[D20 CoC] Mountains of Madness Characters


First Post
Please submit your character sheets in the following format and alert me to take a peek. I'll let you know if I require any changes.


Dayton Lomax Williams
Male Mechanic/Orderly – Former Minor League Baseball Player

For your character, choose either the Offense Option (extra weapon specialty and attack bonuses) or the Defense Option (extra AC and saving throw bonuses).
(Offense option) 4
Height: 6’ 1"
Weight: 205lbs
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Green
Age: 27

This is a very deadly campaign, therefore your character’s ability scores will be set using a generous 40 point buy system. That is, each ability score starts at 8 and the players spread 40 points out among all abilities to arrive at their final scores. For ability scores of 14 or lower, you buy additional points on a 1-for-1 basis. For ability scores higher than 14, it costs a little more (i.e. spend 5 points of your 40 for a score of 13, 6 points for a score of 14, 8 points of your 40 for a score of 15; 10 points for a score of 16, 13 points for a score of 17; and 16 points for a score of 18).

Once you’ve divided the 40 points amongst your character’s ability scores, add one more point to one of your scores because at the 4th level, you get an additional point.
Str: 17 (+3)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 16 (+3)
Cha: 10 (+0)

Hit dice are equal to 4d6 (i.e. 1d6 per level) plus 4 X your Constitution bonus
Hit Dice: 4d6+12

Hit points are max at first level (i.e. 6HP + Con bonus), + 4HP+Con bonus for each level thereafter
HP: 30 (i.e. in Dayton's case = (6+3) + (4+3) + (4+3) + (4+3))

Your character's armor class = 10 + your dex bonus + defense bonus
*NOTE: We are using the Variant: Defense/Offense Bonus from page 15 in the D20 CoC rulebook. If you took the Defense option, your AC should be +2 higher at level 4 as a result.
AC: 14 (+4 Dex)

Init: +4 (+4 Dex) = to your dex bonus
Speed: 30 ft = 30 feet for all human beings
Current Sanity: 80 = 5 X Wisdom score
Max Sanity: 99 = 99 maximum for all characters at start
20% sanity: 16 = 20% of total San (below this, you are considered insane)

  1. If you chose the Offense Option, you begin play in this campaign with one “good” save (starting at +4) and two “bad” saves (starting at +1).
  2. If you chose the Defense Option, you begin play in this campaign with two “good” saves (starting at +4) and one “bad” save (starting at +1).
  3. Select which save to apply each of these “good” and “bad” saves, and this selection doesn’t change throughout your character’s life.
  4. Add your Dex bonus to your Reflex Save
  5. Add your Con bonus to your Fortitude Save
  6. Add your Wis bonus to your Will Save
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +4 (+1 Base, +3 Con)
Reflex: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dex)
Will: +4 (+1 Base, +3 Wis)

- If you chose the Offense Option, your BAB = +3
- If you chose the Defense Option, your BAB = +2
- Add your Str bonus to the BAB to determine your melee attack bonus
- Add your Dex bonus to the BAB to determine your ranged attack bonus
- If you do not have a weapon proficiency feat for a specific weapon, subtract 4 from your attack bonus
BAB: +3
Melee Atk: +6 (+3 BAB, +3 Str)
-- Unarmed (1d3 + Str +3 subdual)
-- Baseball Bat (1d6 bludgeoning, Crit. 20/x2)
Ranged Atk: +7 (+3 BAB, +4 Dex)
-- .38 Revolver (1d10 piercing, Crit. 20/x3, Rng. 20)

  1. The number of Skill Points that your character gets at each level = 8 + Int bonus
  2. The Total Skill Points that your character can divide amongst all skills at the start of this campaign = 7 X Skill Points per level
  3. Choose 12 Core Skills from the list below; these skills should be the key skills that fit your character background and will go up one rank for every skill point you allocate to it. To help me quickly see which skills are your Core Skills, please highlight all of them with an asterisk (*). All other skills are considered Non-Core Skills and will go up one rank for every 2 skill points that you allocate to it.
  4. Divide your total skill points amongst all skills, taking care to raise the correct number of ranks depending on whether it is a Core vs. Non-Core skill.
Current Skill Points: 70
Skill Points per Level: 10 (8 base, +2 Int)

Animal Empathy (untrained) +0 (Cha +0)
Appraise +2 (Int +2)
*Balance: 11 (7 Ranks, +4 Dex)
Bluff +0 (Cha +0)
*Climb: 10 (7 Ranks, +3 Str)
Concentration +3 (Wis +3)
Craft (untrained) +0 (Int +2, but untrained)
Cthulhu Mythos (untrained) +0 (no ability modifier)
*Demolitions (trained): 9 (7 Ranks, +2 Int)
Diplomacy +0 (Cha +0)
*Disable Device (trained): 9 (7 Ranks, +2 Int)
Disguise +0 (Cha +0)
*Drive: 6 (2 Ranks, +4 Dex)
Escape Artist +4 (Dex +4)
Forgery +2 (Int +2)
Gather Information +0 (Cha +0)
Handle Animal (untrained) +0 (Cha +0)
*Heal: 10 (7 Ranks, +3 Wis)
*Hide: 11 (7 Ranks, +4 Dex)
Innuendo +3 (Wis +3)
Intimidate +0 (Cha +0)
*Jump: 10 (7 Ranks, +3 Str)
Knowledge (untrained) +0 (Int +2, but untrained)
Listen +3 (Wis +3)
Move Silently +4 (Dex +4)
Open Lock (untrained) +0 (Dex +4, but untrained)
Operate Heavy Machinery (untrained) +0 (Dex +2, but untrained)
Performance (untrained) +0 (Cha +0)
Pilot (untrained) +0 (Dex +4, but untrained)
Psychic Focus (untrained) +0 (Wis +3, but untrained)
Psychoanalysis (untrained) +0 (Wis +3, but untrained)
Read Lips (untrained) +0 (Int +2, but untrained)
*Repair (trained): 9 (7 Ranks, +2 Int)
Research +2 (Int +2)
Ride +2 (Dex +2)
Search +2 (Int +2)
Sense Motive +3 (Wis +3)
Sleight of Hand (untrained) +0 (Dex +4, but untrained)
Speak Other Language (untrained) +0 (Int +2, but untrained)
Spellcraft (untrained) +0 (Int +2, but untrained)
Spot: +3 (Wis +3)
*Swim: 6 (3 Ranks, +3 Str)
*Tumble (trained): 11 (7 Ranks, +4 Dex)

*Use Rope: 6 (2 Ranks, +4 Dex)
Wilderness Lore +3 (Wis +3)

- Your character begins this campaign with 3 feats.
- NOTE: We are using the Variant: Defense/Offense Bonus from page 15 in the D20 CoC rulebook. If you took the Offense option, your character receives one extra weapon proficiency feat.
Dodge (1st Level)
Point Blank Shot (3rd Level)
Run (1st Level)
Weapon Proficiency: Pistol (Variant Offense Bonus)

Your character begins this campaign knowing your native language. You may add languages by taking a "Speak Other Language" skill for each additional language that you'd like your character to know.
English (native)

Original savings - $2,000. Yearly income - $2,000.

4 worn collared shirts, various colors, clean and neat – $6.00
3 worn trousers, grey, black, and dark blue, clean, pressed with a crisp pleat - $6.00
1 pair of new work boots - $4.00
7 pairs of tighty whiteys - $1.00
7 pairs of black socks -$1.00
1 worn grey parka – $20.00
1 leather bomber jacket, lightly worn - $20.00
2 mechanics uniforms - $3.00
2 orderly uniforms – $3.00
1 pair of worn, tan wool gloves – $4.00
2 grey wool scarves – $3.00
2 woolen sweaters, on grey and one dark blue - $8.00

1 baseball uniform (Boston Tempests), clean and pressed – $3.00
1 baseball uniform (Worchester Red Sox), clean and pressed – $3.00
1 pair of cleats – $5.00
1 baseball mitt – $10.00
3 wooden baseball bats - $3.00
1 wooden baseball bat with lead core for practice – $3.00
12 baseballs in varying condition - $6.00
1 set of catchers padding - $5.00
3 exercise sweatshirts - $1.50
3 exercise shorts - $1.50
1 pair sneakers - $2.50
2 jockstraps - $1.00
5 pairs white socks - $0.75

.38 Revolver (purchased as a safeguard against asylum inmates) - $25
(100) .38 rounds - $5.95
Leather Holster fitted for hiding the gun in the small of his back - $5.00
Flashlight - $3.00

Rented Room - $300 per year (paid up for 1 year)
Duffle Bag - $3.00
Shaving Kit and toiletries - $3.00
Gold pocket watch (heirloom from grandfather) - $25.00
Wind-up alarm clock - $1.00
1 fountain pen and ink - $1.00
20 pencils - $0.20
5 writing tablets - $1.00
2 sets of stationary - $2.00

Toolset that includes:
- Full range of mechanic tools (purchased new) – $50.00
- Average set of carpentry tools (from his grandfather) – gift
- Average set of plumbing tools (from his grandfather) – gift
- Average set of masonry tools (from his grandfather) – gift
- Mechanic’s “Bible” - $5.00

Healing kit, purchased by himself, that includes -$30.00
- Stethoscope
- Thermometer
- Restraints
- Bandage kit
- Hot water bag
- Ice bag
- Aspirin
- Smelling salts
- 2 ampules of morphine
- Scissors
- 2 boxes of matches
- First aid manual

Savings left - $1,418.60

Dayton Williams is a tall, strapping young male. He exercises religiously, jogging 5 miles every morning at sunrise, then performing calisthetics and weightlifting for an hour or two until he eats breakfast and gets ready for work. If time permits after work, he spends time in batting and fielding practice, or playing in nonleague ballgames with friends. He does not smoke cigarettes, but occasionally can be found drinking with buddies.

He keeps his hair in a tight brushcut and is fastidious about hygiene. If he’s not wearing his exercising outfits or work uniforms, he prefers to wear a collared shirt with rolled-up sleeves, no tie, and loose-fitting slacks. His clothing is well-worn since he cannot afford much on his meager salary as a mechanic and orderly, but they are always cleaned and pressed. He just purchased a new pair of workboots that he often wears both on and off duty.

He continues to keep his baseball uniforms, cleats, and ballplaying equipment hung and sorted in a separate closet, well maintained, and ready for use.

Dayton is determined, but outgoing and happy-go-lucky. Because of his moderate success and frequent travels in his minor league baseball career, he has a large number of friends in cities along the East Coast and in a variety of occupations. Once his exercise routines are out of the way for the day, he loves to spend his free time playing cards and chatting with friends and colleagues. He always has a joke or funny story at hand. Although not particularly well read, he is of better-than-average intelligence and knows whom to contact if he has questions.

When Dayton encounters trouble, he turns to his disciplined side, sizes up the problem, and works quietly and diligently towards its solution. Once the problem is overcome, he returns to his normal, joking self. Although Dayton is certainly capable of handling himself physically, he usually thinks before he acts, however he does have a temper that occasionally gets the best of him.

Dayton believes himself to be firmly grounded in “reality” and does not believe in ghosts, extraterrestrials, or spiritual phenomena. Lately, however, since he began working at the Arkham Asylum, Dayton has begun hearing strange, whispered comments and has occasionally noticed disjointed, unusual writings that have caused him concern. The other day, he noticed a team of investigators who visited the Asylum to speak with Professor Witherspoon and, after warmly smiling and flirting a bit with Nurse Taylor, he managed to pry a little information loose and even eavesdropped a bit at the door. He intends to confront the team about their intentions.

Born July 7, 1909 in Albany, Indiana. Dayton grew up in a strong, loving family environment. His father unfortunately passed away in a car accident when he was 16, and they were very close, but Dayton recovered well from the tragedy. His father schooled him well in baseball fundamentals. Afterwards, Dayton’s mom took a keen interest in his activities and progress, helped him through his trials and tribulations with the army and his baseball career, and he still calls her once a week.

Dayton joined the Army immediately after graduating from high school. He was assigned and trained as a mechanic, but also showed promise in firearms and demolitions. He was well prepared both physically and mentally for combat, but saw no action. He attained the rank of Corporal, but had no interest in a career in the service and was given an honorable discharge after 4 years.

Dayton traveled to the Massachusetts area after high school to join the Boston Tempests, a minor league team. He later moved to Arkham when his second minor league assignment ended, and vows to get in the best shape of his life to make another attempt at breaking into the major leagues. Dayton bats right, and throws right.


1. Have you read the campaign book from Chaosium, "Beyond the Mountains of Madness"?
2. Have you read H.P. Lovecraft's story, "At the Mountains of Madness"?

If you have not read them, please refrain from doing so. I assume that you won't read them, :cool: but this may become important later in the campaign.
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Exploring Ptolus
Martin Louis LeBlanc
Male Photojournalist

(defense option) 4
Height: 5’ 8"
Weight: 165lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 31

Str: 11 (+0)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 14 (+2)

Hit Dice: 4d6+12
HP: 35
AC: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 Defense Bonus)
Init: +3(+3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft

Current Sanity: 70
Max Sanity: 99
20% sanity: 14

Fortitude: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Con)
Reflex: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Dex)
Will: +3 (+1 Base, +2 Wis)

BAB: +2
Melee Atk: +2 (+2 BAB, +0 Str)
Ranged Atk: +5 (+2 BAB, +3 Dex)

Current Skill Points: 70
Skill Points per Level: 10 (8 base, +2 Int)

Climb: 2 (2 Ranks, Non-Core)
Craft(Photography): 13 (8 Ranks, +2 Int +3 Misc)
Craft(Writing): 8 (6 Ranks, +2 Int)
Diplomacy: 8 (6 Ranks, +2 Cha)
Drive: 6 (3 Ranks, +3 Dex)
Gather Info: 10 (8 Ranks, +2 Cha) Wis)
Innuendo: 4 (2 Ranks, +2 Cha)
Knowledge(Chemistry): 8 (6 Ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge(Geography): 4 (2 Ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge(History): 4 (2 Ranks, +2 Int)
Listen: 4 (2 Ranks, +2 Wis, Non-Core)
Research: 7 (5 Ranks, +2 Int)
Sense Motive: 7 (5 Ranks, +2 Wis)
Sleight of Hand: 4 (1 Rank, +3 Dex, Non-Core)
Speak Other Language (German): 7 (5 Ranks, +2 Int)
Spot:10 (8 Ranks, +2 Wis)
Swim: 2 (2 Ranks, Non-Core)

Run (1st Level)
Skill Emphasis (Photography)(1st Level)
Weapon Proficiency (Pistols)(3rd Level)

French, English, Spanish

Original savings - $4,000. Yearly income - $2,000.

4 worn collared shirts, various colors, clean and neat – $6.00
3 worn trousers, grey, black, and dark blue, clean, pressed with a crisp pleat - $6.00
1 pair of lesther work shoes- $4.95
7 pairs of tighty whiteys - $1.00
7 pairs of black socks - $1.00
1 new brown parka – $35.00
1 pair of worn, tan wool gloves – $4.00
2 woolen sweaters, on black and one dark blue - $8.00
5 pairs white socks - $0.75

.45 Revolver - $30.00
(100) .45 rounds - $8.60

Rented Room - $300 per year (paid up for 1 year)
Duffle Bag - $3.00
Shaving Kit and toiletries - $3.00
Gold pocket watch (heirloom from grandfather) - $25.00
Wind-up alarm clock - $1.00
1 fountain pen and ink - $1.00
20 pencils - $0.20
5 writing tablets - $1.00
2 sets of stationary - $2.00

- Box Camera - $2.29
- (120 Exposures) Film - $1.90
- Folding Pocket Camera - $16.15
- (60 Exposures) Film - $5.00
- Developer Kit - $4.95
- 144 8by10 Photo Paper - $5.00
- Photo Lab Equipment - $15.00

Savings left - $1,507.21

Martin LeBlanc is a short. thin man with worldly air about him. He always seems to be coming from somewhere on his way to somewhere else. He is very personable (when he stays in one place long enough) and has his share of female 'acquaintances' all over the world.

Martin is a well-travelled individual who feels right at home in South America, the US or Africa. He has a focused view on events and tries to remain detached from any politics that are present. This has allowed him to survive in some tight situations up until now.

Born January 17, 1902 in Montreal, Quebec and is a Canadian citizen.. Martin grew up in a a large family (7 brothers and 2 sisters). His father was a beat cop who worked all his life to make ends meet. Martin did very well in school and was accepted at the prestigious McGill University. He did not apply himself fully as his newfound interest in photography took hold and graduated without distinguishing himself. He has since found his niche and continues to put out quality material. He has never been married.
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The Shaman

First Post
Fráncisco “Paco” Andreás Guerini
Mountain Guide


Investigator 4 – offense option
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Age: 29

Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 10 (±0)
Wis: 16 (+3)
Cha: 12 (+1)

Hit Dice: 4d6+12
HP: 30
Defense: +0
AC: 12 (base 10 + Dex +2)
-- touch: 12 (base 10 + Dex +2)
-- flat-footed: 10 (base 10)
Init: +2 (Dex +2)
Speed: 30’

Current Sanity: 80
Max. Sanity: 99
20% sanity: 16

Fortitude +7 (Inv4 +4 + Con +3)
Reflex +3 (Inv4 +1 + Dex +2)
Will +6 (Inv4 +1 + Wis +3 + Iron Will +2)

BAB: +3
- Melee +6 (Inv4 +3 + Str +3)
-- Unarmed (1d3 + Str +3 subdual)
-- Ice axe (1d6 + Str +3 piercing/Crit. 20/x4/Medium/6 lb.)
-- Hunting knife (1d4 + Str +3 piercing/Crit.19-20/x2/Small/2.5 lb.)
- Ranged +5 (Inv4 +3 + Dex +2)
-- Hunting knife (1d4 piercing/Crit.19-20/x2/Rng. 10’/Small/2.5 lb.)

Current Skill Points: 56
Skill Points per Level: 8 (base 8)

Appraise ±0 (Int ±0)
Balance +9 (7 ranks + Dex +2)
Bluff +1 (Cha +1)
Climb +10 (7 ranks + Str +3)
Concentration +3 (Wis +3)
Craft (untrained) ±0 (Int ±0)
Diplomacy +1 (Cha +1)
Disguise +1 (Cha +1)
Drive +2 (Dex +2)
Escape Artist +2 (Dex +2)
Forgery ±0 (Int±0)
Gather Information +1 (Cha +1)
Handle Animal +5 (4 ranks + Cha +1)
Heal +5 (2 ranks + Wis +3)
Hide +2 (Dex +2)
Innuendo +3 (Wis +3)
Intimidate +1 (Cha +1)
Knowledge (geography) +5 (5 ranks)
Knowledge (local – Punta Arenas, Chile) +4 (4 ranks)
Knowledge (untrained) ±0 (Int ±0)
Listen +3 (Wis +3)
Move Silently +2 (Dex +2)
Operate Heavy Machinery +1 (1 rank)
Performance (untrained) +1 (Cha +1)
Research ±0 (Int ±0)
Ride +2 (Dex +2)
Search ±0 (Int ±0)
Sense Motive +3 (Wis +3)
Speak Other Language (English) +5 (5 ranks)
Spot +7 (4 ranks + Wis +3)
Swim +5 (2 ranks + Str +3)
Use Rope +9 (7 ranks + Dex +2)
Wilderness Lore +13 (7 ranks + Wis +3 + Skill Emphasis +3)

Endurance (1st level)
Skill Emphasis (Wilderness Lore) (1st level)
Weapon Proficiency (melee weapons) (Offense option bonus)
Iron Will (3rd level)

Spanish (native), English

Original savings - $6000.00 (3 * $2000.00 at start). Yearly income - $2000.00

1 wool waistcoat, brown and tan - $8.00
3 cotton flannel shirts, blue or tan - $4.50
3 pair wool “Jaeger” trousers, tan or green - $24.00
2 alpaca wool sweaters, gray - $15.38
5 union suits, faded red - $7.50
6 pair ragg wool socks, gray - $4.75
2 leather belts, black or brown - $7.00
1 sealskin fur cap, natural - $16.95
1 pair mountaineering boots with hobnail soles - $3.85
1 pair of leather work shoes - $4.95
1 pair well-worn wool gloves, black - $4.00
1 alpaca wool scarf - $5.00
1 sealskin snow suit (hooded parka with fur ruff, pants with suspenders, gauntlets, boots) - $120.00
1 pair snow goggles - $2.00
1 treated canvas hooded poncho - $2.89
1 wool dress suit, black - $29.50
1 cotton dress shirt, white - $1.95
1 silk four-in-hand tie, black - $3.69
1 fur-lined overcoat - $37.50
Rosary beads - $0.05
Gold St. Christopher medal and chain - $5.00

Ice axe - $24.00
Hunting knife - $3.75
Swiss Army knife - $1.98

Rucksack - $5.45
2 2-quart canteens - $3.38
1-quart vacuum thermos - $5.00
Folding camp shovel - $1.09
Camp stove - $5.85
Cooking kit - $8.48
Mess kit - $1.29
Bedroll - $2.79
Survival blanket - $3.25
Ground cloth - $1.79
Candle-lantern - $1.00
24 wax candles - $0.70
Waterproof matches in tin - $2.50
Electric torch, 3 cell - $3.10
6 flashlight batteries - $1.80
Jeweled compass - $2.45
Map case - $1.29
Map (waterproof), southern Patagonia - $1.90
Climbing gear (36 pitons with rings, piton hammer) - $12.90
Half-inch diameter hemp rope, 150’ - $5.40
Spanish-English dictionary - $0.89
Expensive trunk - $13.95

Savings left – $5580.84

Fráncisco is of average height and solidly built, possessing long, ropy muscles that give the mountaineer strength without bulk. His brushy black hair and mustache usually need trimming. Bright green eyes, inherited from his mother, are framed by deep crow’s feet at the corners, the legacy of his years in the sun’s glare amid rock and ice. A long straight nose separates high cheekbones – his mouth is framed by thin lips above an angular jaw. The skin of his hands is rough to the touch, callused by stone.

Paco dresses simply – wool waistcoat, flannel shirt, leather belt, wool pants and socks, and hobnail mountaineering boots (replaced with leather shoes in town). He keeps a pair of woolen gloves in his pocket and a scarf in his rucksack, along with a pair of darkened snow goggles. Paco has an expedition-weight sealskin coat with fur ruff and pants as well as sealskin snow boots and mittens for the most arduous conditions. He owns one dark suit, usually in need of pressing, that he wears to Mass and on holidays. Around his neck is a small gold St. Christopher medal, a gift from his mother.

Fráncisco exhibits the bold confidence of the mountaineer but without the brashness that afflicts some of that profession. He is passionately dedicated to his craft, courageous but not foolhardy. Few other endeavors capture his interest, and Paco may seem shy or aloof in other settings – he is clearly in his own element the minute he steps on rock or ice, however. The Chilean mountaineer is a loyal and courteous guide – comfortable in his roles ranging from lead climber to porter, he is deferential to the expedition leader, asserting himself only where issues of extraordinary hazard present themselves.

Fráncisco is an observant Catholic, attending Mass regularly, a habit ingrained in him from childhood by his deeply conservative and religious father. He has few interests that don’t involve climbing, skiing, or trekking – he can be captivated for hours by a maps of mountain ranges, however. Paco drinks infrequently – wine with meals, the occasional beer with friends or clients, or a sip of brandy from the flask he keeps in his rucksack – and he does not smoke. He keeps a small circle of close friends, nearly all fellow mountaineers. Paco has dated casually over the years, but he has not maintained a steady relationship with a woman since his days working at the cannery in Valdivia, where he was involved with a supervisor’s daughter named Katerina for about a year before departing with Reichert in 1924. Phoebe Guerini, Fráncisco’s mother, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in 1930, and Fráncisco’s contact with his father José is infrequent, consisting mostly of the occasional brief letter.

Fráncisco Guerini was born in Valdivia, Chile on 24 December 1903. Descended of Austrian immigrants who arrived in Chile in the 1850s, his father José was a mechanic from Santiago who moved to Valdivia to practice his trade repairing the motors and winches of the fishing boats that plied the harbor – his mother Phoebe was a former British Army nurse raised in China who traveled to South America following the Boxer Rebellion. Fráncisco is their only child.

As a boy Fráncisco early displayed a passion not for the sea but for the mountains. He would take long hikes along the rivers and over the mountain passes of the Lakes District, scrambling up the peaks that overlooked the coast. Young Paco’s enthusiasm for mountain sports did not excite his father, who pressed him to learn the mechanics’ trade or some other regular livelihood, particularly as Fráncisco was a diffident student. Fráncisco eventually took a job working at a salmon cannery in his late teens but continued to indulge his passion for climbing whenever possible.

Passing through Valdivia on his way to southern Patagonia in 1924, the famous Argentinean geologist and explorer Frederick Reichert heard of the young Chilean climber and extended an invitation to Fráncisco to serve as a porter on a trip to reconnoiter the fjords around the Fitz Roy glacier. Paco eagerly accepted the offer and joined Reichert and his team for the next three seasons exploring the cordilleras and glaciers of northern Patagonia. After Reichert’s party returned to Argentina, Fráncisco settled in Las Torres and began offering his services as a guide, earning a meager but pleasant living. In 1931, he was contacted by Italian missionary Father Alberto De Agostini to join an expedition to the Southern Patagonia Ice Cap – he spent the next two years working with the explorer and his Courmayeur climbing companions, recording several first summits in the process. In 1932 Fráncisco was accepted as a member of the Club Andino de Chile in recognition of his accomplishments as a mountaineer in Patagonia. He relocated to Punta Arenas in 1932, where he makes his home at present.
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Vittorio Liuzzi
Engineer and expert in Explosives


Investigator 4 – defensive option
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 145 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Age: 55

Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 18 (+4)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 11 (+0)

Hit Dice: 4d6+12
HP: 30
AC: 13 (10 base, +1 Dex, +2 Defense bonus)
-- touch: 13 (10 base, +1 Dex)
-- flat-footed: 10 (base 10)
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30’

Current Sanity: 70
Max. Sanity: 99
20% sanity: 14

Fortitude +4 (base +1, Con +3)
Reflex +5 (base +4, Dex +1)
Will +6 (base +4, Wis +2)

BAB: +2
- Melee +3 (+2 BAB, +1 Str)
-- Unarmed +3 (1d3+1, subdual)
-- Pick axe -1 (1d6+1 piercing/Crit. 20/x4/Medium)
-- Pocket knife -1 (1d3+1 piercing/Crit.19-20/x2/Small)
-- Shovel -1 (1d4+1 bludgeoning or slashing/Crit 20/x2/Med)
- Ranged -1 (+2 BAB, +1 Dex, -4 non-proficiency)

Current Skill Points: 84
Skill Points per Level: 12 (base 8, +4 Int)

Appraise +4
Balance +1
Bluff +0
Climb* +8 (7 ranks, +1 Str)
Concentration* +10 (7 ranks, +3 Con)
Craft (Chemistry)* +11 (7 ranks, +4 Int)
Craft (Structural)* +11 (7 ranks, +4 Int)
Demolitions* +16 (7 ranks, +4 Int, +2 Cautious feat, +3 Skill Emphasis feat)
Diplomacy +0
Disable Device* +13 (7 ranks, +4 Int, +2 Cautious feat)
Disguise +0
Drive +1
Escape Artist +1
Forgery +4
Gather Information +0
Heal +2
Hide +1
Innuendo +2
Intimidate +0
Knowledge (Structural Engineering)* +14 (7 ranks, +4 Int, +3 Skill Emphasis feat)
Knowledge (Mechanical Engineering)* +11 (7 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge (Geology)* +11 (7 ranks, +4 Int)
Listen +2
Move Silently +1
Open Lock* +8 (7 ranks, +1 Dex)
Operate Heavy Machinery* +8 (7 ranks, +1 Dex)
Performance +0
Repair* +11 (7 ranks, +4 Int)
Research +4
Ride +1
Search +4
Sense Motive +2
Speak Other Language
Spot +2
Swim +1
Use Rope +1
Wilderness Lore +2

Cautious (starting)
Skill Emphasis- Demolitions (starting)
Skill Emphasis- Structural Engineering (3rd level)

Italian (native)

Clothing (Sweater, Broadcloth dress shirt, Leather work shoes, heavy breeches), $20
Outdoor Clothing (wool-lined leather gloves, Parka, heavy boots), $45
-Pocket Knife, $1
-Waterproof map of the Antarctic in case, $3
-6x binoculars, $25
-Expensive Wristwatch with multiple timers, $30
-First Aid kit, $3
-Compass, $2
Rucksack, $2
-Water bag, 1 gallon, $1
-Two-person tent, $11
-Thermal blanket, 2 qty, $4
-Bedroll, $3
-Kerosene lantern and one gallon of fuel, $3
-Emergency Flare, 5 qty, $1
-Grappling hook and 50’ of rope, $5
Shovel and Pick, $2
Large tool bag, $3
-Hacksaw, $1
-Wire and Bolt cutters, $6
-Flashlight, 3 cell, $3
-Flashlight batteries, 6 qty, $1
-Mechanical Tools, $13
Oiled Canvas Duffel, $1
-Dynamite, 30 sticks, $30
Total Equipment cost: $219

Savings left –$5281

Appearance: A short man balding with age, Vittorio looks more like a mechanic than a technical expert in Engineering. He has the wide shoulders and thick, hairy forearms of a working man, and constantly wears thick, high-collared woolen sweaters with leather patches reinforcing the elbows. His eyes gleam with curiousity and determination. Vittorio’s skin is weathered and browned by a hard life outdoors.

Personality: Quick to laugh and full of passion for his chosen career, Vittorio is a fast friend and loyal companion. He lusts for knowledge of mechanical marvels and is constantly listening for news of the newest feats of engineering from around the world. He tends to be dismissive of things not easily proven by logic or technologies that have little practical application. He comes from a very superstitious background, but puts no belief in the supernatural. Don’t tell Momma Liuzzi, though; he tells her on the phone that he still attends Mass every week, still calling her even at his age.

Background: Born in Modena, Italy on September 13th, 1878, Vittorio’s family is a staunch Catholic extended group living in the family farm outside the small city. He grew up excelling in his schooling, and became the first Liuzzi to attend university in Roma. An interest in mechanical applications and structural engineering set him on the path to his current career as a sort of adventuring engineer for hire. His jobs have included Chief Engineer on the Norwegian cruise yacht 'Stella Polaris', helping assemble a munitions factory at the edge of the Amazon in Brazil, clearing a mountain pass in the Swiss mountains for a new railroad, and his most famous, engineer on an expedition with E. H. Harriman, the famous railroad baron who led an expedition to Alaska in 1899.
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First Post
James R. Poole
Cartographer/Surveyor and climbing expert


Investigator 4 – defensive option
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 178 lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown (mostly grayed)
Eyes: Green
Age: 48

Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 17 (+3) (+1 4th lvl.)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 12 (+1)

Hit Dice: 4d6+12
HP: 30
AC: 13 (10 base, +1 Dex, +2 Defense bonus)
-- touch: 13 (10 base, +1 Dex)
-- flat-footed: 12 (base 10)
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30’

Current Sanity: 70
Max. Sanity: 99
20% sanity: 16

Fortitude +4 (base +1, Con +3)
Reflex +8 (base +4, Dex +2, Feat +2)
Will +6 (base +4, Wis +2)

BAB: +2
- Melee +4 (+2 BAB, +2 Str)
-- Unarmed +4(1d3+2, subdual)
-- Pick axe +0 (1d6+2 piercing/Crit. 20/x4/Medium)
-- Pocket knife +0 (1d3+2 piercing/Crit.19-20/x2/Small)
-- Shovel +0 (1d4+2 bludgeoning or slashing/Crit 20/x2/Med)
- Ranged +0 (+2 BAB, +1 Dex, -4 non-proficiency)
--M1895 +3 (+2 BAB, +1 Dex) 2d12 damage, X3 critical, 8 bullet capacity, range 200

Current Skill Points: 77
Skill Points per Level: 11 (base 8, +3 Int)

Appraise (untrained) +3
Balance* +8 (7 ranks, +1 Dex)
Bluff (untrained) +1
Climb* +9 (7 ranks, +2 Str)
Concentration* +9 (6 ranks, +3 Con)
Craft (Drafting) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int)
Craft (Mechanical)* +10 (7 ranks, +3 Int)
Diplomacy (untrained) +1
Disguise (untrained) +1
Drive (untrained) +1
Escape Artist (untrained) +1
Forgery (untrained) +3
Gather Information (untrained) +1
Heal (untrained) +2
Hide (untrained) +1
Innuendo (untrained) +2
Intimidate (untrained) +1
Knowledge (Engineering)* +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int)
Knowledge (Geography)* +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int)
Knowledge (Geology)* +10 (7 ranks, +3 Int)
Listen (untrained) +2
Move Silently (untrained) +1
Operate Heavy Machinery* +8 (7 ranks, +1 Dex)
Performance (untrained) +0
Repair* +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int)
Research (untrained) +3
Ride (untrained) +1
Search* +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int)
Sense Motive (untrained) +2
Spot (untrained) +2
Swim (untrained) +2
Use Rope* +8 (7 ranks, +1 Dex)
Wilderness Lore* +7 (5 ranks, +2 Wis)

Weapon Proficiency- Rifle (starting)
Endurance (starting)
Lightning Reflexes (3rd level)

English (native)

Original savings - $11,000 Yearly income - $5,000

1 wool pea coat, navy - $8.00
3 cotton flannel shirts, red & black pattern- $4.50
3 cotton work shirts, light blue - $4.50
3 pair work dungarees, dark blue- $24.00
2 wool turtleneck sweaters, gray and natural - $15.38
5 pair woollen ‘long johns’ (cream) - $7.50
6 pair ragg wool socks, gray - $4.75
2 leather belts, black or brown - $7.00
1 sealskin fur cap, natural - $16.95
1 pair mountaineering boots with hobnail soles - $3.85
1 pair of leather work shoes - $4.95
1 pair well-worn wool gloves, black - $4.00
1 knitted wool scarf - $5.00
1 sealskin snow suit (hooded parka with fur ruff, pants with suspenders, gauntlets, boots) - $120.00
1 pair snow goggles - $2.00
1 treated canvas hooded poncho - $2.89
1 wool dress suit, dark gray - $29.50
1 cotton dress shirt, white - $1.95
1 silk tie, red & blue - $3.69
1 evening overcoat - $10.00

Toolset that includes:
- Full range of mechanic tools (purchased new) – $50.00

Winchester M1895 w/scope - $40.00
(100) rounds - $8.60

Ice axe - $24.00
Hunting knife - $3.75
Swiss Army knife - $1.98

Rucksack - $5.45
2 2-quart canteens - $3.38
Folding camp shovel - $1.09
Camp stove - $5.85
Mess kit - $1.29
Bedroll - $2.79
Survival blanket - $3.25
Ground cloth - $1.79
Candle-lantern - $1.00
24 wax candles - $0.70
Waterproof matches in tin - $2.50
Electric torch, 3 cell - $3.10
6 flashlight batteries - $1.80
Military compass - $2.45
6x binoculars, $25
Water-resistant Wristwatch with expandable wristband and cap, $20
Map case - $1.29
Map (waterproof), Antarctica - $1.90
Climbing gear (36 pitons with rings, piton hammer) - $12.90
Half-inch diameter hemp rope, 150’ - $5.40
Sturdy trunk - $3.95

Rented Room - $300 per year (paid up for 1 year)
Shaving Kit and toiletries - $3.00
Wind-up alarm clock - $1.00
1 fountain pen and ink - $1.00
20 pencils - $0.20
5 writing tablets - $1.00
2 sets of stationary - $2.00

Spent - $823.73

Savings left –$10,176.27

Appearance: Jim is a sturdy man in his late 40's. Although he looks healthy, he may appear older to some due to his tan and weathered skin. He is of above average height, with broad shoulders and strong arms, yet fairly skinny legs. It seems as though he was a good athlete in his youth, but some of his powerful physique has sunk down into his belly a bit. When not in town for business or academic purposes, Jim generally dresses like a rancher would. He is fond of flannel shirts and denim or canvas work pants. On colder days out West, he wears a thick vest over his 3 layers of shirts. His leather work boots have been resoled many times, and are like a second skin.

Personality: Jim is an outgoing kind of guy. Not exactly polished, but friendly. He makes sure there's no mistaking who's in charge when he's the head of a crew, but he is a fair man. He has a loud, steady voice, and a relaxed smile. Despite his rough exterior, Jim is very well educated. His use of colloquial language is mainly by choice, and now, a force of habit. Jim likes to talk about his family, who he has gotten used to not seeing very often.

Background: Jim's father was an oil man. He worked the fields since little Jimmy could remember. Not a man to express himself much, Dick Poole never talked about his past, he just worked hard, and expected the same out of Jimmy. He did well for his family, moving back and forth between Pennsylvania and Texas for work. As Jimmy got a bit older, his family bought a house in Texas so Jim could finish school. Mildred, his mother, wanted Jim to be an educated man, but Dick made him work in the oil fields every summer. It was hard, but Jim was no quitter. When Jim got his acceptance letter to college, Dick looked him in the eye and shook his hand, the only time he ever had. Dick would die in Jim's sophomore year of college.

Being a fairly bright, and well rounded young man, Jim finished engineering school, and went on to study geology. Having family connections in the industry got Jim in with some active field professors, sparing the drudgery of further academia. Since he finished his post-graduate work, Jim moved back out west and specialized in mineral prospecting, a lucrative field. Having married at 21, supporting his wife and young children was a top concern in such hard times. The Dustbowl years were hard on the Pooles, but they managed to keep the ranch in Colorado. He has worked all over North America as far as Alaska and Mexico. Jim continues to follow the money, and his wife goes a fine job of managing their savings. He likes to spend his spare time working on his house and land. He even keeps a couple of horses, but since the kids have left, they don't get ridden much.

Jim now has two grown children and a grandchild. His daughter Judy, has been married for 5 years and has a son. She lives in Chicago with her husband, who works for the city's public transportation department. She doesn't write so much. His son Art, joined the army 3 years ago, and seems to enjoy it. He needed the direction, and Jim was tired of his crap. It's a good thing. His wife Cecelia, lives in Colorado Springs. Jim makes good money, so she's fairly content caring for their house with the checks he sends home. Luckily, they had the home before the Crash and managed to keep their property. Jim still loves his wife very much, and hopes to retire before 55.
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First Post
Character Sheet

Annie Kathleen Mahoney
Female Physician (Surgeon)

(defence option) 4
5’ 5”
Weight: 120lbs.
Hair: strawberry blonde; wavy; worn short
Eyes: dark blue
Age: 37

Str: 14 (+2) [includes +1 ability score increase at 4th level]
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 16 (+3)
Cha: 11 (+0)

Hit Dice: 4d6 + 8
HP: 26
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Defence Bonus)
Init.: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30’

Current Sanity: 80
Max. Sanity: 99
20% Sanity: 16

Fortitude: +3 (+1 base, +2 ability)
Reflex: +6 (+4 base, +2 ability)
Will: +9 (+4 base, +3 ability, +2 Iron Will feat)

BAB: +2
Melee Attack: +4 (BAB +2, Str +2)
Ranged Attack: +4 (BAB +2, Dex +2)

Current Skill Points: 77
Skill Points per Level: 11 (8 base +3 Int)

Animal Empathy (untrained) +0 (+0 Cha)
Appraise +3 (+3 Int)
*Balance: +9 (+7 Ranks, +2 Dex)
Bluff +0 (+0 Cha)
*Climb +9 (+7 Ranks, +2 Str)
*Concentration +9 (+7 Ranks, +2 Con)
Craft (untrained) +0 (+3 Int)
Cthulhu Mythos (untrained) +0 (no ability modifier)
Demolitions (untrained) +0 (+3 Int)
Diplomacy +0 (+0 Cha)
Disable Device (untrained) +0 (+3 Int)
Disguise +0 (+0 Cha)
Drive +2 (+2 Dex)
Escape Artist +2 (+2 Dex)
Forgery +3 (+3 Int)
Gather Information +0 (+0 Cha)
Handle Animal (untrained) +0 (+0 Cha)
*Heal +13 (+7 Ranks, +3 Wis, +3 Skill Emphasis feat)
Hide +2 (+2 Dex)
Innuendo +3 (+3 Wis)
Intimidate +0 (+0 Cha)
*Jump +9 (+7 Ranks, +2 Str)
*Knowledge [medicine] (trained) +9 (+6 Ranks, +3 Int)
*Listen +8 (+5 Ranks, +3 Wis)

Move Silently +2 (+2 Dex)
Open Lock (untrained) +0 (+2 Dex)
Operate Heavy Machinery (untrained) +0 (+2 Dex)
Performance (untrained) +0 (+0 Cha)
Pilot (untrained) +0 (+2 Dex)
Psychic Focus (untrained) +0 (+3 Wis)
Psychoanalysis (untrained) +0 (+3 Wis)
Read Lips (untrained) +0 (+3 Int)
Repair (untrained) 0 (+3 Int)
*Research +9 (+6 Ranks, +3 Int)
Ride +2 (+2 Dex)
Search +3 (+3 Int)
Sense Motive +3 (+3 Wis)
Sleight of Hand (untrained) +0 (+2 Dex)
Speak Other Language (untrained) +0 (+3 Int)
Spellcraft (untrained) +0 (+3 Int)
*Spot +9 (+6 Ranks, +3 Wis)
*Swim +9 (+7 Ranks, +2 Str)
*Tumble (trained) +9 (+7 Ranks, +2 Dex)

Use Rope +2 (+2 Dex)
*Wilderness Lore +8 (+5 Ranks, +3 Wis)

Skill Emphasis - Heal (1st level)
Iron Will (1st level)
Endurance (3rd level)

English, Latin, Greek, French

Original Savings - $11,000 ; Yearly Income - $5,500

2 suits (skirts and jackets – dark green, dark blue) [$59.00]
2 blouses (cream, white) [$3.90]
3 work shirts (brown, grey, cream) [$5.85]
4 pairs of work trousers (black, brown, grey, dark green) [$8.00]
1 ladies' hat (black) [$4.44]
2 woollen sweaters (brown, grey) [$18.96]
1 semi-formal designer evening dress (light green) [$90.00]
1 pair high-heels (light green) [$4.95]
1 silk handbag (dark green) [$4.98]
4 pair silk stockings (neutral) [$3.00]
4 corsets (cream) [$19.80]
1 pair low-heeled pumps (black) [$3.69]
2 pairs leather work shoes (brown, black) [$9.90]
7 pairs light socks (4 brown, 3 black) [$7.00]
6 pairs heavy woollen socks (brown) [$4.75]

1 pair hiking boots (brown) [$3.85]
1 pair mountaineering boots (brown) [$3.85]
1 heavy parka (brown) [$40.00]
1 woollen scarf (dark green) [$5.00]
1 pairs woollen gloves (brown) [$4.00]
1 pair leather gloves (black) [$1.75]
3 pair woollen ‘long johns’ (cream) [$4.50]

Medical kit [$50.00]
-100 pairs of surgical gloves
-scalpel set
-suturing kit
-hypodermic syringes
-gauze bandages
-thermometer (alcohol)
Women's toiletries kit [$22.95]
Wind-up alarm clock [$3.00]
Expensive wristwatch [$25.00]
Umbrella [$1.79]
3 Notebooks [$0.60]
20 pencils [$0.20]
Expensive trunk [$13.95]
Handle bag [$7.95]

Rented flat [$650.00]

Savings Left - $9913.39

Appearance: Annie is 5’5” and 120lbs with an athletic physique. She has wavy strawberry blonde hair that she wears quite short, even for the fashion of the time. Her complexion tends toward ruddiness and she has a smattering of freckles across her nose and shoulders. She would not be considered beautiful, but gives the impression of well-scrubbed wholesomeness and a life lived out-of-doors.

Personality: As a medical professional who has had to fight hard for respect from her male colleagues, Annie is generally a no-nonsense sort and can come across as somewhat prickly. She has little patience for stupidity or ignorance. Outside work, though, she is quite relaxed and carefree. She has few friends, but the ones she has are highly valued. Annie enjoys her single life as it liberates her from ‘conventional’ womanhood. She wants to remain free to do as she pleases.

Background: Annie was born on October 12, 1895 in Montreal, PQ. She was an only child, raised mostly in a variety of locations along Hudson Bay in Ontario and Manitoba…wherever her geologist father was stationed. Her mother was a teacher who home-schooled Annie; both parents ensured the girl received a proper education despite their remote location. Annie had very few friends and spent much of her time studying and exploring. When her father left on a several-year-long expedition into the Arctic in 1913, Annie and her mother moved to Toronto where the gifted 18-year-old started her university education at the University of Toronto. She entered the School of Medicine and eventually became a surgeon, working at the St. Michael’s, a teaching hospital affiliated with U of T. Her father and mother now live in Montreal. Annie never married or had any children.
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First Post
Character description: Camille Claud Bardier


Camille Claud Bardier

Female Pilot

(Offense Option) 4

Height: 5’ 2"
Weight: 125lbs.
Hair: brown; wavy; worn short
Eyes: bright green

Age: 26

Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 18 (+4) (includes +1 ability score increase at 4th level)
Con: 15 (+2)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 11 (+0)

Hit Dice: 4d6 + 8
HP: 33 (Formerly 26, updated on 4/12/08)

AC: 14 (base 10 plus Dex +4)
Init.: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30’

Current Sanity: 69 (1 point loss from wittnessing Lawrence's suicide)
Max. Sanity: 99
20% Sanity: 14

Fortitude: +3 (+1 base, +2 ability)
Reflex: +8 (+4 base, +4 ability)
Will: +3 (+1 base, +2 ability)

BAB: +4 (Formerly +3)

Melee Attack: +4 (BAB +3, Str +1)
Ranged Attack: +7 (BAB +3, Dex +4)

Current Skill Points: 70
Skill Points per Level: 10 (8 base +2 Int)

Craft (gunsmith) +9 (7 ranks, +2 Int)
Diplomacy (untrained) +7
Drive (untrained) +11 (7 ranks +4 dex)
Forgery (untrained) +4 (2 ranks +2 int)
Listen (untrained) +4 (2 ranks +2 wis)
Operate Heavy Machinery* +11 (7 ranks, +4 Dex)
Sleight of Hand (untrained) +7 (+4 Dex)
Repair* +11 (7 ranks, +4 Int)
Search* +9 (7 ranks, +2 Int)
Use Rope* +7 (3 ranks, +4 Dex)
Wilderness Lore* +7 (5 ranks, +2 Is)
Move Silently +7 (+4 Dex)
Languages (2 ranks)

Skill Emphasis (Pilot)
Weapon Profficiency (Pistol)

English, French, Russian

Original Savings - $9,000 ; Yearly Income - $4,500

1 velvet <bloodstained> evening gown (used once )[$150]
3 pilot uniforms (Trousers, boots, hat, and jackets – brown) [$50.00]
3 men's dress shirts (blue, white, black) [$3.90]
3 wool turtlenecks (black, brown) [$5.85]
4 pairs of work trousers (black, brown, grey, dark green) [$8.00]
2 woollen sweaters (brown, grey) [$18.96]
1 pair steel- tipped boots (black) [$4.95]
1 leather carry-on bag (beige) [$4.98]
1 formal Dress Uniform [$45.00]
2 pair leather work boots (brown) [$9.90]
6 pairs light socks (3 gray, 3 black) [$4.50]
8 pairs heavy wool socks (brown) [$7.25]
2 fur winter hats [$4.00]
1 pair hiking boots (brown) [$3.85]
1 pair mountaineering boots (brown) [$3.85]
1 heavy parka (brown) [$40.00]
1 woollen scarf (dark green) [$5.00]
1 pair fur/woollen gloves (brown) [$4.00]
2 pair leather gloves (black) [$1.75]
4 pair woollen "long johns" (white) [$6.25]
1 pair flight googles [$5.00]
1 pair mountaineering goggles [$6.25]

Mechanic’s tool kit [$75.00]
-2 wrenches
-5 screwdrivers (different sizes)
-1 ball-pine hammer
-2 cases of nails (3 dozen)
-2 cases of screws (2 dozen)
-1 welder
-2 flasks of oil

Women's toiletries kit [$22.95]
Wind-up alarm clock [$3.00]
Flight wristwatch (French and American time) [$25.00]
Compass [$3.00]
2 3 pint canteens [$2.50]
Altitude map of Antarctica [$5.00]
2 Notebooks [$0.50]
15 pencils [$0.40]
Simple trunk [$8.00]
Climbing gear [$15.00]
Manilla climbing rope [$20.00]
3 cases of automatic ammo [$6.50]
1 hunting knife [$10.00]
1 ice pick [$6.25]
2 Star Modelo A pistols [$30.00]
Small camp stove [$24.78]
1 kerosene lamp [$8.00]
6 flasks of kerosene [$6.00]
8 waterproofed packs of matches [$6.00]
Ground blanket [$10.00]
2 cover blankets [$10.00]
Assorted doodads and makeup for fundraiser [$12.00]

Rented flat [$650.00]
Savings Left - $8078.83

Appearance: Camille is 5’2" and 125lbs with a trim and lithe physique. She has curly mouse-brown hair that -depending on her mood- can be anywhere from ridiculously short to fairly long, in a nod to her feminine gender. Her complexion tends to typically be a variation of olive and she has a small mole on the right side of her mouth. Some would consider her moderately attractive, but she herself is not one of them. She leaves most with a vague impression of barely contained energy and amusement.

Camille can often be found in a pilot's uniform or men's clothing, as she finds women's clothing restrictive; but most often is found in trousers, plain brown or black shirts, and her flight coat. She always wears the flight wings she recieved from graduating from Ecole d'Aviation des Freres in France, and always keeps four matches in her pocket for good luck. For formal occasions, Camille wears the official French Air Force uniform.

Personality: Being a respected pilot who was raised to be one, Camille rigidly follows orders and immediately focuses single-mindedly on any job she is given and can react harshly (with thinly-veiled sarcasm) to any and all who interrupt her. Having no tolerance for the unreasonably rude or stubbornly idiotic, she has a history of caustically informing anyone who challenges her superiority in the cockpit exactly where, when and how they can stuff their high-vaulted opinions - in great detail. Camille is also not above arguing for at least a half-hour to make a point, as well as for entertainment. When not at the wheel of various modes of transportation, she is fairly polite, if curt, extremely proud, and surprisingly gullible, as well as stubborn, pessimistic, and contrary. Having few friends since childhood, (and most of those are relatives) as a result of her frequent travels, she especially values the handful she has, sending them frequent telegrams during her trips. Camille can seem standoffish and rude to those she’s recently met, especially if they are rude in return. Determinedly enjoying the single life, she resists all attempts to make her seem more ‘like a woman’ and get married.

Background: The only child of Oriel Delonger and Seaton Bardier, a renowned pilot himself, Camille was born in Nice, France on January 8, 1907. After her mother Oriel died giving birth to her, her father obsessively tried to form her into the perfect pilot, taking her to multiple air shows by the time she was one year old. He also dressed her like a boy to fool future flight instructors; (or perhaps he had gone mad and really did think she was a boy after a while- Camille never could tell the difference). She didn’t have a typical childhood in any sense of word- raised wherever her father’s will took her, she traveled the world extensively. Whenever the small family was in any area longer than two weeks, her father hired tutors to ensure she had all the skills she would need. Her few friends were made up of distant relatives and pilots her father introduced her to, so Camille ended up spending most of her time learning how to fly and drive any available transport. When her father ended up taking her to a French flight school when she was sixteen, she quickly received her flight license a month after her first flight. Quickly taking leave of her controlling father, Camille took part in explorations to New Guinea, the South and North Poles, parts of the East, civilian and military air shipments, and two air races. Her second air race (and first win) was one started by the recently famous Amelia Earhart, having the winnings presented personally by Miss Earhart. Her father now contentedly lives retired in the French countryside. Camille never married or had any children; she did, however, adopt a baby from Stalingrad shortly before 1939, whom she named Aimee Dilys Oriel Bardier (In her late thirties, Aimee became a very strict and picky curator of a private Air and Space museum in Nova Scotia, to Camille's endless delight).
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First Post
Father P.J. Rucker

Investigator 4 – defensive option
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Brown
Age: 47

Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 18 (+4) (+1 4th lvl.)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 10

Hit Dice: 4d6+8
HP: 26
AC: 15 (10 base, +3 Dex, +2 Defense bonus)
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30’

Current Sanity: 54
Max. Sanity: ????
20% sanity: 14

Fortitude +3 (base +1, Con +2)
Reflex +9 (base +4, Dex +3, Feat +2)
Will +6 (base +4, Wis +2)

BAB: +2
- Melee +3 (+2 BAB, +1 Str)
-- Unarmed +3 (1d3+2, subdual)
-- Pick axe +3 (1d6+2 piercing/Crit. 20/x4/Medium)
- Ranged +5 (+2 BAB, +3 Dex,)
-- 38 Revolver (1d10 piercing, Crit. 20/x3, Rng. 20)
Current Skill Points: 77
Skill Points per Level: 11 (base 8, +3 Int)

Appraise* +7 (3 ranks, +4 Int)
Balance +4 (1 ranks, +3 Dex)
Climb +3 (2 ranks, +1 Str)
Computer Use +4 (0 ranks, +4 Int)
Concentration* +5 (3 ranks, +2 Con)
Cthulhu Mythos ???????
Decipher Script +5 (1 rank, +4 Int)
Diplomacy +1 (1 ranks, +0 CHA)
Gather Information* +6 (2 ranks, +4 Int)
Heal +3 (1 ranks, +2 Wis)
Hide +4 (1 ranks, +3 Dex)
Jump +2 (1 ranks, +1 Str)
Knowledge (Paleobiology)* +11 (7 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge (Chemistry)* +10 (6 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge (Religion)* +7 (3 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge (Archeaology) +6 (2 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge (Hieroglyphics) +7 (3 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge (History) +6 (2 ranks, +4 Int)
Listen* +3 (1 ranks, +2 Wis)
Move Silently +3 (0 ranks, +3 Dex)
Research * +7 (3 ranks, +4 Int)
Search* +7 (3 ranks, +4 Int)
Sense Motive* +4 (2 ranks, +2 Wis)
Speak Other Language (Latin) +5 (1 ranks, +4 Int)
Speak Other Language (German) +5 (1 ranks, +4 Int)
Spellcraft* +7 (3 ranks, +4 Int)
Spot* +6 (4 ranks, +2 Wis)
Swim +1 (0 ranks, +1 Str)
Tumble +4 (1 ranks, +3 Dex)
Use Rope +3 ( 0 ranks, +3 Dex)

Diligence (starting)
Skill Emphasis - Chemistry

English (native)


-two 38 revolvers
-40 cases of rounds
-An assortment of books and manuscript
-A trunk full of misc items
-Mechanical Toolset, $13
-Clothing (Assorted Priestly vestiges), $80
-Outdoor Clothing (wool-lined leather gloves, Parka, heavy boots), $45
-Pocket Knife, $1
-Waterproof map of the Antarctic in case, $3
-6x binoculars, $25
-Expensive Wristwatch with multiple timers, $30
-First Aid kit, $3
-Compass, $2
-Rucksack, $2
-Water bag, 1 gallon, $1
-Two-person tent, $11
-Thermal blanket, 2 qty, $4
-Bedroll, $3
-Kerosene lantern and one gallon of fuel, $3
-Emergency Flare, 5 qty, $1
-Grappling hook and 50’ of rope, $5
-Shovel and Pick, $2
-Wire and Bolt cutters, $6
-Flashlight, 3 cell, $3
-Flashlight batteries, 6 qty, $1
-Oiled Canvas Duffel, $1

Total Equipment cost:

Savings left –

Appearance: Father Rucker is a very ordinary looking man. He is 5’11" and 160lbs. He has curly brown hair and a meticulously trimmed morning shadow beard. His complexion tends to be a little on the dark side. He generally moves about slow and cautously, but there is something in his gate that appears to defy his age.

Father Rucker will most often be found wearing his every day priestly vestages, either a black suit or black sweater and trousers. It is almost impossible to seperate him from his hooded black cloak which he tends to wear in even the most uncomfortable weather.

Personality: For a Preist Father Rucker may often appear disinterested and unattentive to the spiritual and emotional needs of the people he encounters. He is always very polite and cordial, and doesnt easily engage in run of the mill conversations. He is vary patient and has a knack for sensing someone who is genuinly in need. This is probably when he is at his best, freed of his personel inhibitions, by someone elses apparrent need; Father Rucker will go toall lengths to offer a troubled soul some comfort. Surprisingly he has many friends, but appears to go it alone, out of choice. He is definitely a multifaceted man, and quite difficult to read.

Background: Father Rucker was born in Boston, Mass on January 30, 1886. His parents recognized his genius early own and went to great lengths to encourage and feed his quest for knowledge from an early age. Dr Rucker recieved a BS in chemistry from Harvard University, followed by a Master of Divinity from Brown University. The elder Rucker became quite disappointed and disillusioned when his only child decided to enter the priesthood. Father Rucker petitioned the Roman Catholic church and was accepted into the Jesuit Order. While pursuing his jesuit training he developed a number of interests which were not well accepted by the church. Prior to the completion of his trainging Father Rucker left the church and pursued PHD's in Chemistry and Paleobiology at Harvard University. While pursuing his graduate studies at Harvard University Father Rucker and Dr. Moore became acquainted and formed a strong friendship while admiring each others accomplishments. Upon graduation Father Rucker completed a fellowship at Miskatonic University where he later became a reknown instructor and scientist. After serving many years a Professor for the University Father Rucker suddenly abandoned academics to once again pursue the ministry. Father Rucker has spent the last 18 months as a priest in a small Roman Catholic church.
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First Post
PROPOSAL: D20 Feats & SKill to Add to our CoC Game

I have become disenchanted with the feats that are included in the D20 CoC ruleset because, with few exceptions, these feats are all combat and athletic-based enhancements as opposed to intelligence or wisdom-based. Below is a list of feats, and one related skill, from the D20 Modern SRD set that reward intelligence/wisdom-based characters and an investigation style of game. I've selected these from the D20 modern set that seem to apply and, by adhering to a published D20 SRD, I believe that these feats are playbalanced and will not destabilize our game.

Here is a link to the D20 Modern SRD site --> D20 Modern SRD

I have used red strikethrough font to indicate deletions from the SRD text, and blue font to indicate additions to the SRD text, where I've slightly modified a feat to match the CoC jargon or skillsets.


Benefit: The character gets a +2 +3 bonus on all Investigate checks and Sense Motive checks.
Special: Remember that the Investigate skill can’t be used untrained.
NOTE: D20 CoC does not come with an Investigate skill and I'd prefer that we not add that skill since, I believe, that the CoC skillset is fine for roleplaying through any such situations.

Benefit: Pick two of the following skills: Craft (chemical), Craft (electronic), Craft (mechanical), and Craft (structural). The character gets a +2 bonus on all checks with those skills.
NOTE: Electronics would not play a role in a 1930's-based campaign environment

Benefit: The character gets a +2 +3 bonus on all Gamble checks and Intimidate checks, and on level checks to resist intimidation.
NOTE: The Gamble skill is not included in CoC and I'd prefer to roleplay through those situations.

Benefit: Pick two of the following skills: Craft (visual art), Craft (writing), Perform (act), Perform (dance), Perform (keyboards), Perform (percussion instruments), Perform (sing), Perform (stand-up), Perform (string instruments), and Perform (wind instruments). The character gets a +2 bonus on all checks with those two skills.
Special: A character can select this feat as many as five times. Each time, the character selects two new skills from the choices given above.

Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Bluff checks and Disguise checks.

Diligent (from D&D 3.5 SRD)
Benefit: Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that other miss. Your character gets a +2 bonus on all Appraise checks and Decipher Script checks.

Benefit: Pick two Knowledge skills. The character gets a +2 bonus on all checks with those skills.
Special: A character can select this feat as many as seven times. Each time, the character selects two new Knowledge skills.

Benefit: The character gets get a +2 bonus on all Balance checks and Concentration checks.

Medical Expert
Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Craft (pharmaceutical) checks and Treat Injury Heal checks.
Special: Remember that the Craft (pharmaceutical) skill can’t be used untrained.

Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Forgery checks and Search checks.

Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Decipher Script checks and Research checks.

Prerequisite: Treat Injury Heal 4 ranks.
Benefit: The character can use the Treat Injury Heal skill to perform surgery without penalty. See the Treat Injury skill description.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on Treat Injury Heal checks made to perform surgery.


NEW SKILL Decipher Script (Int) Trained Only (from D20 Modern SRD)
Check: A character can decipher writing in an ancient language or in code, or interpret the meaning of an incomplete text. The base DC is 20 for the simplest messages, 25 for standard codes, and 30 or higher for intricate or complex codes or exotic messages. Helpful texts or computer programs can provide a bonus (usually a +2 circumstance bonus) on the check, provided they are applicable to the script in question.
If the check succeeds, the character understands the general content of a piece of writing, reading about one page of text or its equivalent in 1 minute. If the check fails, the GM makes a Wisdom check (DC 10) for the character to see if he or she avoids drawing a false conclusion about the text. (Success means that the character does not draw a false conclusion; failure means that the character does.)
The GM secretly makes both the skill check and the Wisdom check so the character can’t tell whether the conclusion drawn is accurate or not.
Try Again?: No, unless conditions change or new information is uncovered.
Special: A character can take 10 when making a Decipher Script check, but can’t take 20.
A character with the Studious feat or Diligent feat gets a +2 bonus on all Decipher Script checks. NOTE:These two feats are not cumulative in nature, they are somewhat redundant, and to maintain game balance cannot be used together - JD
Time: Decipher Script takes 1 minute or more, depending on the complexity of the code.


Job (the tortured one).
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Voidrunner's Codex

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