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D20 Modern in 2007?


solkan_uk said:
And no offence to 3rd parties, but I don't think it will sustain it for that long - very few new players are going to be coming in once it's OOP, I know the SRD is there, and I know another company could reprint the rules (or has Mongoose done this already?) - but it then loses its association with D&D - which was the really big selling point of D20 Modern.

Yeah, I mean, OD&D, AD&D, 2nd Edition D&D and Alternity all died once they went out of print right?

The fact is, going out of print will not impact whether support for d20M continues.

The sales of those supporting products will.

In other words, the fans.

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jezter6 said:
Like I said, if it gets dropped, it gets dropped.
Perhaps, but I'm not ready to let d20 Modern go. If it has to go on hiatus like they did with Star Wars (which is coming back this May 2007), then I will await its return.

If there are no more d20 Modern books from WotC, it's going to be interesting to see if OGL support can keep a game going for 3rd party publishers, or not. This may be our first test case, and the results could even impact how many things WotC releases into the OGl in the future. Or... not.

I, at least, still have lots of modern ideas I want to write, and even some people interested in publishing them. I know lots of other people have their own plans for modern, as well.

And who knows? There was a time I would have said my best guess was that d20 Star Wars was dead, and it's coming back this year!


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jezter6 said:
All right...spill the beans. What do you have working up your sleeve?
The work is actually Urizen's, I just helped. But rumour is, the True20 Companion is currently in layout. It's substantial Modern chapter is... well, I'm happy with it.

Vigilance said:
Im working on a modern-ish True 20 book right now!
Whether it's a conversion of your previous work, or an original contribution to True20 Modern, I'm looking forward to whatever you put out for the system.


There's really nothing stopping a company from essentially duplicating d20M, right? They just can't use the d20 logo.


buzz said:
There's really nothing stopping a company from essentially duplicating d20M, right? They just can't use the d20 logo.

Sure. You can use everything in the SRD, add your own advancement, call it OGL Modern and basically reprint the core book, minus some of the goodies.

Most of the goodies can be replicated by other OGC from great books from RPGObjects, Grim Tales, and a number of other quality publishers.


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Roudi said:
The work is actually Urizen's, I just helped. But rumour is, the True20 Companion is currently in layout. It's substantial Modern chapter is... well, I'm happy with it.

Whether it's a conversion of your previous work, or an original contribution to True20 Modern, I'm looking forward to whatever you put out for the system.

Anything stamped with RPGObjects or Gallant logos are reason enough for me to crack open a piggy bank and part with some hard earned cred...

Keep up the good work guys! Until next time,
Make mine MODERN...


takyris said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the gigantic failure that was d20 Modern still outselling most roleplaying games out there?

Last time I did an Amazon sales ranking comparison (December), it was still in the top 10 core books.


Psion said:
Last time I did an Amazon sales ranking comparison (December), it was still in the top 10 core books.
I check the Amazon rankings almost weekly, and I have yet to see a week go by where there wasn't at least one WotC d20M book in the Gaming Top 100. E.g., right now, the d20M core book is at 51 (Amazon rank #15,950 in books), d20F is at 96 (rank #36,037).

Mind you, for d20M core, that's still 15,388 ranks behind the top-selling D&D book (currently Complete Scoundrel at #562).

Ergo, by the standards of any company other than WotC, d20M has done very well. However, we are talking about WotC, so they're going to gauge by their own standards. That said, I still think that d20M has done well enough, even in WotC terms, to justify a new book now and then. IMO, a revised d20M core book would be low-hanging fruit.

C. Baize

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It would depend on the nature and extent of the revisions, for me.
For instance... if they re-did damage reduction to be like D&D 3.5, I'd be all over it.
And if they used my revision to the autofire rules... I'd be all over it.

Other than that... it'd be a case by case basis.

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