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D20 Modern in 2007?

Kheti sa-Menik

First Post
So, it's 2007. I don't see any new releases listed for D20 Modern. Has WOTC abandoned this line? Are they not supporting a flagship product?

I had a sinking feeling when no WOTC employee would even discuss D20 Modern at Gencon '06. I thought we'd get one or two products before they let it die.

Anyone heard anything?

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Kheti sa-Menik

First Post
I'm talking about official material by WOTC. I don't certainly discount 3rd party material. You know that, c'mon, who pimps Blood and Vigilance every chance he gets? (In case you don't remember me, I'm the guy who's traded posts with you on Blood and Vigilance support and Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel material for D20 Modern/B&V)

But I fear the very fine work you do is an exception not the rule to third party D20 Modern publishers. There's a goodly amount of crap out there.

But what I was talking about was D20 Modern material right from the main publisher. I think it's a shame that one of the best games out there isn't being supported by the company that created it. I think WOTC is doing a major disservice to the people that want a continued, supported D20 Modern and show that loyalty with their wallets..when a book comes out, we buy it. Quality, timely supplements from WOTC would continue to enhance a line that has diehard proponents.


I remember you :)

Just making the point that the game isn't going anywhere. Maybe it didnt need to be made, but I always make it compulsively when I see a post like yours.


Because the big difference between d20M and other great systems like Alternity (heck, like OD&D) is that now the fans actually get to decide when a system is played out, not some suit with an accountant buzzing in his ear.

I agree that more WOTC would always be good though.


First Post
I thought it was pretty much decided by the masses that as far as WotC is concerned D20 Modern is dead...

If we see anything else for it, it may be a couple of 1-off stand-alone releases sort of like what was done in the last days of Alternity. Single complete game books with no support implied or granted. Though I'd be lightly surprised at even that.

And no offence to 3rd parties, but I don't think it will sustain it for that long - very few new players are going to be coming in once it's OOP, I know the SRD is there, and I know another company could reprint the rules (or has Mongoose done this already?) - but it then loses its association with D&D - which was the really big selling point of D20 Modern.


Ya know, I'm a big fan of d20 Modern - heck I try to run a chatroom to discuss it. But I think it's lost it's luster. It never was, and never will be D&D, the big behemoth of sales for WotC/Hasbro. And with lackluster perfomances like d20 Past, I'm sure they see that demand is not meeting their sales numbers.

But, I'm ok with it going away. The publishers do a great job supporting it, and they will right up until WotC officially cancels it. However, the great part of the underlying d20 system movement is that plenty of third parties are stepping up with alternate systems based on the d20 model that we all know and love. Even if d20 modern is cancelled, I would expect to see more support for things such as True20 and/or M&M and the like.

I, for one, would like to see more modern True20 products right now instead of waiting for later.


It appears WotC has put d20 Modern on a long hiatus, if it hasn't pulled the plug completely.

But believe me, I would love to be proven wrong. :)

Thank goodness for the third party publishers who have stated they will continue to support the game. It's interesting to note that this may be the first time in RPG history that a game will continue to see viable, profitable professional publishing support after the game was cancelled because of the OGL and PDF publishing (which are less expensive to produce than a print run). I think it is only a matter of time before one of these third party publishers puts out a full OGL, non-d20 license modern core rulebook using the modern SRD, complete with level advancement and how to accumulate and apply XP.



Kheti sa-Menik said:
Are they not supporting a flagship product?
Not to stir the pot or anything but: Was d20M ever a flagship product?

Anyway... given that there has been no definitive word from WotC as to an official cancellation of the d20M line, I would not be surprised to see a revised core book at some point, and then further reliance on d20 publishers for support. I'd much prefer to see what little development resources d20M probably gets dedicated to continued, thoughtful improvement of the core than chasing splat after splat. Third-party publishers like RPGObjects simply do a better job in that realm.

What would be nice to see is a d20M-based minis line, a la DDM and SWminis. Something like that could justify d20M's continued existence at WotC.


First Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the gigantic failure that was d20 Modern still outselling most roleplaying games out there?

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