[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players

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Prof Yeti

First Post
Anyone know where I could get some info on d20 CoC? We were going to start a game with my RL group but then the GM moved. We kinda fell apart from there.


Prof Yeti said:
Anyone know where I could get some info on d20 CoC? We were going to start a game with my RL group but then the GM moved. We kinda fell apart from there.

Wizards was the best source, but they no longer have the CoC titles and do not support it with a forum or any information on the WOTC site. I think picking up a book is your best bet.


Exploring Ptolus
Prof Yeti said:
Anyone know where I could get some info on d20 CoC? We were going to start a game with my RL group but then the GM moved. We kinda fell apart from there.

Here is the place to go for all things Cthulhu.


First Post
Status & Communications

I'm back to work this morning (ugh!) after a week's vacation, so I won't have an opportunity to review character sheets until late today, but I do plan to catch up and keep things moving when I finish work this evening.

Until then, I'd like to organize our communications. I am very conscious of the need for privacy and security with our posts and our personal addresses, but would like to take a few steps to open up our lines of communications so that our game is able to maintain a brisk pace and so that we have a few alternate methods of communication for roleplaying certain aspects of the game. If you plan to play this campaign, I ask that you please take the below steps.

1) TIME ZONE: Please let me know your time zone and I'll post these in the OOC thread. I don't think that this information needs to be protected, but let me know if you think otherwise. This will help us know when might be the best RL time to contact someone in the campaign.

2) EMAIL ADDRESSES: Send me an email through the EnWorld system by clicking on my name and selecting the appropriate option. When you send me an email, please include your own email address and any instant messaging addresses that would be OK for me use for contacting you if you are online. If you would prefer not to exchange email or IM addresses, or at least wait until we're further into the campaign, I am fine with that. We'll figure out some other way to accomplish the info transfer. If you do send me your addresses, I'll thereafter test the email addresses by sending you a response. I will not publish your email addresses and instant messaging addresses. Nor will I send them to other players, not even to those individuals playing in this campaign. Please respect the privacy of my own addresses in the same way. It will be up to you to forward your addresses to any other players in this campaign whom you may wish to contact.

Why do I need your email or IM addresses? Using email, we'll be able to contact each other for any actions and information that only your character would know about. For example, I plan to privately work with each player as to how insanity in the game would would affect your player and how it would be acted out in-game. I do not intend to post exactly how many sanity points each player loses (where other players would be able to see this information), but instead will privately inform each player how many they lost and then work with you to determine the effects. For example, let's say that a player loses 25 Sanity points when viewing Nyarlathotep in all its hideous glory; all that the other players would read is: "Player X sees this obscene monstrosity, his jaw drops, he loses control of his bladder, he remains fixed in his position, not moving, and he begins talking to himself." It would be up you, the player, to decide if you'd like to tell other players your sanity status.

Exchanging email and IM addresses will also allow you to contact me if you have questions that you don't want other players knowing the answer to, or if you would like to privately investigate some aspect of the campaign. I expect that this will significantly strengthen the roleplaying aspects of the game.

3) INSTANT MESSAGING: I will respond via email to each of you with my own email address and Instant Messaging addresses. The IM addresses that I provide to you will be ones that I use outside of my work and you can occasionally find me online at these IM addresses in the evenings and on weekends. Using IM, I expect that we'll be able to more quickly and more efficiently work out difficult events and information transfers.

4) HOME ADDRESSES: If you are willing, I'd also like to exchange home addresses so that I can ship you any handouts and documents that might be unwieldy to post online (FYI, there are a few handouts in this campaign that might fall into this category!). I will send you my own home address in return. As with email or IM addresses, I will not post or distribute your home addresses. If you would prefer not to exchange home addresses, or at least wait until we're further into the campaign, I am fine with that.

Job (the tortured one).


I could seriously care less who has this info. Please cc any emails to both accounts.

*edited out!*

I changed my mind. Too much spam!
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First Post
*laughs* Bobitron, you are too much!

I've sent email responses, and IM addresses, to Shaman and yourself.

Job (the tortured one).


First Post
Approval of Guerini's character sheet


Fráncisco “Paco” Andreás Guerini's character sheet is approved. Thanks for your patience and welcome to the club!

Job (the tortured one).

Voidrunner's Codex

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