Intelligence-oriented as opposed to Dex and Str. Before you choose the exact age, be sure that you make note of the Aging Effects in the D20 CoC ruleset, pg 13.

Having someone roleplay an elder stateman would be VERY fun!

Job (the tortured one).


jdeleski said:
Aging characters are perfectly fine in this campaign, especially those who are Intelligence-Having someone roleplay an elder stateman would be VERY fun!

Cool! I'll look into aging him a bit and making him a member of the first expedition.


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*laughs* Gomez, you are welcome to play Starkweather or Moore! Or even Charlene Whitson, if you want a different type of challenge... I'll even send you your cue calls! ;)


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Say, are you really still looking for more players? I've been watching this thread with great interest for a few days. I've not played CoC before, though I am familiar with it. I could pick up any necessary books tonight (means another fun-filled trip to The Hairy Tarantula) and put up a character tomorrow.

I was thinking anthropologist/archeologist or a doctor. What, if anything, do you guys need?


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The Starkweather-Moore Expedition still has 2 positions left open! Either of your suggested professions would be good, but a physician is likely to be more actively needed within the storyline due to the demands of the campaign.

The ruleset that we're using is D20 Call of Cthulhu. The manual is out of print, but there are usually a number of copies up for sale on eBay at any one time. I picked mine up a couple of weeks ago on eBay for $15. By the way, that D20 CoC ruleset is one of my favorite books and I'll be using some of it's content in my PnP D&D campaign in the near future, so you're likely to find other good uses for it besides in this game.

Welcome aboard!

Job (the tortured one).


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Well, I really want to play, but I'm not sure I can pull off character creation without some sort of guidebook here in front of me. Even if I ordered it now, it would not reach me for days (I found a used copy available to order). Is there some sort of character creation guide out there on the web? Or is it possible to kind of fake it, with your help? Is it much like creating characters for D20 Modern?

Sorry for all the questions, but I am quite interested in your game. Sounds exciting!

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