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[d20 Modern / 4CtF] Windy City Mutants: Genesis [PG-17]


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This is the IC thread for the Windy City Mutants game. Please do not post here if you are not a player. We greatly appreciate your comments though, which you can leave in the OOC thread. You can take a look at the characters here.

Players, please check in the OOC thread before posting here for the first time. Thank you. :)
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A Guide to Windy City

If there is a true crossroads to the nation, then Windy City is it. Located centrally in the northern Midwest, the city is not only a nexus of major highways, but is also a railroad hub and home to the world’s largest airport, serving both domestic and international destinations.

Windy City has large populations of Irish and Eastern European heritage dating back from its earliest days. The African population increased steadily in the years just prior to and following the Civil War, and is perhaps now even more significant than the earlier ethnic majorities. Other groups are in the minority, though they are visibly present. Overall there is much less ethnic tension in Windy City than other communities – here strife is based on class separations instead. Still, there is little violence (relatively speaking) and Windy City is one of the most friendly cities in the nation.

The north side and Lyondale are where most of the old wealth lives.

The south side and Calumet Park are the poorest neighborhoods.

The west side begins as poor to middle class, and generally gets more wealthy the farther west you go. Oak Grove is a very wealthy suburb that’s not too far from the city.

Downtown is built from many blocks of skyscrapers, apartments, and various businesses and shops. The whole area seems to go on and on, almost like it could go on forever, a whole city unto its own. One could walk through here seemingly for days. The Loop, an elevated train, circles around and through downtown, with ground-level spurs to all the outlying areas.


Soldier Field: This Greco-roman style oval coliseum is the home of the Windy City Grizzlies (football) and the Sting (soccer). It is located a little ways south of downtown (not quite into the south side though).

Chicago Stadium: The west side home of the Windy City Buffaloes (basketball), and the Arrows (hockey).

Comiskey Park: Not too far from Soldier Field, this baseball stadium is the home of the Clovers.

The Rosemont Horizon: A ways west from the airport, into the suburbs, this smaller indoor facility sees high profile basketball and soccer games from the area’s high school and private youth teams. It also hosts concerts and special events, and sometimes Sting games when they have a conflict with the Grizzlies.

O’brien Airport: The world’s largest airport, serving both domestic and international destinations, O’brien is a sprawling complex of terminals, concourses, runways, hangars, warehouses, and more. A miniature city unto itself, complete with shops, restaurants, hotels, and an interstate spur to handle all the traffic.

Schaumfield Tower: The country’s tallest building, and the world’s second tallest. This black skyscraper dominates the city, home to businesses, shops, and tourist attractions.

The Magnificent Mile: A ‘mile’ of Michigan avenue in downtown is home to upscale stores and shops of spectacular proportion and wares. This is one of the huge tourist attractions of the city.

Woodberg Mall: A shopping center among the country’s largest, located in the western suburbs. The surrounding area is full of satellite strip upon single store, along with a few small towers of cube farms.

Navy Pier: A small, upscale shopping center located on a man-made peninsula on the downtown lakefront. Various parks line the area from here to the Museum of Natural History, from the north to the south end of downtown.

Museums: Art – downtown; Science & Industry – south side, near Soldier Field; Natural History, Planetarium, and Aquarium – downtown lakefront

Public High Schools: in the city, North High, West High, and South High; the suburbs have Lyons High in Lyondale, Lincoln High in Oak Grove, and Kaufmann High in Calumet Park

Private High Schools: Barrington Academy in Lyondale, St. Catherine’s in the west side

Universities: Evanston University in Lyondale, Windy City University along the south side lakefront, a branch of University of Illinois just south-west of downtown, and Windy Community College in the west side.

Fermilab: Another largest for the nation, and second largest in the world, Fermilab is a laboratory and particle accelerator. Besides their studies, the distinctive inverted-Y tower hosts lectures, concerts, and other cultural events.

Houseton Street Station: A firehouse on the west side close to downtown, serving both firemen and EMTs. This is an old, stone building, built during the reconstruction of Windy City after a great fire destroyed essentially the entire community in 1871. Houseton Street often goes to calls all over the city due to their central location.

Hospitals: Norris Hospital in Oak Grove; Chicago Memorial in the north side; Washington Medical Center in the south side; Pulaski Hospital in the west side


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The year is 2005.

It is Monday, January 31st. Recent snowfalls, though not breaking the records set in the blizzard of ’78, have topped five feet, delaying the start of the University semesters to today. The area High schools only started last week, two weeks late, and today the second week of school begins.

Almost two weeks ago the new President, Victor Harrison – a democrat – took office. He was elected as a representative of the common citizen as a reaction after the previous President fought a year long war in the Middle East. Though it was successful, a previously ailing financial sector, and the fact that taxes were actually lowered during the war, has crushed the economy (though the rich did get richer). The problem has been further worsened by the nation’s new commitments to peacekeeping in the Middle East region, and the ongoing crusade against terrorism. Harrison’s platform of economic repair with results for the middle and lower classes won out by far.

And experts in Windy City forecast that Harrison’s election may spell problems for the city’s current mayor, William S. Springfield. This year is set to see the opening salvoes in what looks to be a hotly contested mayoral race that will actually be taking place next year. The south side of the city has been hit particularly bad by the nation’s economic woes, and much of west side is barely better off.

In sports news, the Buffaloes have had a huge start over the last couple months to their season. There are high hopes for a championship this year after their last one five years ago. The Grizzlies are also doing well, improving on their past performance, but it would be huge upset for them to even make it into the running for a shot at the finals. The Arrows, though, are not doing well, and they haven’t been for the last couple years. Interest in hockey games – at least Arrows games – is falling.

Daily life, aside from the difficulties of economy and weather, is more or less status quo for the city and its suburbs…


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Eyewitness News, 6am, 1-31-05

Monday, January 31st 2005

A jubilant fanfare with urgent and pressing undertones announces the start of the morning news. “Good Morning Windy City! Welcome to the Channel Two Eyewitness News at Six. I’m Carol Davis…” the slightly conservative looking African-american anchorwoman greets.

“…And I, as always, am John Morgan,” greets her cohost, a Caucasian man with silvering brown hair, and the fake joking tone common among many news anchors. “Our top story this morning is still the weather. With temperatures over the last few days dipping below zero, and into the negative teens and twenties with wind chill, the cold is posing a danger. An elderly woman was found dead last night in her apartment, apparently succumbing to severe hypothermia. That makes two cold-related deaths so far, along with last week’s three fatalities from snow-related traffic accidents.

“We at Channel Two send our heartfelt condolences to the family. If you or someone you know is without heat, the WCHA urges you to call their hotline at 312-555-HELP right away.” He turns his head to the side. “Carol?”

“A real tragedy,” the woman says solemnly, sharing a pitying look with her partner. “Thanks John.” She turns to face the camera. “In other news, the President is in Pittsburg today visiting a conference of the Steelworker’s Union. He’s expected to announce the formation of a new special Presidential committee on the economy. President Harrison will be continuing his tour of the country for the rest of the week, stopping here in Windy City on Friday and Saturday before he heads back to Washington on Sunday.” Carol pauses. “We’ll have more when we return, along with a closer look at the weather and the sports report, just in time to bring you up to speed for tonight’s Grizzlies game.”


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Monday, 6:01am
DuPries home, Oak Grove

Dawn was just breaking over the snow drenched landscape, though here in Oak Grove the streets were expertly plowed and the sidewalks neatly shoveled, when the upper floor of the spacious DuPries home exploded with the shrill call of Stacy and Lana's alarm clocks. The enormous house, built of tan bricks, sweeping windows, and vaulted ceilings, could have easily housed three times as many people - perhaps more. As it was, with just the twins, their parents and Ba, the place should have felt empty, but somehow they managed to fill up the three floors (plus basement) with all manner of things. Exercise equipment, computer rooms, studies, dens, two family rooms, a small dining room and a large formal one, even an extra kitchenette on the third floor, and plenty of roomy bathrooms (the master bathroom complete with a jacuzzi) ate space so quickly that the back room of the basement was filled with boxes of stuff that they had no room to keep out.

Even though Richard DuPries, the twins' father, having attained a spectacular success with his case last week and thus awarded this week off, had offered to drive the girls to school, it wasn't going to save them a whole lot of time. Getting ready, eating breakfast, and then the fifteen minute drive to school left little extra time before class would start at 7:45. The second week of the semester was not the best time to be late. Still, it was better than getting up at 5:30 to walk with Ba to the bus stop at 7:00.



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"Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow" the kitten clock cried trying to wake the girl. She had thought it was so cute and hadn't been able to pass it up. Now she wished she had, it was annoying as hell.

Stacy rubbed her blurry eyes trying in vain to get them to open. She gave a low whimper as she peeled back the covers knocking over the stuffed teddy bears her daddy had had been giving her the last 15 years. Blinking she picked up on stuffed animal, a unicorn that her boyfriend , Chris, had won for her at the fair last year on ther first date. She stroked its chin softly as she decided what to wear to school that day.

Well I want to look good for Chris, soo. I'll wear that skirt he likes soo much, and my white turtleneck, and of course some hose since its so cold. She thinks, gathering each of the pieces of clothing as she makes her way to her private bathroom.

As the first stream of water hits her, steaming from the chill air, she finally comes awake. Going through the motions she hurries through the shower, intent on not causing anyone problems by being late. She dried herself off with a soft white towel.

Reaching into her well organized cabinent she drew out her deodorant, tommy girl perfume, mouthwash and tooth paste applying each in turn as she dressed. The finishing touches were her cherry lip gloss, and her jade amulet that Ba had given her when she had turned 12. Reaching up behind her head she put her beautiful black hair into a pony tail.

Stacy made her way into the kitchen to find a bowl of Choco Pebbles, as with many things, they were just too good to resist. She takes her time over her cereal waiting for her father and her sister to arrive.

"Daddy, can we give Chris a ride too? I mean so he doesn't have to get his brother to drive him. Its not out of our way." She says hopefully, knowing her dad had known the boy for years and was the son of his best friend and neighbor.
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"Damn, F@*$," came the not quite so perfectly ladylike grumble from beneath a mound of blankets piled on blankets. A head poked out, identical the one that had just woke up to the cat alarm clock earlier. The shrill blasting of Lana DuPries alarm clock came to a crashing halt as she grabbed, yanked it out of the wall socket and tossed across the room into the trashcan.

"10 points for me," the teenager muttered grouchily as she unwilling pulled herself out of bed with a long langorous yawn. From across the hall she could hear her twin sister's alarm continue to 'meow' at her.

"One of these days I'd like to toss that alarm across the room," Lana muttered, puttering her way into her own private bathroom.

Whereas Stacy's room had a plethora of stuffed animals, Lana's room looked like something out of the latest sci-fi flick or literary journal. Movie posters, posters of her favorite scientists, odds and ends like various gadgets in different phases of completion littered her very messy room. Books on literature and poetry scattered in different piles. But there was method to that madness and Lana knew where every little piece of nonsensical item was.

Over in the corner of the bed where the Siamese cat that belonged to her grandmother but liked to sleep in her room, poked its head up from its curled up body. Bí Mật, vietnamese for "Secret", yawned its maw opened and followed Lana around as she went about her morning routine.

Black leather motorcycle jacket lined for warmth with grey cashmere, her black boots, slim antiqued jeans, and a funky artsy sweater completed her winter routine. She grabbed her thick red scarf, matching hat and leather gloves, stuffing them into her pocket. By the door, her bookbag awaited with all her goodies and especially her much beloved laptop and favorite poetry book of the day.

When Lana entered the kitchen, she noticed her sister begging her father to give Chris a ride to school. Rolling her eyes, Lana fixed herself a breakfast she much preferred over that sugary stuff. Steamed white rice, some pickled vegetables, some leftover grilled salmon, an onsen egg and a bowl of instant miso soup.

"Well if you're gonna let Chris ride with us, make sure he sits in front," Lana told her father, settling down for a nice warm breakfast. "Cuz I don't wanna listen to them cooing and kissing in the back." She made a face at her sister and grinned. "I wanna to be able to keep my breakfast down in the morning."
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Monday, 6:47am
Reynolds residence, Oak Grove

Lorenzo was awakened not by an alarm, but by the sing-song nagging call of "Lor-EN-zoooo! Time to get up!"

That was his mom, from downstairs, accompanied by the clinking of dishware and the beeping of the microwave. The Reynolds home was not quite so big as the DuPries, but they were still very well off themselves. Especially when you considered that property values were signifcantly higher here closer to the city.

The house was more than a hundred years old, beautifully worked in a Victorian style and renovated several times through its life to maintain its authenticity. Lorenzo's mom had snagged a phenomenal deal on the property, which included the lot next door, leaving them a bit of space on one side instead of having a neighbor within arm's reach. They'd put in a deck and a pool a couple years ago, which his little cousins from the north side loved.

Inside everything was dark and extravagant, with fantastic wooden engravings. Sprial staircases, little niche rooms, and even a 'secret' passage gave the house an interesting character, which was only enhanced by the work of the professional decorators Mrs. Reynolds had hired.

Lorenzo's room was on the second floor, just off a balcony hallway that overlooked the family room on the first floor, which the kitchen was just off of. There was a basement too, of course, and also a 3rd floor in a couple of spots, though the vaulted ceiling of the master bedroom took up most of what would have been the 3rd story.



I aim to misbehave
Monday, 6:47am
Reynolds residence, Oak Grove

“Yeah, ma! I’m up and moving!” a muffled baritone voice called from Lorenzo’s room. From beneath the quilts and blankets Lorenzo climbed down from his bed – a wide, tall feather bed with authentic 19th century stained oak. The bed was huge and was a dream to sleep in. The problem? It was almost too difficult to get out of it, as though the bed was sucking you back in. Back to sleep. Warm . . . ‘no, I’m getting up, its an important day.’

Lorenzo bounded out of the bed beating its hypnotic call and slid into his desk chair and opened the roll-top desk. A quick flip of the computer switch, and his connection whirred up. A couple quick steps brought him to his bathroom. Lights on, shower on, his day had officially begun. Thoughts traveled though his head as he stood in front of the mirror. ‘The date with Becca went well Saturday but she didn’t call on Sunday.’ Smooth, he figured she wouldn’t. Today though at school would be when he found out officially how things went – assuming there was no e-mail from her.

Lorenzo showered and dressed for school in jeans, hiking boots, and a somewhat thin pullover sweater. Hair properly tousled, bright blue eyes, a fit frame which was still hanging on to the tan from a summer on the beach. Had to be part of his Spanish heritage shining through – just a touch though.

A check of the homepage du jour brought him news, sports, weather, a check on his stocks (good), . . . and no pertinent e-mail. Undaunted, Lorenzo fed the fish in his aquarium, killed the rest of the lights and grabbed his cell and pager. Knowing better than to turn them on before he had his breakfast with his mom (she hated interruptions), Lorenzo slid down the rail of the stairs to the bottom floor for breakfast with mom before driving to school.


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Monday, 7:00 am
DuPries home, Oak Grove
Kitchen Table

Stacy blushes crimson at her sister's teasing. "I'm sorry." she says softly, responding from habit, not that an apology would make her sister happy, it might even make her mad. She just didn't know how her sister would react.

"I'm Sorry." she repeated not for the first time wishing she wasn't so thin skinned. I wish could be more like her. She doesn't get upset when people tease her. I know she really didn't mean it, but.... I geuss I am just too nice. She thinks to herself with a sigh.

"Can we dad? He is just next door." she says trying to put it out of her mind, but she still looks slightly sullen and upset. "I promise not to kiss him if it makes you uncomfortable Lana." she says trying to please her twin. She gives her father her most charming smile trying to win him over.
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