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[d20 Future] 22nd Century: Solar Odyssey to Hell. [FULL]


First Post
Hob Marshmallowfoot said:
So, regarding the SIA agent... are psionics/the wild talent feat a viable option for the character?

You can be a Telepath (d20 Modern p.305). Powers you can have are powers usually associated with today's renown psychics (I will never know if this is true or not, but there is this "remote viewer" working for the CIA or something...). Basically you can have telepathic or seer ability, but nothing such as inflicting damage or teleportation. I limit the choice of powers available to the following (including powers from 3.5 psi with relocated levels):

0-level: Detect psionics, Empty mind*, Know direction and location*, Precognition defensive / offensive*.
1st-level: Detect hostile intent*, Empathy*, Object reading, Precognition*.
2nd-level: Clairaudience-clairvoyance, Detect thoughts, Sensitivity to psychic impressions.

(* comes from 3.5 psi; if you don't have book, it's in the SRD)

Otherwise: ask your PC thumbnail from one of the following (well, I would suggest #7 or 12, the latter especially if you also plan for some spacewalking in vacuum suit. Maybe the #16 is too easy to recognise... :heh: ).
To get the low resolution thumbnail for upload, send me an email at dominique.crouzet@libertysurf.fr)
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Just a look at the setting...

Earth & Solar System in the 22nd Century

For campaign setting we use Transhuman Space, with but a few minor modifications (for example: France, UK, or Germany are not independent nations, but states of Europe, the same way Texas and California are states of the US).

Lets briefly describe the Solar system in 2108. [Excerpts from the Transhuman Space book]


By the end of the 21st century, humanity is in the process of achieving two major endeavors. The first is to transform from a single, evolved species to a multitude of artificial races. The second is the settlement of the vast reaches of the solar system. Away from the prying eyes of Earth, space-going transnationals develop technologies that governments fear to investigate but cannot ignore, while bizarre posthuman cultures bloom like exotic flowers. It is a time of wealth and adventure, of transformation and terror. It is the age of Transhuman Space.

The Earth of the 22nd century is not a post nuclear world, or one that was devastated by pollution. The mass of humanity shares in the fruits of progress, while technological advances have neither choked in regulations nor devoured their creators. Resources are not running out, and fewer people spend their lives suffering the privations of sickness or hunger than in the 20th century. Still, the world of 2108 is no utopia. Far too many of Earth's species became extinct and global warming has begun. Access to space has opened up new resources and opportunities, but created conflicts over who will use them and for what. Wearable or implanted computers, augmented reality, virtual telepresence, and artificial intelligence have given everyone their own set of personal aids and banished concepts such as "office" and "school". Meanwhile, privacy is very difficult on a crowded Earth where every glance from a passer-by means being scanned by digital video and profiled by inquisitive data-mining software. Then, while in the richest parts of the world people can afford longevity and genetic enhancements, in the less fortunate regions computer implants and infomorphs monitor and control the citizens.

Humanity: In 2001, cloning a human was a scandal, sex change operations were still controversial, and for many people the idea of prenatal genetic engineering to prevent disease in children was a blasphemy. One century later, hundreds of modified human germlines and dozens of parahuman species exist. There are engineered beasts with the knowledge of good and evil, not to mention voices and opposable thumbs. One may clone a dead spouse, grow a dog that talks, or arrange for his child to be born with a strong tendency toward beauty, mental stability, and mathematical aptitude. Then, there are offworld "black clinics" where one could have build a custom bioroid sex-toy, or give birth to a baby dragon. On Earth, the tide of public opinion about the more extreme genetic engineering ebbs and flows between revulsion, indignation, fascination, and tolerance.

Technological Level: Robotic and computer technology have reached high levels of development. Droids and robots of all sorts are equipped with AI Artificial Intelligence and can often perform as well as humans. The latter live in Augmented Reality, where computers and networks continually provide individuals with almost any requested information (unless it is restricted info), wherever they may be, except far away in space. It often takes the form of a virtual overlay of data display and digital mapping on either glasses or lenses, and sometimes directly reaches to brain through the use of implanted chips. Nanotechnology is also everywhere, with swarms of microscopic robots performing various functions, are overseen by pinhead-sized microcomputers running simple programs modeled on insect behavior patterns. Space travel is also well developed. Spaceships use fusion drives (using helium-3 extracted from Luna or gas-mined on Saturn), and can reach Mars in a matter of days/weeks or Jupiter in a matter of weeks/months. What doesn't exist yet, and is not seen to be developed in the near future, is Faster Than Light travel and artificial gravity / anti-gravity.

Earth's Nations: The political map of 2108 is not dissimilar to that of 2001. The nation-state remains the basic political unit, and there is no world government. Most governments are representative democracies, though sometimes in name only. Five major nations / regional alliances dominate Earth: China, USA, Europe, the Pacific Rim Alliance, and the Transpacific Socialist Alliance. China is in fact the most powerful single nation-state on the planet. It has the world's largest economy, one of the largest populations (1.48 billion), and a mature fourth wave technology (i.e.: Tech level 6) that boasts some of the world's finest genetic engineers. China possesses a large colony on Mars and smaller colonies elsewhere in the system. USA and Europe come second, but are wealthy fifth wave technology societies (i.e.: Tech level 7).


Colonization of Space: Humanity has begun the colonization of the Solar System. First, there are 400 manned space stations of all sizes orbiting Earth, the greatest of which is China's Taiko Station spaceport (picture above), in high Earth orbit. It has a transient population of 30,000 and is a first stop for many would-be Mars travelers. Then, there are bases on Mercury, Venus, Luna (Earth's moon), Jupiter's and Saturn's moons, as well as on several asteroids of the Main Belt. Mars is being terraformed, having now a denser atmosphere, water, plus a specific biosphere engineered to help further terraform the planet. Mars has a population of 2.5 millions of people. The largest political entity is China's Mars Province, universally known by its nickname "Rust china." The second largest colony is the United States' Martian Commonwealth, with a status similar to that of Puerto Rico at the end of the 20th century. The two are longtime rivals, with some tensions. Some Americans are jealous of China's superior position on Mars; some Chinese fear the United States plot to weaken Rust China. Each side has sizable military garrisons, and espionage is common. Then, other smaller colonies dot Mars.

Aliens: In 2108, Humanity still has to make first contact with extra-terrestrial intelligent species. Despite rumors and urban legends, no aliens have been encountered yet.


First Post
Christopher Lambert said:
In Transhuman space, have they located life on Mars? I mean things like some greenish looking bacterial slime rather than intelligent life.

No, there was absolutely no native life on Mars. But with terraforming, all sorts of basic plants and small animal life have been specifically created (genetic engineering) to help bring life to the cold barren planet.

The only planet to have a native life is Europa, one of the moons of jupiter. However, this is but microbial life which thrives in the thermal vents of Europa.


Europa is the 6th moon of Jupiter. It is slightly smaller than Luna (Earth's moon), has a rocky core entirely covered by a salt water ocean 60 miles deep upon which is a crust of ice 6 to 10 miles thick. This ocean is warmed by tidal heating. That is, Europa's orbit around Jupiter creates stresses that flex the moon's core, causing hydrothermal vents to open in the ocean floor. These "hot smokers" create conditions where extraterrestrial life has evolved: the vents are fiery geysers surrounded by bacteria-encrusted rocks.

Life on Europa consists of two basic ecologies: cold-loving psychrophiles in the oceans, and various thermophiles near the volcanic vents.

There are three bases tunneled deep into the ice of Europa. The Genesis Station is a Green Duncanite colony that is seeding Europa with hybrid terrestrial life forms modified to survive in the vents environment. However, another base belongs to a private astrobiology research foundation, the Europa Defense Force, a radical preservationist group. The EDF has imported armed mini-subs and bioroids soldiers, and has begun a program aimed at eradicating the Genesis lifeforms. Of course, Genesis is now importing its own defenses, and the "war under the ice" may escalate...

Caine Freerover

First Post
I have compiled a crew list with short summaries of personnel key skills and abilities. Does anyone have any comments on how the crew is coming together? We seem to have all the bases covered, but I find it unusual that the SIA has placed such a strong emphasis on exotic scientific expertise for this mission. I wonder if they anticipate the involvement of some splinter group with specialized technology of their own?

I can't find any information on nanotech in the SRD. What do John's enhancements do?

I'm pleased to note that a number of people have cybernetic enhancements for me to repair. If anyone anticipates the need for an upgrade, inform the SIA procurement department and I can perform the surgery en route. As I understand it, time is of the essence.



Major John Tobermory: Mission Commander.
Charismatic/Dedicated/Field Officer
Leadership, diplomacy, Spaceship operation, zero-g training.
Nano augmentation: soul link, chatter, prophecy

Agent Vincent Collins: SIA Investigator.
Investigate, Stealth, Negotiations, Psi abilities.
Cyberware (skill plexus)


Liam Forbes: Chief Engineer.
Tough/Space Monkey
Craft, Repair, Spaceship operation, zero-g training

HAR-Vee: autonomous repair biodroid.
Craft, Repair, Disable Device, Search; Darkvision and ability to
ignore many environmental hazards.


Dr. Caine Freerover: CMO/Robotics Engineer, USA Mars colonist.
Treat Injury, Surgeon, Life Sciences, Technology, Linguist
Cyberware (skill plexus, data archive, cell phone)

Conrad Hart: Planetary Scientist
Smart/Dedicated/Field Scientist
Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Research; Demolitions, Investigate.

Christopher Lambert: Xenobiologist
Behavioral and Life Sciences, plus a wide array of lesser skills.
Has an uplifted cat.


Corporal Kecia Tavernier: SIA military operative.
Strong/Helix Warrior
Demolitions, Stealth, extensive firearms training and darkvision.
Cyberware: body armor, feat implant, cell phone

Corporal Brendan Radley: SIA military operative
Demolitions, Stealth, Acrobatics, zero-g training.
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First Post
John Tobermory said:
Please note the special requests under equipment. I'd also like to request Chatter Augmentation for the entire crew.
I think it's feasible, but so far, ahem :heh: I don't find where this equipment is described in d20 Future... Nonetheless complete list of equipment will posted later today (RL is calling me on duty right now).

Caine Freerover said:
I find it unusual that the SIA has placed such a strong emphasis on exotic scientific expertise for this mission. I wonder if they anticipate the involvement of some splinter group with specialized technology of their own?
Excellent question that you may ask General Robert Henwalis HERE!


First Post
Craft Cybernetics is a Feat and not a skill. I plucked it from the Future SRD by mistake. I have deleted this skill and used the ranks to bump up Bluff instead. Since I don't want to alter his feats.

I've made these changes to the signature character link below.

Caine Freerover

First Post
Kecia Tavernier said:
It's in the scientific engineering section on page 96 to 97.

I just took a look. Some of them are pretty attractive, but there are no cost guidelines. Does this mean that they're available only at DM discretion?


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